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Posts posted by 3ntropy

  1. Kind of like the clones idea myself.  I'm picturing the Ash drawing his melee weapon and disappearing with some particle effects to imply dashing away, camera staying in place, all marked enemies stop moving as a translucent copy of Ash appears in a variety of poses over each one in sequence, then Ash reappearing and sheathing his weapon as all the clones attack simultaneously.  3-4 seconds start to finish.

  2. So with Bladestorm reportedly being reworked to be closer to the E3 trailer, I thought I'd offer a suggestion:


    Rather than force the actual player model all over the board and have to deal with all the bugginess, why not spawn a bunch of afterimage clones on the targeted enemies and stealth the real Ash?  Think realistically colored Loki Decoys that pop up in nifty poses and execute several mobs while the Ash runs around stealthed doing the same.  Could optionally enable stealth kills for the Ash during that time to give some animation variety, and potentially let enemies be struck multiple times if there aren't enough targets so it's worth the energy to use on bosses.


    Whatever ends up happening, I think sexier animations are pretty key to the spell not being rubbish.  It's decently strong (if buggy) now but looks rather janky.

  3. Reworking multishot to have a cooldown between guaranteed procs would balance it across all fire rates. Alternately the proc chance could have a modifier inversely proportional to the base magazine size of the weapon, i.e. there are ~X number of multishot rounds in the magazine.

  4. I have been using a level 30 latron and a level 30 lex. (together side by side at same time for about 3 days now)

    The lex definitely outshines it. I feel if the reload speed/ clip size of the latron wasn't so attrocious it could stand up dps wise.

    When fighting super low level mobs and your gun kills them in 1 bullet - the latron is clearly superior because of its clip size... but for fights more matched to your rank - it really hurts. 6 shots to kill a single mob is too much for a semi auto gun ESPECIALLY when the clip size is 15 =.=. The lex just seems to do it faster.

    I am glad its no longer the pea shooter it used to be. But you just gave everyone in the game a pistol with better stats than the latron. Lato vandal might do less damage per shot - but the clip size is identical, accuracy is just as strong, and it reloads 3x faster. DPS wise - it clearly outshines the latron. And thats just not good :\

    On that note - i finally built a hex - haven't even gotten to use it but it sounds like it got a nerf lol Dx oi </3

    The Latron works best if you aim for the head, which fits with its marksman role nicely. I actually switched to it right after the patch because it performs so well without mods. The crit chance increase should be a solid buff, since crit stacks so well with headshotting.

  5. Funny thing because the dev's stated that it's just a visual thing and you can't click the item and get it ^^

    I have more catalysts and reactors than I know what to do with thanks to clicking on them at login. If the devs stated it's not possible then there's a significant bug still allowing it.

    Edit: click the image when it's fully lit, not fading in or out. ezpz

  6. Making weapons less accurate really isn't a welcome change. As it is, there are no mods to help increase accuracy, and decrease recoil, so these kinds of changes are just universally bad.

    I respectfully disagree. Bringing accuracy of certain weapons in line with the rest is a good balance fix. Weapons with pinpoint accuracy from the hip entirely negate aim-down-sights as a feature. In some cases, Burstron for example, increasing the recoil still resulted in a direct buff because of how much more predictable the recoil became.

  7. I appreciate you guys taking care to address the front loaded bugs really quickly. It shows a lot of respect to us players as actual beta testers by giving realistic access to the content you just put out without having to deal with bugs introduced by minor errors in the patch material. Cheers

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