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Posts posted by Zeralit

  1. Upon entering PoE/Fortuna and going back inside the hub, on the way in, the game keeps loading but never gets anywhere.

    I am forced to Alt F4 whenever this happens, unless a host migration occurs (if playing online; it happens when I play solo too).

    It only happens after already gaving gone through the gate/elevator once.

    Choosing PoE/Vallis on the star chart and then going back to the hub works fine, but trying to go back out again triggers the bug.

    It started happening about 4 days ago or so, and worked fine before then. I've tried verifying cache, optimizing the cache and even reinstalling the game.

    Anybody else getting this problem?

    *edit 1* Seems I am unable to leave to Fortuna through the "abort mission" button too. 







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