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Posts posted by Kahl175

  1. Starting a plague star bounty from an outpost could have been a great feature... If only it was working for everyone. If you have a little bit more ping than usual (around 100-150ms) when someone starts the bounty, you have a chance that the current bounty progress will not be shown. At first, I thought that it's not really an issue since it's not really needed for this bounty. But after putting all consumables (I heard the sound, and an ally told me we were at 4/4 on both) I didn't get any bonus standing from the last part of the bounty. I only got 475 standing instead of 2475, while the host got 2475.

    This bug only occurs for clients after starting from an outpost, it never happened when we started from Cetus.

    I am currently at 18 000 lost standing. It's the same amount as 6 full runs, that makes an hour of farming lost. Doesn't sound fair after waiting for so long for this event to come back...

  2. This is called "spin to win", press crouch while running to perform a slide, then press E for a melee attack. Spam this. This is spin to win, the way to clear a room faster than explosive weapons. (It requires a specific mod tho, Maiming Strike (or a riven mod with crit hit on slide) to make this "combo" really strong)

  3. Harry Potter, is that you under the stairs?

    Joke aside, it happens quite a lot as long as you do a finisher on stairs or on an enemy with a wall on its back. I got myself trapped like this a few times while playing Ash. I even managed to get stuck on a turret "hole" on a kuva fortress survival, it was really fun. At least I couldn't be killed \o/

  4. Il y a 2 heures, Luciole77 a dit :

    I've seen the  supra Vandal and the Vulkar Wraith twice in less than 6 months. And I think I'll see tomorrow again the viper wraith or quanta vandal .... there are only these weapons in his arsenal?

    Supra Vandal made its first appearance on April, 20th. Not sure how you were able to see it twice...

  5. il y a une heure, S4lF a dit :

    What if the guy didn't realise what was happening, I can see him reviving you  and asking what's going on... But you never clearly tell what's the problem, you just keep complaining..

    I've been this guy once ... my first rad mission with mesa, my teamates kept falling as I was using her 4th and I just thought they had weak frames or sth.. 

    It could have lasted the whole game if one of them hadn't told me that rad was making me doing this to them..... I felt so dumb and sorry :S

    I felt I had to give my 2 cents and make you reconsider it, isn't it possible the same exact thing happened during this game? 

    Also, naming and shaming... ;)

    We can see that the guy is mastery 25. Not sure if you can say that he doesn't know what he is doing.

  6. il y a une heure, Ryunokage a dit :

    Doesn't look intentional. He's using an atlas and looking at the footage the fellow's using the path of statues augment. I find it hard to believe he's intentionally trying to grief, given that each of the times you got killed or petrified occured when the other player was either attacking a group of infested, or using his 4th ability, which procs an AoE petrify. 

    It looks to me like he's acting without regard for you, rather then being actively malicious. its not like he's running around with a sniper rifle and intentionally sniping you the moment you get a rad proc after all.

    Its certainly less of a hassle then having to put up with a wof ember on one of these missions.

    If it wasn't intentionnal, he wouldn't be like "wtf why are you looking like stone". Look at the chat.

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