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(XBOX)General Tawe

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Posts posted by (XBOX)General Tawe

  1. I know for sentinals we all have the mod called vacuum, but for pets no mod exists yet that will sweep up all loot within a certain range amount. So my idea for the pets is to make a mod similar to Vacuum but just as effective as the mod itself. The mod should be called Fetch and what it would do is all pets will pick up all loot within a certain range and return the loot to their owners and all loot pick up from your pets will be automatically put into your inventory for your Warframe in any mission. Also make the mod on a low drop ratio, that way everyone can farm for it. I do know we have a Kubrrow that does this but unfortunately it does not happen to much and its not very effective. I also think with this mod sentinals and pets will have more balanced approach to all players for for selecting missions in game.

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