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Posts posted by Solarboy_Luis

  1. 11 minutes ago, (PS4)AyinDygra said:

    This topic may have been a simple founder's request using their foundership for the "reason it should be done", while highlighting the benefits to all prime owners in the future, but it has brought to light a lore/terminology question that has gameplay ramifications - which is why I think the topic has been allowed to continue (there is an actual topic worthy of discussion there).

    I'd like to think DE learned from their first "exclusive" mistake in the original founders packs, that they wouldn't repeat it with the chinaframe founders packs in the same way, creating a double problem with releasing actual functional frames (not just cosmetics).

    Lore stuff in spoilers:

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    DE had a "Prime opportunity" here to fix that rift, by giving all players access to the Umbra variant of the Excalibur Prime... thus, making Umbras a variant of primes, so, simply not called primes for a lore reason (to get around any legalities with chinafram) - but given their passive, and the new passive that makes Umbras special.  Excalibur Prime would have been the only frame they needed to give away for free through the introductory quest that showed us Umbras, but the rest could be modifications of Prime blueprints that we gather like normal primes... or modifications to the completed frames even, so people who buy Prime Access still have an advantage in creating an Umbra of that frame... and a reason to buy future PA packages, not invalidating the Prime line, for the Umbra line.

    Lorewise, they could have been explained like they were the shadows of the primes, only used for Black Ops missions or secret missions for Ballas, or simply being the result of the "forced" warframe conversions that needed considerably more work to create the Prime versions of later, whereas the frames without Umbra versions, with only white primes can be explained to have been volunteers that didn't resist, and never created an Umbra version.

    (or Umbra was just a special strain that was designed by Ballas to help him wipe out the Sentients once they had fulfilled their usefulness to him - and he kept them secret and hidden away from everyone.)


    By removing the "Prime" passive of energy from death orbs, and saying Umbras aren't Primes, they've ALMOST lost this Prime Opportunity (it's soon to slip into the vault if they don't act fast to "explain" what's going on here.)


    If Umbras are not Primes, then, logically, to me, they shouldn't be able to use Prime skins/accessories - according to how the game has worked up to this point with other cosmetics and this difference between frames. Doesn't matter how much people would like that customization option for any Prime/non-prime combination - even Founders with their fancy exclusive Excalibur Prime cosmetics shouldn't get their Prime stuff usable on Umbras, sorry.




    I think Lorewise we don't really have enough information on what exactly is a Prime warframe. All we know is that they were made in the Orokin era but what really are they? We're they frames made to be guards or formal occasion suits? We have too little information on what exactly separates a prime from its normal counterpart other than the bling, better stats and orb energy interaction.

  2. 1 hour ago, -SDM-NerevarCM said:

    And later DE said that Warframe is just a spritual sucessor to Dark Sector and the only connections are easter eggs and cosmetics. Dark Sector's story is not linked to Warframe.

    I never said Dark Sector was Warframe's sequel, since the stories can't be connected after the huge gap in the timeline. But they have said that Dark Sector is 4-5/10 canon. It would be nice though if someone also linked to where they actually say that it's fully non-canon.

    Also another link to a post by [DE]Megan saying that Dark Sector and Warframe are linked


    ......anyways, it does say for Excalibur that he was the first but we kinda don't have to much info on the Orokin era. There could be proto-type frames that were made or other frames still not known :x.

  3. 6 hours ago, Jakorak said:


    DE did confirm in a old devstream that warframe is linked to dark sector. I remember another old one saying warframe is thousands upons thousands of years in the future of dark sector. It should somewhat be canon unless they changed there minds about it.

    Devstream 10, Time 56:22 


  4. It's not like DE is using their whole staff to make a single frame. They're still working on the next major update but also have people working on things like this too.

  5. In the Warframe Documentary, they said if Warframe was like those other games, we would currently be in Warframe 3. 

    I feel that warframe lifeline is extremely long due to the direction that DE has been taking the game. They listen to the player base, they know when were bored of things, they know how to make mistakes into their power and they know how to surprise their players.

    Warframe has changed since its beginning stages and I feel if you leave for a while and come back you would find a game much different that the one before.

  6. At least DE isn't like Nexon or Perfectworld and there is communication between DE and the players. And just because one small, little, tiny thing changed and that caused you to lose trust in DE, probably means you shouldn't trust anyone at all.

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