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Posts posted by Mordanis

  1. II Negative is looking for new active recruits to join or clan. We have a completed dojo open to make it home to others. We play every form of Warframe to helping new players to High level Survial/Defense missions. II Negative is also a small gaming community that plays other games as well. We have a dedicated teamspeak server so that more collaborated play is possible. To join you can leave a reply to this post asking to join or Add me in game and message me. Good day tenno.

  2. The Galactic Tenno Alliance is recruiting clans for our Alliance. We will accept any active clan regardless of size. Our mission is to hold as many solar rails in the Galaxy as possible under the rule that all our members will be allowed to use the rails for no charge. To join our alliance Reply to this post with your clan name,size,number of active players, and or add me in game and send me a message. 

    Join us Tenno and together we will conquer the Galaxy.

  3. I think higher level Infested actually do have armor (their health bar will become yellow-orange in later missions). It may only be certain one's though, I think Runners always stay unarmored.

     I Did some testing after running different levels of infested. I can Confirm that the leapers are the only infested with armor and it  has nothing to with level. Even at the lowest level Leapers have armor. Aka leapers currently have armor by default.

  4. Apparently infested gain some armor as they level, the codex shows the base template for the unit, the level 0 version if you will.

    Did some testing by running the lowest lvl infested mission I could find.  From Pacific on Earth. (lvl 6-8) Only leapers have armor. Think its a bug. Although that does beg the question. Why has De not done a hotfix.

  5. The point is that it ended sooner than was advertised. It wasn't clear that you had to finish your full reward early, or not get it.



    Deciding after the fact that monday - a work day for most of the world - was good enough to end the event with two days left on the click, isn't good enough.


    Compare to the Grineer Informer event, which hit 100% completion and continued to run until the timer ran out. Why wasn't Arid Fear handled the same way? There is no reason not to, unless the point is to take away from the customer.



    The 6days is the deadline we had to meet in order to unlock the new settlements. De even said in the lastest live stream that if we didn't finish the event we wouldn't get the settlements So No F'ing duh people wanted to get it done ASAP! Whining becuase the weekend event ended at the end of the weekend is just you saying Im entitled to geting the event rewards even though I wasn't there. Yes I understand not everyone could be on at the time. Tuff luck. Get over it.

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