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Posts posted by Blurpbees

  1. Bit of a spoiler, if you have not done Second Dream/War Within/The Sacrifice or have unlocked the codex entries to learn Ordis's backstory there are spoilers ahead:

    One thing that I would love to see and talk about, Ordis taking control of your Warframe when you use Transference. 

    Since Umbra dropped I have been bothered by how cool it is that he can walk around on his own, however, sorry but he is a bit squishy using him solo, I have modded him (I have good mods, primed, umbra and corrupted galore) but even still blind is what saves me from dying half the time. So when I use a different frame, like my main Nehza, I find myself missing that extra backup. Now, Ordis said his dream was to fight side by side with the operator as hinted in Octavia's quest. Why can he not take control of your warframe when you switch to operator? Do you know how cool that would be to have Ordis join you in battle? How cool it would be not to have your warframe just standing there looking at the enemy? Ordis came from Ordan Karris, a highly skilled merc who took out Orokins for crying out loud. I know I know, he realized his love for us and wanted to put that past behind him but come on, I would LOVE to have my favorite Cephalon join me in battle when I need to use my operator. He really cares about the operator so I think it would also be touching if he could join them. He could even act as a companion, when ya use the operator he can make quips about the surrounding area, talk about enemies, talk about the mission.

    The warframes we use aside Umbra are copies of their originals from what I gathered from The Sacrifice, unless it is the other way around and they are actually people turned into warframes but I like the copy idea because then we can have more Umbra quests, each one telling the origin story of the person behind the warframe and how they came to be, that would add A LOT of story. I love story in games. So it's not that far fetched if they are just puppets/empty metal husks/armor for the operator. If they are that for the operator, then Ordis should be able to hop in.

    I know some people do not like hearing Ordis, but he is honestly my favorite character in this game, I absolutely love him. He's funny, he's been trying to help you from the beginning, he sees you as his own and tries to keep you safe. Heck that whole 'puppy eyes' "please" scene from The Sacrifice killed me because I felt bad that Ordis was like "Omg please do not put some weird relic into my sh- never mind sure, who am I to say no, oh no... welp I knew this would happen." I enjoy his dialog and honestly would love to see more with him, maybe have him floating around the ship, or turn the operators transference room into his own room like Suda has, you can talk with him, he can give tips, maybe have a training room. He can make comments on how many things you have in the orbiter, about any pets you have. I want to see more for Ordis because honestly, relationship ended with space mom, Ordis is now my space mom...er dad. 

    But yeah, I would just love to see more from him, I do not find him annoying or hate him in any way, I wold love to hear more about his past, maybe even have him have his past come back and we have to save him from himself or something and that unlocks him as either a companion or a warframe (which uh, seems like they wanted to do that but idk just a theory). Heck you could have it where we do that quest to save him from himself, it adds more character development for him AND after he is now able to take control of your frames when you use transference and join you.

    Also since the last update idk what happened, but Ordis has been quiet, he doesn't talk unless provoked and I dunno what happened, I hope they did not cut him back because people found him annoying because he fills the silence in the Orbiter and I enjoy his quips during missions. Maybe it's just a bug on my end but he hasn't made idle chatter. Thank you for coming to my TED talk, please feel free to add input or discuss this, maybe ya have your own ideas on how this could go, but I for one would love to see this or something alike it for Ordis.

  2. One thing I love from other games is, I can select a weapon I want to use, and have it LOOK like a weapon I enjoy the look of. I use Sibear because I got a sweet rivan that boosts it's crit chance +300% and it currently has the highest crit chance out of any of my melees (rip my Gram Prime I fell in love with) however, the Sibear looks like a sucker, or rock candy that I am swinging around. I love the look of swords, but the raw power of that hammer has me having to use it. It clashes with the look of my frames.

    Can we have it so we can select a weapon skin (that you own of course or maybe you unlocked and maxed out and the game rewards that by having it as a skin) and have the weapon we are using look like that skin? I know it's a bit far fetched, but I think it would open up much more user customization. I mean tbh the look of our frames is just a fashion gimmick that makes the player happy, I do not see why we cannot have that, because a player can hover over your name and see what weapon you are using, not having to actually see what it looks like.

    "But what about the combo/style of the weapon swinging around?" We can have it where, if you select a sword skin over a hammer, it acts like a sword, keeping the damage and mods you have on your hammer, just with the look and movement of the sword.

    Again I know it's far fetched, I still haven't thought through how it would work 100% but it can be open for discussion, maybe figure a way to make it work.

    Assassin's Creed and Monster Hunter (with armor for MHW) allows ya to select cover skins for items.

  3. On 2019-05-28 at 12:14 AM, Lutesque said:

    Uhm.... you have a perfectly good Berserker mod just sitting there... why are you using Fury instead ?

    Anyway if you want Crits that Badly then remove one of your Elements...

    My first picture is my crit build lmao the second is not

  4. 1 minute ago, rapt0rman said:

    Most people pass up Blood Rush + True (or Sacrificial) Steel, but I love it. Gram Prime with BR and Sac Steel starts red critting at 1.5x multiplier

    Yeah! It's always fun seeing the combo and speed pick up for this sword and watching it slice through enemies like butter lol

  5. 4 minutes ago, (XB1)VaricBreem said:

    use blood rush over true steel... always imo..

    and drop one ele mod for drifting contact.... you will get way more output

    That's true, especially with an ele build. I add both blood rush and true steel for that double smack of crit

  6. 1 minute ago, SortaRandom said:

    Porque no los dos?

    Try taking your first build, but swapping out:
    - Body Count with Drifting Contact (you're going to want those Slash procs)
    - Gladiator Might with either Primed Fever Strike or a 60%/60% elemental of your choice (or, hell, Weeping Wounds if you really like Slash procs)

    Mn why not both indeed.I'll have to give that a try! Thank you

  7. 1 minute ago, seprent said:

    this is personal bias but id say crit since racking up combo with tempo royale is really easy with the block combo and you see the colors change decently fast 

    on a side note you are as orange as a pumpkin on Halloween night 

    Yeah that's what I found, never played elemental so I didn't know it's worth.

    As for my colors haha I am called Marz for a reason!

  8. Hey guys, could use a bit of help.

    I have Gram Prime (I also have Jat Kusar but I like the feel of a sword vs. a whip) with the following mods:


    Which has been doing well in my experience which is amateur at best.

    However I was messing around with an elemental build and saw how much damage can be stacked:


    I wanna add that Blood Rush on there but do not have enough space and would have to forma this thing again. Was wondering if it would be worth it (I would replace fury with it). I know crit damage is amazing but was wondering is the elemental build would stack up with it with that damage.

    Thank for any advice in advance!

    (Fixed image not loading)

  9. It's easy to make screenshots and pretty fun too, I love the new effects as well. I have played with Chroma since he dropped and finally I have a good wallpaper for my pc of my favorite Warframe wanted to share it here. (Also, wanna say I really love how Chroma Prime was laid out, I had to forma Chroma almost nine times... his prime version I think I only had to do it five times)

    Elite Honor Guard of Ancient Mars, lord of ruin, in the end only Chroma will remain.


  10. Idk if DE will see this, but the ARG has really brought out a lotta toxicity. A bunch of people tweeted those ads unsourced including myself, we didn't know they had to be from the person who took it including the location cause DE didn't make qny note of that so people were confused and rushed to get those ads out cause we were excited. Umong the comments I got was some saying "You didn't put any work in, only these well known people and groups did regardless of what you say." Which really hurts, it hurts cause you talked with people you spent time looking for clues and running missions that lead to nothing and being excited only for someone to point out that your input doesn't matter because you're a nobody compaired to people who are popular and in big groups. I have been playing this game since 2014. I played Dark Sector I was so excited when Warframe was out of closed beta cause I was a young teen when people could pay to be a founder and I didn't have money. So when it was in open beta my boyfriend qnd I jumped onto that. I lost my old account due to forgetting log in info and he suggested we start over since we never bought anything, so in 2015 we did and sure I played on and off due to being in High School and college after but this game has always been on my mind with how far it has come. I have over 1000 hours clocked on steam from my old account + this new account I have had for three years. I never paid attention to reaching MR or being part of a big group, my boyfriend and I have our own clan and our own friend group. Hell I just recently made us a clan logo and a good clan name that will be added in when Fortuna drops and I am excited. I spend my time in game helping friends and new players because I get enjoyment from helping people experience how amazing this game is and the story and lore behind it. For people to harass me and tell me I am nothing just because I am not part of some big group, that me adding in clues and getting just as excited and frustrated as everyone else boils my blood. Not just me either, A LOT of people helped. It wasn't just these big groups or popular people, it was a collection of people who helped. Hell half of us already knew it had something to do with "Profit" when we just though it was four ads we needed to find. 


    I hope if DE wants to do this again they have more info such that would help not leave us in the dark and playing guessing games as to what we need to do with info. Sure we figured it out but there was so much hostility and frustration going on for something that was supposed to be fun coming from a lotta people including myself.


    As well as people thinking "If you're not part of this group I don't even care." It wasn't just a big popular group solving these puzzles. It was the community. We all lift together, or at least that's what I thought. 


    I responded in a bad way and I apologize, but that's because I was being harassed by so many people, if you also got harrased I feel ya and I am sorry, but remember the small bunch of people acting like that doesn't equal how the community is as a whole. I wanted to be left alone but people continued to try and get on my case about photos and things said, if someone says "I'm dropping it, stop talking about it." You have to stop, if you continue that's harassment. The person gets it and wants to be left alone, there is no petty last words or anything, just drop it. 


    Now I am worried about my account being banned for how I acted in my defense cause people are still acting petty over a video game and I can only imagine they are going to report me. My aggression came from me wanting to be left alone, I had that right to voice that though I could have been more civil. But outside this ARG I am not that way. Hell two people I met through this event bullied a new player because the new player had no idea we were trying to look for clues. They just thought, "Cool a squad! High MR too they can help me!" I told them that's not how we treat new people. Seeing that along with other toxicity including the toxicity from me has left me with a bitter feeling.  


    I don't think i'm going up participate in events like this in the future and just stick with what I've been doing, having fun with friends and enjoying this game as it continues to grow. Hope all enjoy Fortuna as much as I will.  

  11. Just now, DjAirsurfer said:

    i agree. just chill out?? its ONE tiny little step that requires people to actually go outside. that's not BAD. there's a lot of people that can't participate in this irl egg hunt, so what? no need to be angry and bleeding out your ass like one irl focused step of an ARG ruined your entire life. You can still interact by trying to figure out what the letters add up to anyway. It's also barely been a day, and you're acting like we've had to sit and wait for nothing for weeks. complaining about it aint gonna make things go faster

    Haha, again I am not "bleeding out my ass" me voicing my opinion doesn't mean I am upset frustrated yes because this hasn't been going on for a day, this has been going on for almost two weeks if you have been around since then. Now with the IRL bit it feels like all that time is like running into a brick wall. I ain't that mad over a video game, I am frustrated which I have a right to be over a frustrating situation that many others are also feeling. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, electric4pie said:

    Because of real world limitations ARG's can't always be perfect. The Ads were placed in heavily populated area's and DE knows they have players in those areas. it's just the timing of when we figuring out the locations was late and if DE is closed on sundays we just have to wait but if we can get all the pictures we'll be finished when they come back

    That's the problem, there is no communication because people who live there are obv not onto this event like we are here. Plus why be closed when you know you have an event going on? Why not plan ahead so you have a team who can be there or online at least during the weekend in case people find clues? I don't care about the reward, I just want this event to come to a close haha, and with this wall it's like all those days of solving stuff has just came full stop, that's why it is irritating. 

  13. 1 minute ago, Gerdaro said:

    dude, ffs, just calm the fck down.

    Me voicing my opinion doesn't mean I am upset, irritated yes but I am calm. I can voice my opinion on something that many who have been at this for a while now also can agree with ya'know.  

  14. Again just gunna voice my opinion, I'm all for ARG but having something were thousands have to rely on someone going somewhere IRL to take a crystal clear picture tweet it with it's location (which most people didn't do cause they don't know the rules since DE is the worst at giving them), and now we have so many new pictures and they are not online??? Like those tweets and all these messages are gunna flood and sink into the depths they will have to comb through to see if we found the answers. They are holding an event ffs I would be online the second I could to comb through what people found so I can see how hard they have worked. There is no "Check back Monday!" on this nonsense, it's an event going on right now. Like???

    We had to solve codes, metadata, morse, figure out what the hell the morse code was for, oh it's locations? What's at that location? Graffiti? A sign? No, it's ads that not everyone can just go to and take a picture and not everyone knows a friend in New York to say "Ey Paul, go to the park and take a picture of this here ad." 

    But now there is this wall, we don't have answers, DE isn't responding and we have no way of getting someone to take a picture of those ads in NYC unless someone can get a hold of someone and have them do it. Now we're all just sitting here waiting for answers. It's really irritating.

  15. THIS DUDE FOUND TE LAST TWO BUT HE DOESN'T KNOW TO PUT THE LOCATION HAAHA Please help me inform him, DE probs didn't count his tweets cause he didn't add the location he found them in, let him know it has to be the exact location!! We got em! DrIA5S-WwAIip3O.jpg:thumbDrH4_9KWoAE3QQO.jpg:thumb


    His twitter 


  16. Just now, MrMroczneMleczko said:

    The only suspicious thing i found on stofler is one of the walls being alittle big higher that you can see outside the map, not fully tho. I forgot how to send screenshots, anybody help? XD

    You take the pic ya wanna upload and post it to imgur, then you right click and hit "Open image in new tab" then you copy the link at the top, then you come here, start a reply and select insert other media, media from URL then paste the URL in there and hit okay and it will add the image.

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