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Posts posted by Trylobyte

  1. Alad got screwed over just once eh?


    Would that have been the Orokin Catalyst (Nef) vs Credits (Alad V)? Or did ya mean the Orokin Reactor (Nef) vs Credits (Alad V)? Or perhaps the 25 R5 Rare Cores (Nef) vs Credits (Alad V)? Or perhaps even the 25 R5 Rare Cores (Nef) vs 20 R5 Uncommon Cores (Alad V)?


    I'm sure there was a few multiples of those R5 core invasions.


    Now I'm a good member of Team Alad, but I will point out there was a 50K (Nef) vs. Oro Reactor (Alad) yesterday.  It lasted about two hours.


    My guess from the rewards is that it wasn't rigged, but was instead pre-set to follow a pattern.


    First few days:  Alad and Nef go even.

    Middle days:  Nef gives out better rewards hoping to take lead

    Ending days:  Alad responds with better rewards to try and regain the lead before the end.


    Alad having so many more supporters simply skewed this by making the early part of the event not play out at all like planned, which resulted in the middle part skewing even harder in Nef's favor.

  2. Stalker seems to show up most for me when I'm out leveling stuff, which makes fighting him really, really hard (since I'm not that good at dodging, well, anything).  Makes for fun times when he pops up and I have a level 10 frame and three weapons whose combined levels don't equal 30. 


    Then one time he decided to pop up in a defense mission when I had my 4-forma Torid.  We didn't even see him spawn, it was just a random explosion of modules from the cryopod.  Got Dread out of that one.

  3. I'm wary.  On one hand, there's a lot of room for consolidation and improvement in the current starmap which I can understand, and I especially empathize with the plight of new players who have to blast through the starmap more or less solo just to get to the missions people actually run.  I am, however, nervous that they're adding even more RNG to the mix - If I want to fight a boss and farm a frame or weapon only that boss drops, I want the freedom to do exactly that.  If I want to run Void missions until my eyeballs fall out, then I'd like to do that.  If I want to farm Spy 2.0 for rare mods, then I want to farm them.  Pulling this away from me is going to diminish my experience and my playtime as a result.

  4. Melee guys are typically low-ranking cannon fodder anyway.  Their primary purpose is to distract you, annoy you, and keep their buddies safe.  Also if you ignore them they pound the crap out of you.  We all know the horror tales of high-level Butchers, but having a prod crewman sneak up behind you and shove a Prova up your rear access port hurts just as much.  So they're actually doing their jobs fine, it's just that they're not really expected to do a whole lot to begin with.

  5. The Stalker also seems to have it in for her, or at least her decision-making - Perhaps he's unaware of the one ordering the Tenno to do all these things?  Interestingly, the Corpus seem familiar with Orokin history; they like to refer to the Tenno as 'betrayers' suggesting they know what the Tenno did to the Orokin.  Cephalon Simaris also shuts her up when he points out she's hiding more information from everyone than he is, an argument she had zero reply to.


    She's definitely hiding something.  The question is, what is it and how does it affect us?

  6. There are three things going on here, from someone who's used Loki a lot.


    1)  All enemies who saw you as you went invisible will shoot at your last known location.

    2)  If you fire a loud weapon, enemies will shoot at the sound.

    3)  Some enemies don't rely on visuals to find you and will follow and attack you whether you're invisible or not (Drahk especially).

  7. Just posting to say that I'm running into this too, which makes me cry trying to get Miter. He's effectively impossible for me to solo because it Just. Keeps. Happening. I have noticed a pattern to it, though.

    It looks like the tube is supposed to repair itself if he doesn't use his slam in a certain period of time. Because he was ignoring my Loki decoys (and they were ignoring everything) and my Invisibility lasts forever, this time period elapses... but at that point I can't break the tube again. Further testing with explosive weapons (Angstrum, Quanta Vandal alt fire) will still allow me to break it, but regular gunfire (including 5 full clips of Supra rounds to the back and several clips of Quanta Vandal primary fire) won't do it.

  8. The Warframes as League of Legends champions, based on abilities, and/or theme:


    Ash:  Akali

    Banshee:  Lee Sin

    Chroma:  Shyvana

    Ember:  Brand

    Excalibur:  Yasuo

    Frost:  Lissandra

    Hydroid:  Nami

    Limbo:  Bard

    Loki:  Shaco

    Mag:  Blitzcrank

    Mesa:  Miss Fortune

    Mirage:  LeBlanc

    Nekros:  Yorick

    Nova:  Veigar

    Nyx:  Mordekaiser

    Rhino:  Sejuani

    Saryn:  Cassiopeia (pre-rework)

    Trinity:  Soraka

    Valkyr:  Quinn (oddly enough)

    Vauban:  Heimerdinger

    Volt:  Lulu

    Zephyr:  Janna


    I can't think of one for Oberon.  He's weird.

  9. Yeah, yeah, we've all heard the complaints, the reasonings, the justifications behind why the rewards between Nef and Alad are skewed.  But I see a big problem with it that I think DE doesn't really realize, and I'm going to outline it here in parts.


    1)  Most players don't really care who wins.  There are people who are gung-ho in favor of one side or the other for either lore or loot reasons, but they are not the majority.  Most players are indifferent about the conflict since as long as they stick with a side for four runs, they get the weapon anyway.


    2)  Of the players who do care, one side started with significantly more supporters.  That's the people who support Alad.  Whenever the rewards are close, Alad crushes it.  This means that, all things being equal, Nef is always going to be behind.


    3)  There's a growing perception that DE is rigging the draw by giving Nef better rewards.  Whether it's an automated system that DE designed or DE setting the rewards themselves, Nef has had equal or better rewards than Alad every single round so far.  It's easy to see who this perception would be in place - DE sets the rewards and the rewards massively favor Nef.


    What happens, then, when we combine all three of these elements into a big pot and stir?  Allow me to relate my personal experience.


    I support Alad for lore reasons.  I actually want the Dera Vandal more than the Karak Wraith, but I like Alad's character and want to help him out a bit.  I also think that stealing the data then using it is an objectively smarter decision than just blowing it up.  But I was an idiot for siding with Alad.  If I'd sided with Nef, I'd be more than three times wealthier, and not only that but I'd also be winning.  With the score tied and Nef set to take the lead because of yet another imbalanced reward set (50K credits during a double-credit weekend?  Really?  I can farm that in 20 minutes solo) I'm starting to think I was a complete dumbass for supporting Alad.  Compared to a Nef supporter, or even a mercenary, I now have uncommon cores to their rare cores (and fewer of them) and credits to their potatoes (if I hadn't turned on Alad for those).  Further, I'm quickly losing any motivation to stay the path and fight for the victory I want since I'm under the impression that DE can and will skew the results by exploiting the huge number of players who just don't care.  I know they're just trying to stir up drama, but their intervention is so heavy-handed and blatant that it's killing it for me.  I suspect that they'll get whatever solution they've already planned for, that the invested players are powerless to stop it (no matter who they side with) in the face of the mercenary hordes, and that I really shouldn't even care at this point.  Why fight against what's inevitable when you can cash out and make a killing instead?


    Far from building my investment in this conflict, the current reward balance issues are killing my investment and my motivation to continue participating.  I think a lot of early Alad supporters feel the same way.  DE, you have a chance to pull this back from the brink.  Don't screw it up.

  10. I really wish there was some reason to not seek material rewards.  Loyalty is its own reward, but only to a point.  And some of the decisions we've had to make recently haven't really been decisions at all - A catalyst, which is a once or twice a week appearance, vs. 50K credits during a double-credit weekend?  I'd have to be some sort of idiot not to help Nef this one time no matter how much I support Alad, especially since I'm already 10/4 in Alad's favor for this one.  I just wish loyalty had some sort of reward too.

  11. So, as it stands right now we have two sides fighting each other, Nerf and Salad.  As the event goes on their battle pay changes, and it's now so blatantly in favor of one side (25 rare cores vs. 50K credits) that this round is a foregone conclusion.  I know for sure a lot of people are going to jump on the Nerf bandwagon simply because the pay is amazing.

    Therein lies the problem.  Tenno are supposed to be honorable folks, but there's no reason for us to actually BE loyal.  Play both sides, gain all the things, it's an objectively better choice.  There's no reward for staying true to one side and no punishment for switching back and forth however much you want so long as you have a small, arbitrary number of 'wins' for one side over the other.  It's strongly in your benefit to game both sides of the fight and profit off the conflict.

    If I were the Lotus, this would alarm me.  My Tenno are so easily swayed by shiny baubles and promises of profit?  They don't commit to a course of action, they just take whatever pays better?  They're turning into the Corpus!  This would be distressing normally, but the Lotus isn't in a great position to counter those offers if the Corpus or the Grineer try doing the same thing against her.  Can the Lotus rely on her Tenno to side with her if the other side comes up with amazing pay?  It's a very real possibility if this keeps up.


    That's why I propose loyalty rewards.  In future conflicts, ask the Lotus to chip in a special loyalty reward to any Tenno who picks a side and doesn't switch.  Tenno that make their choice and stick with it, never earning points for the opposing side.  Further, the more Tenno that switch sides mid-stream, the better the reward gets for those who didn't.  This adds a new dimension of risk and reward to the event - Do you grab the low-hanging fruit that's available right now, or wait to see if the Lotus will give you something even better for staying the course? 


    What do you think?  Would this be a good idea?

  12. Fellow Tenno,

    I have more experience with Alad V than most. I was there for Gradivus. I know the horrors of the Zanuka Project. I know what he did to Valkyr. And I agree wholeheartedly with Nef Anyo that Alad V deserves to die. I even prefer Corpus weaponry most of the time; the Dera Vandal would be a respectable addition to my armory.

    But I'm fighting for Alad V.

    Despite the fact I know how much of an amoral slug the man is and the fact I'll be dodging my friend Valkyr's punches for the next few months, I believe helping Alad V is in our best interests. The Infestation continues to spread out of control and no matter how many of them we kill there are always, always more. They invade other systems daily, causing massive casualties everywhere. Any weapon we can develop against them is needed. If this data contains any hint, any method we could use to even slow down the Infestation then we need it. Destroying it sight unseen, what Nef Anyo wishes, would be a disaster we can avert. I'm sure Lotus isn't foolish enough to simply pass the data along, no, she's probably going to copy some of it for herself. That's information we get. Information we can use. If we can somehow turn around Alad V and get him on our side, which I honestly doubt, that's even better - Though his actions are reprehensible, they have lent him an understanding of Tenno and Warframes beyond that of most, including many of us. More information it would be foolhardy to casually discard just because its holder is one of the biggest warts on the Origin System's backside.

    We're not going to win this war and bring balance and harmony to the system if we allow blind hatred to cloud our vision. We know so little about the Infestation and this is a chance to learn more. It's a tough decision, but I believe it to be the right one.

    - A Veteran Trinity

  13. "It saddens me to report to the Board that my plan was a failure.  The Tenno are tenacious beyond expectations, they pursued our scouts and their information recklessly and without regard to their own safety.  They have also made off with several experimental modifications being transported aboard several of our ships.  However, I am pleased to report that the Tenno, driven blindly forward by their equally-blind leader, have denied this technology to many of their comrades by mindlessly racing through to our scouts and neglecting to explore the ships they were raiding.  Though our gamble has failed, this incident may yet spark internal rifts among the Tenno and cause them to question whether that blind $#*(@ has their best interests in heart after all, and perhaps we can exploit this peculiar tendency of the Tenno for our future operations."

    - Arad V, report to the Corpus Board

  14. Seems like you have a much bigger problem than the grind, then.  I'd recommend heading over to the tech forums and figuring out the problem with your networking/friendslist rather than complain that grinding things out solo takes too long.  It's a bit like trying to play baseball with a broken arm then complaining that the pitcher is throwing too fast for you to hit the ball.  Sure he could slow his pitching down but that's not going to solve the problem of you having a broken arm, a problem that's going to continue to plague you until you address it.

  15. I complain about everything, but even I managed to get 100 points in about three hours.  Team up with people - You only need 7-8 keys each with four people doing it.

  16. So here's a thought that came to me while I was running a defense alert earlier.  I was in a pug with my Nyx, along with an Ember and Excal Prime, and we were not having a good time in the last few waves - Level 80 Corpus hurt and I was the only form of CC.  Then I had an idea.  I emptied my repeatedly Forma'd heavily-modded Torid into the main spawn area and jumped down in front of the whole enemy wave, landed in my own Torid clouds, and hit Absorb.  Nyx floated in her happy place for a while, taking a massive pummeling from Corpus and the 10+ stacked Torid clouds I was sitting in.


    The resulting explosion made Molecular Prime look like a joke.  75% of the wave died in one glorious boom.


    Has anyone else considered doing something like this?  Are there even better ways to do it?  Would it be useful anywhere outside this one niche situation I described?  It seems like a way to charge Nyx's Absorb up to absurd levels easily, and might even be a way to make it a useful damage tool.

  17. 1)You heard it.

    2)Actually, it should. Who brings forks in the elephant fight?

    3)Yep. DE should cut off the ways of obtaining despair/kunai/hikou and let things be.

    I agree.  Let's clamp down on this 'diversity' crap until everyone is using the same primary, secondary, and melee weapon because there is only one viable late-game option for each.  This will surely go a long way in improving balance.  Even better, let's just remove those stupid crappy weapons altogether, since this makes balancing the game a lot easier since everybody has to use the same three guns!  And hey, since the secondary is only there to 'cover' for the primary and is worse in every way, I further propose we get rid of the secondary weapon position altogether and convert secondary weapon ammo drops into primary weapon ammo drops.  This will promote teamwork since you can't 'cover' for a primary weapon's weakness with a secondary gun that isn't as good anyway.  The ideal Tenno team then becomes one person with the only assault rifle, one person with the only shotgun, one person with the only sniper rifle, and one melee person!  Now we've solved all our balance problems AND made the game more team-focused, all with these simple changes.


    Except, no, DE wouldn't have added all these weapons if they didn't want anybody to use them.  That would just be silly.

  18. Rhea (Saturn): Enemy Recon Unit Located - 62m - 3900cr - Vauban Systems (Blueprint)


    But here's the added problem:  Those alerts appear for only one hour, often only 40 or 50 minutes.  Like many people I work for eight hours (a day) during the week and I spend eight hours sleeping.

    Just goes further to prove my point in how stupid the system for acquiring Vauban is.  Had zero chance to get this one because of work (I'm on my lunch break right now) and now I'm going to have to wait, on average, another two weeks to get another chance at it.  Joy.

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