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Posts posted by (XBOX)GlobePanda40520

  1. Maybe we console player is not really worth DE attention, this game is more geared towards Pc and us console player, We are just an extra. So we'll always have to wait month for any new content and play with bug several month because there are no hotfix for us .Every time we talk about this, Pc player always say ( Console player won't have to deal with bug), but Game have bugs, that's how it is. It's not a reason for us console player to always have any new content late. Right now, all my hype for POE already gone and it's really frustrating.

  2. I have an acer PC, but for some reason, I can't run Warframe on it. I can't even do the intro because of the Big Lagg and I did everything in the setup menu to improvise the game, but it did not work.

    Is my pc not powerful enough or something else.

    This is my spec:

    Processor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU J2900 @ GHz

    RAM: 8.00Go

    Entel HD graphics

    Windows 8.1 64bit.

    Think you for you help.

  3. It's been almost a year since I started playing Waframe on Xbox one. At first the game was so much fun that I didn’t care about update and new thing that been added to the game. But lately, It's feel like I've always been late at the experience this game have to offer and when a new thing come out, due to the delay for console, make my hype for those update vanish and feel like... With the Plain coming out next week, when I see Noooovember for console, I really regret that I started playing the game on a wrong platform. Because new thing is fun when you experience it fresh, there is no spoilers and the hype for discover them first is super great. It's not that I blaming DE for the delay, But if there a way can we move our account from one platform to another, please tell me.

  4. Dear Lotus,

    What have you done to my Boltace Telos???

    You just take away my pleasure to cut enemy at range with some violent spinning attack.

    Please guys, tell me what do you think of the new "Fake" Boltage telos.

     A Maxim from the Arbiters of Hexis.


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