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Posts posted by mieszko03

  1. Ok so i got the mote amp a few minutes ago. And i noticed something really weird. When i was in my warframe my mote amp was level 17, when i went out and played as an operator it had level 9. But when i exited the mission and i check it on my operator it says its level 13. I didnt kill anyone with either that or my warframe, neither did other players since i was playing solo and since you cant go down levels it seems there is no way to fix it at all. Is this a known bug and did someone else encounter that ?

    Edit 1: I wanted to kill some little blue eidolon guys and my mote doubled its level, so it seems that only pressing 5 gets you more levels for your amp.

  2. Can Animation Packs actually be animation packs instead of idle animation packs ? I might be wrong but i dont think animation packs change anything besides idle animations. For example if you choose titania agile animation pack, instead of sprinting you fly forward, sliding looks like you are flying very low to the ground in a horizontal pose. Or octavias animation packs would revolve around music, for example if you walk forward she headbangs a little bit. Of course this would take a long time, but pretty sure it would be worth it. Let me know what you guys think

  3. So umm, i just played a mission on neptune, archwing mobile defense with basic archwing equipement, Odonata (lvl 15) Imperator (lvl 21) and Vertuix (lvl 23). And once i got to the extraction i got 3 achievements. Shotgun Mastery 1, Shotgun Mastery 2 and Shotgun Mastery 3. But i only got it on steam i think, since it didnt show it in warframe, but now that i check my profile i have it in warframe as well. My normal Warframe equipement currently had Strun Wraith equipped, its Max Rank already. But i didnt use any other shotguns. So is it just a bug or what ?

  4. So umm i just logged onto warframe, baro ki'teer is here, i came to my dojo with my friend, and An icon is showing up, its a player icon (the blue circle) with arrow pointing down under it, but heres the thing, we are the only ones in dojo, and its showing like the ,,player'' is in a lab, even tho i cant see him, and most recently he dissapeard and another one showed up but he dissapeared too, now dojo is clear again but idk if that was a glitch or a cheater, i repeat, NO one invited him


  5. Hello by the time i am writing this its currently 13.04.2017 and i ran into some pretty annoying, weird and gamebreaking glitches. I was doing some rescue on lua and when i killed someone from stealth the animation was pretty new and weird, and my head dissapeared, after that i got downed and while bleeding out i could use my primary weapon which was pretty weird and the last glitch i will talk about is the glitch that makes every picture in the game load slower, workbench, equipement (the one u open by pressing Q) it still loads but a lot slower and its kinda annoying, did anyone else have atleast 1 of the glitches i talked about today ?

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