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Posts posted by Umbruh_Prime

  1. fps drops to around 60 while in mod screen and i tried with another weapon and it does the same thing. if i open chat while in the mod screen it goes back to 300ish but once i close it it returns to 60. goes back to the normal amount once i exit the mod screen. i may sound privileged but i just noticed it because i have a 144hz monitor thats all.

  2. The Zenith, the Azima, and the Zenistar. Are they lotus made weapons crafted by space mom herself? are they of sentient origin? do they pre-date the orokin war in an experimental age? these weapons look like nothing else in the game, too fancy to be tenno, not shiny enough to be corpus and too organic looking (yes i said organic) to be grineer based. definitely not infested either as they don't have tendrils and eyes that move by themselves. just what exactly are these weapons?

  3. So i was wondering, will we ever see sentient weapons? of course we have our operators that do void blasts and their laser beams channeled by amps but i'm talking real weapons that our warframes use like another gun staff we see some sentients use on lua. like imagine a gun staff with the description "Ripped from a sentient's body, this modified vessel of destruction has been crafted to perfection with the finest of argon crystals and tau energy to create the ultimate staff of pure energy. than it would have stats like radiation damage and some impact damage and be mainly status based. than we could have weapons that take after mimics that you could change the fire rate on. so say the primary mode is automatic and than the alt fire transforms it into a a single fire beam (like the zenith but with different damage properties of course). imagine an introduction to the tau system, via open world. Now that would be a strong start, looking up at the wild patterns or what not that might be in the sky. instead of just nodes DE would just start strong with the open world thing like Earth and Venus.

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