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Posts posted by AriaAsterial

  1. Just now, Sean said:

    It wouldn't have been any that you are mentioning and you are really ignoring the WHY of the current lineup.




    Additionally, not everyone can use Twitch Prime due to country restrictions, payment restrictions, or just something else that is completely out of their control.

    Hang on, is Nova prime being unvaulted too or am I missing something?

  2. Yeah I agree completely. Syndicates just aren't as fleshed out as they could be, and after a while the rewards they give you become mundane. Having bases similar to Iron Wake would help and perhaps some more syndicate locked quests could become available too. Eg, if you go to iron wake and are of 'x' rank, Cressa Tal will give you a quest to lead a siege against a Perrin shipment of some kind, which will unlock another syndicate weapon(perhaps giving some love to unused weapons like the glaxion or stug or something)/armour/syandana/colour pallete based on the syndicate as well as reward 'x' amount of standing based on the difficulty of the quest.

    I would love to see some quests that delve deeper into the interactions between the different syndicates and their relations to everyone else.

    The Chains of Harrow or whatever it is called kinda does this, but not as well as it could (mainly because it focuses on the warframe) and I would really love to see syndicates given some more love.

  3. Cephalon shy totally, if not for her warframe content, but because she's a great artist too.

    If I'm going for builds though, I guess I'll go to MCGamerCZ or Brozime if only for their opinion, and Brozime has his WWYU test.

    Edit: Just checked out N00blshowtek because others were saying it a lot. I must say I like him, and he seems to know their stuff and present it in a clean and very simple way.

  4. If you're looking into getting other frames, then you might want to get Mesa as a DPS frame. Titania excels at traversing the plains. Valkyr is a good berserker themed tank. Inaros and Nidus are both very powerful on their own and have great survivability. Octavia is currently flying under the nerf radar and is amazing a surviving and scaling into the higher level missions. Ivara is a good stealth frame that is comparable to loki. Ember and Equinox provide map-wide CC, although Ember doesn't far that well into the higher levels (Equinox scales nicely and is good for focus farming, if you. can stand the grind.) Mirage is up to you and can induce many different playstyles revolving around people's own favourite weapons (eg, ignis, and the synoid simulor back in the day)

  5. Frost/P is great for defence/mobile defence and any mission where you have to defend something. Loki is great for running stealth. Volt/P is great for speed runs and nezha is pretty fast too. Hydroid works similar to nekros if you have his pilfering swarm augment and can pair pretty well together. Don't have Chroma, but I hear he is a pretty good tank too. Oberon works like a paladin in an rpg game, proving healing, but not as powerful as trinity (in my opinion, others may like him more). Saryn and Nova can go cc pretty well, making enemies more squishy. Nova can also speedrun in the plains. I haven't tried the rest / don't have a good view on them to help much.

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