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Posts posted by CopperTalon

  1. 6 minutes ago, ShichiseitenYasha said:

    To OP, so the only reason you want an Umbral mod for companions is so that you companion stops dying in content that it's hardly meant to be in, anyway. My Kavat simply doesn't die as much, but if it did we have Warframe that grant immunity to damage as well as a Focus Tree that can also do the same thing. 

    I fail to see how a Kavat is "hardly meant to be in" an Eidolon Hunt when they add a huge amount to our DPS with crit-chance buffs. A lot of people use them for this reason. It's not just my Kavat that dies often, it's any other teammates as well. They're not modded poorly either. I don't understand why I'm getting all this flak for a simple suggestion that is just QOL.

  2. 5 minutes ago, GinKenshin said:

    If you’ve followed the lore behind umbra, followed what the devs said and use a bit of common sense, you’ll know nothing of this sort is gonna happen 


      And why are ‘theories’ being considered now? This isn’t even a theory, just a guess

    It's kind of folly to assume DE will not add anything just because they said they wouldn't. We know this because they said they would never add Umbra Forma. Now look where we are.

  3. 1 minute ago, (PS4)LeBlingKing69 said:

    Well, there's nothing saying that Umbra Forma is limited to just Warframes. I'm sure you can use that on your cat once it's available through Nightwave.

    This is already known. Reading the description on the Umbra Forma from the Nightwave rewards specifically says you can apply it to a Warframe, Weapon, or Companion.

    This was the reason for my post. Based on what is currently in the game, there is absolutely no reason for us to want to apply an Umbra Forma to a Companion. This is why there has been some theorizing in the community as to a potential Umbra Companion in the future, but I have not seen anyone suggest a Companion Umbra Mod, so I figured I would bring it up here.

  4. Due to the fact that we can now apply an Umbra Polarity to our companions, there is a lot of theorizing about a potential Umbra companion coming out, but for now I can only think of 1 important thing. I personally use my Smeeta Kavat in every mission, including Eidolon Hunts. But in those hunts, she goes down very frequently to the Eidolon's attacks, to the point that players begin to stop reviving her and other companions in the instance in order to continue pumping out more damage.

    What I ask is for one or more Umbra mods for our companions, specifically similar to the Umbra Warframe mods that add Tau resistance. Even if it came with a downside of doing less damage, having a Kavat with resistance to Eidolon attacks would be so helpful and very appreciated.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this, and have a wonderful day!

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