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Posts posted by Fenrisyn

  1. Sorry, the "invulnerability with a damage cap" is a really poor euphemism for "add up to 1200 extra shields", which is not nearly comparable to full invulnerability. The duration is a lot less significant than the damage. A Rhino still has to make an effort to avoid damage at all times, while a Trinity can just pop Link and stand in one spot for the duration and not harm would come from it. I wouldn't mind so much if it was a DR mechanism, or even the damage cap you mentioned. But having "press 3 for 10 seconds of god mode" is out.

    I would say that highlighting that the support frame is more durable than the tank frame is a complaint that makes sense.


    You are exaggerating quite a bit. Press 3 for 10 seconds of God mode? That is hardly how Link works in this game, considering Trinity has no dps or CC abilities and thus going "Berserker mode" with Link is virtually the only way to keep up with DPS frames with powerful AoEs. For that matter, Rhino Stomp can stop incoming damage for 10 seconds as well, while ALSO stopping damage from being done to, say, a Cryopod or Rescuee. You are comparing defensive abilities on a Warframe that has a group dmg buff+20 meter unmodded AoE CC+taunt, to a Warframe that has 0 DPS (link does very trivial damage) and 0 CC abilities.


    You cannot have a fully dedicated support frame in a game designed for people to avoid taking damage. What point is there in playing a Warframe if all you do is stand around waiting for someone to screw up or do something stupid so you can feel useful for a few seconds?


    In an MMO, fully dedicated support characters work because if you stop doing your job, people die, the group wipes, and the encounter fails. In Warframe, it doesn't work that way - fulfilling a healer role relies on people being A) Lazy, B) Sloppy, C) underleveled and undergeared, or D) Noobs (aka all of the above).


    Since they can't make the game dependent on healers (because then you'd need a Trinity for every single mission) obviously Trinity needs to be a hybrid. Tanking gives Trinity utility during the majority of most missions when the group needs neither heals nor energy.


    It also makes Trinity less boring to play - because who wants to constantly be casting buffs and passive crap while your team mates are blowing stuff up and disintegrating enemies? "Support" in a multiplayer game should have just as much depth as a DPS role; it shouldn't be about doing secretarial work for the DPSers. That is what is known as a "healbot", and those are never fun to play.


  2. You take shield damage now while Link is active, even when it is connected to a target. Shields regenerate constantly while taking damage with Link, without the usual delay before regeneration starts. As far as I can tell, it still reflects damage to targets despite taking dmg. You don't take health damage even when the shields reach 0.


    Thought maybe it was a nerf to Link (though I didn't see it in any of the patch notes), but when the shields reach 0 it sounds like the sound effect from my Sentinel's Guardian ability is going off everytime I get hit.



  3. With the ridiculous respawn of mobs, every other time I try to duck behind something..... oh wait, mobs spawned behind me and I'm getting shot in the back. There goes my shield recovery!


    And then you got Corpus Techs... the only clue there's one in the room is its red suit... which is hard to see if there's a shield osprey near it. By the time you know there's one there, if it has 2+ seconds to start shooting.......you die 3 seconds later because they do simply RIDICULOUS damage.


    Scorpions. If they're standing behind other enemies and you don't see the b---- right away, she'll hook you and drag you. You're dead before you get to stand up, OR you're taking health damage and you're standing right beside several other grineer.... several feet away from the nearest object. You might get to cover, but then again if you do... you're missing half of your health and if that happens again, you ARE dead.


    This is a bit long but I'll address all your points...


    1) Respawn

    This is when "learning to trigger" shade comes in handy, see below.


    2) Trinity

    Out tanks both Frost and Rhino. If you can't tank with Trinity, the only Warframe that can outright tank Raptor without taking cover (behind crates or in a bubble), it is certainly not a fault with the Warframe. Link does not require Focus, which has no effect on Link - it simply requires an enemy to be within range for it to work.


    3) Focus

    I will agree the RNG in this game can suck, but if you've gone that long without getting focus, you are probably not farming the right missions. It drops most commonly from infested and can be easily obtained from Xini. You should have no trouble soloing Xini with Rhino as long as you have a good heavy melee weapon with a charge attack build. It is not hard to find groups for Xini anyhow and Snowglobe is not needed for it. Use the Links below...very useful for farming Focus (as well as Void keys, Multishot mods, Streamline, and Continuity).


    Defense Reward Loot tables: http://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1fwen5/defense_rewards_updated/

    Loot prediction tool: http://sunbla.de/Warframe/SedR/ (Wave 5 loot table at Xini shows that Focus only shares the possible rewards with 15 other things...by clicking on the reward you receive for wave 5, you can use this tool to see if Focus is even on the loot table for wave 10. I.e., sometimes it is better to just leave at wave 5)



    4) Ogris

    Nobody needs Ogris or any of the clan weapons to solo.


    Orthos, Boltor, Kunai, Strun, Vasto...all easily obtainable within the first 4 planets, and all perfectly viable for end game soloing. In fact, my main load out consists of Vasto, Orthos, and Hek; and I have no trouble soloing end game missions. The Strun isn't much worse than Hek - it just has a shorter range.


    Also, general soloists rule of thumb: aim for the head.



    5) Shade

    I have none of those problems you mentioned.


    I can tell you what you're doing wrong that is causing those problems though:


    -"Learn to trigger": In other words, charge towards an enemy with a slide to engage cloak. Then stay next to them to keep cloak engaged. Keep in mind that Ghost has a 10 second cooldown. Don't go charging in after it has just disengaged.

    - Turrets are actually a good thing...you can use turrets as a "safe spot".

    - Ghost has no duration. You can stay cloaked indefinitely if you want. Maxing its rank only increases its activation range, not its duration. You will remain cloaked as long as there is an enemy within range.

    -The reason why you are breaking cloak is because you are either getting out of range, or something (a pillar, crate, corner, etc.) is breaking line of sight. As long as there is ONE enemy within range, and line of sight, it will remain active.


    This is why I say "learn to trigger it at will", rather than relying on random activations. If you understand its simple mechanics you can use it as a survival tool rather than a random convenience that may or may not go off when you want it to.


    And lastly...

    -Remove Revenge from your Shade's load out. It will increase Ghost's reliability.  Revenge does lousy damage anyway.

    -Be sure that Ghost mod is installed in the TOP LEFT mod slot, so that it has precedence over all other abilities.

  4. ......Seriously.


    The more I think about how Challenge works in the game, the more I think about Offense vs Defense.


    I know they want a fast-paced game, but to be honest, I don't like how squishy you end up being in anything Lv40+. You can't take more than a couple hits before you're seeing red around the edges of the screen, and then you're dead two seconds later unless you either kill what is attacking you, or somehow find someplace they can't hurt you.


    Meanwhile, on the flipside, everybody is putting more focus on "MOAR DAMAGE!" on their weapons so that everything, including high-level enemies dies in a few hits (or in extreme scenarios, one-shot).


    Honestly, my opinion, I'd like to see the game gradually change where Tenno have more survivability, but less damage so we can stop with the ridiculous health and armor scaling on enemies, and allow us to actually survive solo without being Rhino (even Iron Skin doesn't stay up very long, and no Iron Skin means you die in 4 seconds instead of 3 in higher-level stuff).


    Not everybody is Frost or Rhino; everybody else dies in seconds.


    But with the ridiculous stacking of mods (especially since they added new nightmare mods that stack with old mods), the damage output of the Tenno are getting simply ridiculous. To counter this to keep the game "challenging", DE simply jacks the armor and health up on everything because they must, otherwise people one-shot everything.


    But, if Tenno did less damage, and if mobs did less damage, we could make the game harder in different ways without making you feel like a piece of wet paper that can just look at things and they die.


    People die in seconds? Are you running without Redirection? Because nothing in this game outside of Nightmare or high level Defense kills you that fast, unless you are not using cover. The levels are designed in such a way that there are ample opportunities to seek cover, if you play smart and don't go running into an area crowded with enemies without an escape plan.


    Trinity and Rhino, two of the tankiest warframes in the game, can be obtained on the first 2 planets. The hardest part are the Control Modules but Europa isn't difficult either. In fact, Mag and Loki can pretty much trivialize the Raptor fight without needing extensive modding, as long as Bullet Attractor or Invisibility are maxed out. No reason not to have Trinity or Rhino if you are that against being a "glass cannon".


    And even if you don't have those Warframes, soloing Exta with a decently modded (not even highly geared) Warframe with 5 pts in Redirection is really not much harder than it was soloing Tolstoj preU9 using your starter gear after just starting the game and not having many mods.


    Also there is Shade. Ghost will save you especially if you learn how to trigger it at will rather than having it go off randomly. Put a max Guardian mod in (not difficult to obtain nor max out) and it will effectively double your shields (i.e., if you have 500 shields you now have 1000).

  5. from what i know...only frost, frost prime and rhino are the only tanks in the game. embers not a tank.


    There´s no true tanking in Warframe. It is more a situational thing that certain warframes excel at.


    Protecting: Vauban and Frost. (good for protecting fragile objects or players from harm)


    Taunting: Loki, Saryn, and Rhino. (good for configuring the battlefield and diverting enemy attacks)


    Meatshield: Trinity (good for being the vanguard that absorbs stuns, knockdowns and disruptor attacks for the group)

  6. It does seem bugged. Was soloing a level 30 Nightmare Mode Everest:Earth, which was otherwise super easy since I was using my main Warframe (rank 30 Trinity + Reactor + 2 Formas).


    At some point I ended up getting knocked down by a Grineer Scorpion. Had full shields and plenty of health (this is with rank 10 Redirection and Rank 9 Vitality mind you). Nothing else was in the room, just the Scorpion, so I decided to cast Energy Vampire before dispatching the Scorpion. Big mistake.


    I didn´t see the exact damage numbers, but in the couple of seconds it took me to cast EV, the Scorpion killed me, through all 740 shields and 600+ health. Really just caught me completely by surprise, considering that nothing else in the level, including Vay Hek himself, did anywhere close to that amount of damage.



    I assumed it was simply a Nightmare Mode mechanic and moved on, except shortly after that Everest run with Trinity, I decided to solo Lith on Nightmare Mode using Frost. My Frost was only rank 16, and had less than 240 health. I got hit multiple times by Sawmen and Scorpions alike and never died. I mean I realize Frost has about 50% more health-damage reduction over Trinity, but even if melee were dealing 2x the damage, Trinity had 600+ health, and I am certain at one point I got hit at least 3 times in a row by 2 Scorpions that teamed up on me.


    Did all 15 waves with Frost up to (I think) lvl 40 enemies with no trouble despite being shield slammed by Shield Lancers, ground slammed by Heavy Gunners, and hit many times by Sawmen and Scorpions. The disparity doesn´t add up, so the damage definitely seems bugged in some way.


    Also, when using Link and allowing myself to be hit by lvl 30 Grineer Scorpions on Nightmare Everest, it reflected only 94 damage.

  7. It is a pain to have to keep selecting an item in order to purchase it.


    Instead we should have a system where you choose the item and select how many you would like to buy of it.


    Just a simple, select item x, purchase amount of item, Confirm.


    I agree.


    Also, we don't need a confirmation window for "Thank you for your purchase". That is just an extra click that needs to be made.


    The same effect could be accomplished by just having it flash as an unintrusive message on the screen, not pop up as a window that unnecessarily increases the number of clicks needed to restock. If it is needed for platinum purchase confirmation, make it apply to platinum purchases only.

  8. We should just have a "mod deck".


    The deck would be a secondary mod inventory containing your personal mod collection, separate from the regular pool of mods which contains all the random junk you've looted. You can create an additional button on the mod inventory window (next to Fusion, Sell, etc.) called "Send to Deck". And you can remove mods from the deck in the same manner with a "Send to Inventory" button.


    Every time you want to create a load out for a Weapon or Warframe, you could choose via toggle to draw from the regular mod inventory, or from your mod deck (so you don't have to sift through dozens of pages of empty mods just to find the one or two that you want).


    The deck would make it easier to switch mods around between different weapons/warframes. You could have an icon (perhaps a small image of the weapon or warframe) indicating that a mod is in use on another item, so that the player can see that they are removing it from that item when they attempt to equip the mod on a different item.


    Also, with all your fusioned mods kept in an isolated inventory, it would prevent the risk of accidentally using ranked up mods when attempting to fusion other mods.



    Having load outs saved per weapon/warframe/sentinel/etc. would work with the deck also, but there'd be issues if, say, Dethcube has Serration equipped, and I equip a rifle that has the same Serration mod saved in its loadout. Maybe just have it greyed out (inactive) so that the player can choose to remove it, replace it, or activate it (thus deactivating it from whatever it was currently equipped on).

  9. I feel that with the new helmets having "stat bonuses", there is a pressure to make each helmet have unique stats but this results in some helmets which end up with very questionable stats.


    For example, I really love the look of the new Trinity helm. Trinity seems sort of a shieldmaiden of Warframes, so the fact that the new Meridian helm looks almost like a Knight´s plate helmet with the visor is really appealing to me.


    The stats on it, however, are very undesireable. Every skill costs an extra 3-7 energy, hardly a worthwhile tradeoff for a negligible 15 shield capacity. The stats are even more counterintuitive when you consider that you are increasing the energy cost of all your abilities, the half of which aim to prevent damage to your shields in the first place.


    It may overall be a small negative for Trinity due to Energy Vamp, but from a min/max point of view, the penalty seems to far outweigh the benefit of using the helm. I.e., you are basically weakening your Warframe just to change the helmet skin. In the case of Meridian, my default helmet is actually better stat-wise by having no stats at all.


    There ought to be a swappable "mod" for helmets. The helmet would have its own mod slot, and the Warframe-specific, helmet-only mod would contain the "stat bonus" portion of the helmet, and would not affect your Warframe´s mod capacity in any way. This would allow you to swap in stats from a different helmet, or to just remove it all together. I would love, for example, to swap the bonus from my Aura helm into my Meridian helm.    


    In the long run it would make players less disappointed when new skins are released with stats that are worse than their old equipment, or worse yet, their default equipment. I mean I really love the look of the new Trinity helmet but I would rather it have no stats at all than something so counterintuitive to Trinity´s skillset.




    Tl;DR: Make helmets have their own mod slot which uses no mod capacity, containing a helmet-only mod with the "stat bonus" portion of the helmet that can be swapped or removed.

  10. I personally feel that stuns/knockdowns/movement impairment are bad ways to add difficulty to a game. It is what I would call "difficulty filler". GW2 is a good example of this being used in excess. It is as if they were trying to stop players from overpowering an otherwise 0 difficulty PvE by throwing a ridiculous number of stuns your way.


    Last night I got knocked down by an exploding Runner, and other Runners started exploding in just the right sequence of delays to keep me chain stunned for about 20 seconds straight. That is just way too excessive a time to have no control over your character -- literally 1/3 of a minute you are sitting there waiting for the game to become interactive and playable again. Any mechanic that could have achieved the same effect with a 20 second lag spike or the game hanging up for 20 seconds is not a sound way to increase difficulty.


    And I know it is easy to avoid knockdowns for the most part, but it shouldn´t keep you locked in that situation if you misstep or get caught off guard.


    Remember how challenging Mercury and Venus were when brand new to the game? (Players who had high level friends or did public co-op with high ranked players farming materials don´t count). End game difficulty should feel more like that. Conquering the first 2 planets with low ranked warframes, without highly fusioned mods, without Redirection, and a poorly modded MK-1 Braton that took multiple headshots just to kill a Grineer Lancer...was actually a very well balanced challenge level, and was far more difficult than the current end game. You had to be very conservative of your ammo (especially if you didnt know about ammo boxes), and you were always on your toes due to your fragility.


    It was challenging, without enemies feeling like bullet sponges, and it accomplished it without any stuns at all.


    Stun locks are cheap whether used by NPCs or Players, because it shuts out the player from actually playing. At the very least, add a short period of immunity, even a half a second, between stuns to give the player a chance to counter the situation.

  11. I don't get what is with these Trinity threads.


    First people say Link is inappropriate because it's not a "support" ability, as if anyone thinks it's fun to play a mindless one-dimensional healbot. Tanking is a form of support anyway, and it can be very useful for that purpose.


    Then people complain about how Trinity has no damage or crowd control and therefore is useless. Well, if you use Link properly, pairing it with a fast heavy 2h weapon like Reaper Prime, Hate, or Orthos, it's practically like a DPS ultimate because your charge attacks do not get interrupted, and a large group of enemies boosts Link's damage quite a bit. With Melee Channel (which gets charged up very quickly with Trinity) and a fully modded 200 charge damage melee weapon, you can 1 shot just about everything even in T3 void missions, minus the heavy units.


    Since you can tank with Link, you can keep a large group of enemies busy. And when they are attacking you, they are not attacking the group and bothering them with things like staggers and knockdowns.


    Aside from general tanking and group healing, a properly ranked and modded Trinity can make your beloved DPS ultimates cost negative energy (you actually gain energy back when using it). On top of that, with Blessing the group can play more boldly and be more aggressive with their dps


    There's nothing wrong with Trinity. I think the main problem is that people aren't as familiar with defensive style gameplay, because it's not as straightforward as offense.


  12. It seems the game should allow active players (players who contributed to the mission completion) to rejoin a group that they've been disconnected from if the objective is complete. I can see the point in preventing new players from joining once the objective is complete, but it shouldn't block a player that has significantly participated in the mission from rejoining.


    For example, some friends and I were doing Tower 3 extermination missions and all was going well til our last key, when the game disconnected them literally the moment the last enemy died. They could not be reinvited even though they had been through the entire mission with me from start to last enemy killed, costing them the reward and mods, despite having invested time in the entire mission.


    Another issue arises in Defense missions. If players get disconnected in a private Defense mission it might leave the group unbalanced or undermanned midwave, with players unable to rejoin the mission if it is anywhere passed wave 5.



    At least in private games, it would be nice if the "objective complete" lockouts distinguished between new players and active players who got disconnected.

  13. I was thinking about an ability for the support/healer Trinity Warframe, it could involve the ability to revive people who are knocked down, but not dead, and at the cost of having a VERY small hitpoint recovery upon revival (1 or 10 points was what I was thinking) Feel free to tell me what you think, I was playing along with my party and thought of this, thanks


    We pretty much already get this with Link + Revive, or Blessing + Revive. Ideally no more than 1 person should be down but otherwise with multiple people down you must triage or, if there is time to revive only one, do the grim task all healers must ultimately undertake, which is decide who is weakest, let the weak die to revive the strong to increase the chances of mission success.

  14. That's my idea on how to kick her out of the tank role back into the support role, anyone else have any ideas?


    So tired of hearing the "Trinity is support not a tank" debate. There's nothing fun about playing a healbot in a game where 95% of the time people don't even need heals. Survivability is an ability that grants an otherwise very low dps frame with no crowd control abilities a way to contribute to the group's progression during the majority of the mission when no one needs healing. Think of Trinity like a Shieldmaiden. She's a warrior first but she´s still got a motherly side.


    Trinity tanks with Link, not Blessing, anyway, as Blessing does not stop you from getting staggered or knocked down. Also, I would even argue that it is riskier tanking with Link/Blessing rather than taking cover and fighting ranged style, simply because Trinity is so squishy it doesn´t take anything higher level than a group of level 50 Corpus to burn you down if you´re caught in heavy gunfire without Link, especially now that Railgun MOAs can keep you in a near perpetual knock down even when Blessing is up, so you have to be constantly counting the seconds down on the buff, because if you die, no one is going to (or is able to) revive you.


    I´m not saying it´s hard to pull off, but still your timing has to be flawless, and you assume the risks of dying in a place where no one is going to revive you. It´s not like the DPS equivalent - charging in and obliterating the entire group of enemies that you otherwise would tank, using their DPS ultimate - is really any less "demigod" like.


    As for Energy Vampire, with a maxed out EV, Streamline, and Focus, you were able to gain energy back through the whole mission on non-boss mobs even before the recast time removal. The change just means that it is more viable as a support skill, and less annoying when people snipe your EV targets.


    The one thing I will agree upon is that sometimes I do feel that Blessing granting the whole group invulnerability is a bit much.


    But otherwise I don´t feel like missions (other than Defense where every bit of health lost is permanent without a healer) are any easier with Trinity than with any other Warframe. At the end of the day, Linking up and tanking a group of Infested takes longer than casting something like Miasma or World on Fire and destroying them instantly.  The only difference might be in really high level Defense where those DPS ultimates don´t scale, but then again invuln doesn´t really help protect the cryopod there either.

  15. Why does the most defensive Warframe in the game not have this?

    The new change to IS is literally meaningless, It does NOTHING.

    The argument seems to be "at high levels, Rhino can exploit timing and pattern weaknesses to kill bosses or survive heavy assaults by ignoring damage behavior".

    Umm, isn't that the entire point of having the Rhino in the game in the first place?

    Secondly how is that ANY different from going invisible with Ash or Loki or going super poison/DoT with Saryn/Ember or using Link with Trinity to manhandle bosses solo ANYWAY.


    Because Rhino isn't actually the most defensive character in the game. He is a mix of defense, offense, and crowd control.


    He deals AoE damage and CC, has a pretty substantial group dmg buff, in addition to having damage absorption. Granted, I agree that Rhino should get a more scalable version of Iron Skin, but with 3 of 4 of his abilities being offense oriented, you are incorrect in thinking he is the most defensive warframe in the game.


    That title would go to the Shieldmaiden of Warframes (aka Trinity). Unlike Rhino, Trinity has pretty much 0 offensive capabilities, and absolutely no crowd control. Link does pretty trivial damage (nothing my Hek couldn't accomplish in 1 or 2 shots). So obviously, Trinity is the most defense-specialized warframe. It would make sense that the warframe that specializes in survival has the most survivability.


    I think Rhino's Iron Skin should scale better with higher end content, but Trinity is the survival specialist. If you're willing to give up Rhino Charge, Rhino Stomp, and Roar for non-damage/non-CC abilities to keep yourself and your group alive instead of dealing damage or CC, then Rhino would be full on defensive.

  16. Hey guys,


    It seems you´ve actually made Nova the perfect name for this Warframe.


    I´m no physicist, but after doing some searching, it seems a Nova is a type of explosion that occurs when a white dwarf star pulls gases from a nearby star and then ignites those gases in a massive nuclear fusion explosion.


    But you see, the name for this type of nuclear explosion has nothing to do with nuclear fusion, or gases, or explosions. In fact, nova is not even a root word but an inflected form of the Latin word Novus, meaning "new", and the term Nova is short for "stella nova", or "new star", because back in the day astronomers did not have powerful enough equipment to see the dim star before the Nova lit it up, leading them to believe it was a new star.

    So this misleading etymology of unrelated terms becomes a very valid reference to the Design Council´s futile obsession with semantics, which makes Nova the perfect name for this warframe...

  17. why do that when you can cast blessing and share it with your team

    link is a selfish power it isnt your job to tank its your job to be a healer I already been overthis in past posts trinity is said by DE themselfs to not be like the other frames

    she isnt ment to beable to do everything in the world she is only ment to do 1 job support healing/buffing not instant godmode tank with long &#! wind up heal

    the only reason her heals suck and take to long to use is to balance out for link if link was not there the heals could be instant


    think of it like this

    well of life is weak

    energy vamp is meh at best cuz of its situationalness its nice but its no radial blind

    to make up for these 2 bad skills they have link a god mode skill with instant cast

    then they where like oh... we need an aoe heal but healing is not worht the 100 energy lets give it invincability... but wait link is such a good skill we gada nerf this somehow okay lets give it a long cast time


    If the first 2 skills where less situational she would not need link to survive she could jsut cast her 1st and heal herself and if link was not so good she could panic mode and cast her alt and healherself but since its windup is so great to balance it out you die before it can cast

    if blessing did not have that wind up time you would not need link


    They could nerf blessing and remove the healing from it then replace link with all the heal blessing used to have and it would make more sence for her job



    Yes you seem to reiterate your point quite a bit, yet no one is buying it. It might come as a shocker, but you might consider the possibility that your point may very well be invalid.


    You say Link is selfish, and maybe from your playstyle it might seem that way, but from my point of view it is not. I use it ALL the time to support my group. Trinity is support, and taking damage and stuns that would otherwise be directed at party members IS supporting the group. Holding enemies at bay so they don´t overwhelm defenders is supporting the group. Think of it as preventative healing.


    Blocking Disruptors´ shield/energy sap, taking knockbacks from Heavy Gunners, etc. All these things support your team mates. Doing this does not hinder my ability to heal the group with Blessing, but it DOES mean that I am contributing to mission progress and not slowing it down with unnecessary idle time when heals are not critical.


    As powerful as Blessing is, it baffles me why you would think Trinity needs more heals, when in 95% of the game right now, heals are not even a necessity to completion. The only exceptions are high level Defense missions and carrying underranked warframes through high level planets. With Blessing you can shield your allies and heal them. Well of Life, for what it´s worth, is another heal. Then you have energy vamp on top of that. If they gave you even more ways to buff your group it would be absolute overkill.


    If Blessing didn´t have a long cast time it would be OP. Part of being a healer in any game is knowing how to cast pre-emptively to compensate for cast times. If her heals, Blessing most of all, were instant it would trivialize the game.


    Also, if you find Energy Vamp is situational, you are not modding it nor using it correctly, especially since they buffed both it and Streamline this last hotfix. With Focus and Streamline I can gain positive returns on energy even on level 1 enemies on Terminus, but you need to use a heavy hitting weapon to make it work. I don´t need to wait for a boss or go to a high level planet to use it. Using the appropriate mods and weapons (always carry at least one heavy hitter) means that I can support the group by keeping Energy Vamp going and keep my team mates full of Energy throughout the entire mission. Situational? Not one bit.


    They don´t need to change anything. Trinity is fine. The only thing I actually agree upon is that Well of Life has no real use at higher levels due to its overlap with Blessing.

  18. in most game im often in suport role but with trinity a feel useless.

    let me explain.

    1- well of life is useless, the AI die too fast i doesn't even have time to cast it, unless its on  a boss.

    2- energy vampire, again a boss skill and most peoples dont even notice they gaining energy.

    3- link...   "greneers, KILL HIM!!?? errrm wait nevermind run away and hide"

    4- blessing, well this one is good no complain about.



    1- a sheld booster instead of life because its already in skill 4

    2- should be AOE fast skill so everyone can get some energy whatever ther target are.

    3- sort of reflect mechanics whatever the enemy source came from ?


    this wont make the trinity OP but more usefull.


    4-I agree Blessing is fine.


    3-This really shouldn´t be a problem unless you´re taking cover while Link is active, or you are fighting a Commander (they tend to be flighty). Link does trivial damage for its cost anyway, which makes sense as Trinity is at the far end of the defensive spectrum, with no real offensive abilities whatsoever (unlike Frost and Rhino which have a little bit of offense, CC, and defense, making them more "tank" and less "support"). Link is more useful for transferring CC (Shield Lancer bash, Roller stagger, Ancient knockdown, etc.) to a target rather than damage, again with the defensive vs offensive role. Only thing I wish was that if Grineer Scorpions tried to grapple me while Link was active, they get pulled towards me. That would make retaliation against their nuisance sweeter.


    2-Energy Vamp is fine. The situational-ness can be solved by using the proper mods and weapons.


    1-This one I agree with. WoL is really not useful at rank 30. As it is, it´s only good for topping off health, and even then, if you have to cast it more than twice you might as well just use Blessing.


    Possible suggestions:


    1) Have a 2 mode version: Mode 1 (ally targeted) Costs no energy; cast on an ally to transfer X amount of your health to heal that ally Y amount (based on focus and Fusion level), Mode 2 (enemy targeted) cast on an enemy to initiate WoL in its current form so you can recover your health.


    2) Capitalize on the fact that most Trinity players like it for the defensive playstyle (I would hope that a more DPS oriented healer is left for a future warframe, rather than changing Trinity's playstyle), and make it so that X amount of damage done to you while Link is active or to your shields is transferred to the team member with the lowest health. Its target selection would be similar to Link: if that player's health is no longer the lowest, it switches to the next lowest, and so on, until everyone and their Sentinels' health pools are full.


    3) An alternative form of #2, which would probably be less boring, again capitalizing on Trinity's defensive/tanky playstyle: it infuses your melee weapon with a buff that steals life from whatever it deals damage to, transferring x% of the melee damage (modified by the abillity´s Fusion Level) to the teammate with the lowest health, switching teammates as appropriate until the ability's duration is up or it has reached its max heal limit.


    Care would have to be taken with how the max heal limit is calculated so that overhealing caused by hard hitting weapons like the Scindo or Orthos doesn´t take from the maximum heal amount while others still need healing, otherwise Trinity players will be limited in what weapons are viable. Alternatively it could just apply a limit per target (similar to how WoL works now).

  19. I think 3 is to selfish of a move for trinity and 2 is not really a good moving thru maps skill and yes blessing is very strong and has a painful wind up

    its like if the snipetron did 1000 damage sure great damage but painful reload

    What, Link?


    How is a tanking ability selfish? I mean you might argue that Trinity is a support Warframe but tanking IS supporting the group.


    If you use it to rez a downed ally where DPS warframes cannot reach due to heavy enemy fire, saving an otherwise doomed team mate from having to lose one of their daily revives, or worse yet, abandon the team is certainly not a selfish use of Link at all. Or how about when a Disruptor appears out of nowhere and gets a jump on the group? You Link up and draw its attention so that it doesn´t go after them and drain their energy.


    In Defense Missions, you can use it to hold enemies at a choke point or take hits that would otherwise hit the object being defended. On missions such as Defense where getting overwhelmed can spell mission failure, since Trinity has no "battlefield equalizers" (like Crush, Snowglobe, Slash and Dash, Rhino Stomp, World on Fire, etc.), doing this is far more useful than simply standing back with your comparatively low dps, and waiting for people to take damage or waiting for an energy orb shortage so you can "help" them. And none of this stops you from using Energy Vamp or Blessing at any point in time so you are not endangering the group by doing this, only supporting it.


    Nothing selfish about Link except the way you use it.

  20. I fully agree with the OP.


    The game already lends itself to the idea that Warframes are armors rather than characters, as some enemies (like the Stalker) call you by your name, and others (like Sgt. Nef Anyo) clearly refer to the Warframe´s name as a suit while calling you by your name when taunting.


    And to be honest, I feel that it is much more effective that way, because it draws you in and makes you feel like a part of the story rather than like you´re reading dialogue from a book.


    For example, when I fight Councilor Vay Hek and he says that my name is on his hitlist, it is immediately interesting, given his political history of taking out prominent targets. Or when the Stalker calls me by my name and says I´ve been sentenced to death for past assassination targets I´ve taken out. It is a nice immersion feature that draws you in, because it is as if they are talking to you directly, and not to a character.


    I thought that the fact that all of the Warframes are faceless was a nice touch - that way you have a tendency to project yourself into it.  Personally, from a storytelling standpoint, I think it is much more engaging to make it conducive to allowing the players to project themselves unto the Warframes they play (as the game has been) rather than tryign to work a huge roster of meagerly fleshed out protagonists into the storyline. If you have too many protagonists with leaflet backstories, it would start to feel more like the storyline of Soul Calibur or Mortal Kombat.

  21. I didn't express myself proper sorry. In a game every bug must be solved. What I wanted to say is that I have played trinity for 2 months and trust me, I use link at every second and I have never had this bug. I thing they will give priority to other stuff rather thant this but it deffenitly must be solved.


    For example when trinity's link, linked you with your sentinel... they fixed it pretty fast. It was and obvious thing and pretty easy to solve. Just had to add some lines of code. This is not that easy to solve, you dont know how to create the bug neither they do... It will take a lot of time to see what causes it.



    No worries.


    It is actually probably not that difficult to recreate this bug, as it seems to happen under pretty specific circumstances, but it may not happen all the time. It generally happens most often when Link is used while surrounded by a large swarm of Infested + Ancients (enough that it is filling up the whole screen), and you use Link, and attempt to melee kill them.


    Infested Defense missions are a good place to witness this bug, but it must be 2 people or solo only. Any more than that and the enemies will die too quickly or be too spread out for it to occur. The key to triggering it seems to be large swarm + Link + melee attacks.

  22. This may be something that just happens to you. Trinity has been my main warframe for about 1-2 months and it has NEVER happened to me somehting like that.


    Just because it has never happened to you does not mean that it does not exist.


    It is a bug with the capacity to not only affect inventory items (which I assume are stored server side), but also disfigure my character model. And the disfigurement (beheading) appears on all my team mates´ screens as well, not just mine. So it is very, VERY unlikely that this bug can "just happen to me", as it appears more to be a hardcoded game glitch.


    It does not happen frequently - out of about 400 missions I´ve done with Trinity - it has happened maybe 3 or 4 times.


    I am reporting details of the bug so that developers might be able to track it down. If they don't look for it, they won´t find it, but anything that results in loss of items is pretty serious and therefore should not go unmentioned.




    As for the one who mentioned the EE.log, I have not done that yet...will try to remember to send it next time it happens.

  23. I posted a similar bug report before, but I am fairly sure now that it is being caused by Link. I'm not sure the exact trigger, but every time it happens it is when I get swarmed and overrun by enemies while Link (Trinity) is active.


    If I get swarmed by a bunch of enemies - say, infested (it almost always seems to happen when there are Ancients, though I think it can happen with Grineer as well) - and I use Link and start meleeing, several disasterous things happen when everything settles down:


    1) My head completely disappears (quite literally, it is gone completely and I am walking around headless)

    2) My torso is frozen in the last animation before the bug occured and/or is repeating that animation over and over again

    3) ALL of my abilities, attacks, and UI functions are completely unresponsive

    4) I cannot pick up any items whatsoever - mods, ammo, orbs, etc.

    5) Mission cannot be completed, as nothing happens when I enter the extraction area. The only way to finish the mission once this bug hits, is by having a team mate enter the extraction area and waiting for the timer to count down, or having a team mate(s) finish off a defense mission and clicking Claim & Exit.


    If you have a friend/teammate complete the mission after the bug has been triggered, even more bizarre things happen:


    1) You gain no bonus affinity (in fact, the entire area where the bonus affinity is displayed after a mission is completely blank)

    2) I don't think (not 100% sure) you get any credits either, but oddly the mods you picked up before the bug still show (can't confirm whether they are actually kept).


    And perhaps the most serious part of this bug...

    1) If you complete the mission successfully (by having a teammate complete the mission), you lose ALL the equipped items in your active inventory (Q) except your ciphers. Every time I have completed a mission after the bug, my entire active inventory was wiped out except for my ciphers.

    2) If you close the game and restart (thus forfeiting the mission), the inventory items seem to be unaffected. (have only tried once, so can't be 100% sure this works all the time)

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