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Posts posted by (PSN)lez_cano

  1. So I was leveling my amp with a party of 3 members and the host left the mission. After the host migration and after we moved to the next wave, I realized that my frame just disappered. Just like that.

    I wasn't able to transfer or get it back, even if I got killed and revived myself(but yes I could shoot my amp while i was dying). It seems that the warframe got Thanos'snapped with the previous entire room and my operator replaced him (it got every animation of the wf, even theBleeding one with the ragdoll death animation)

    And that's not all. When I started the mission my amp was at level 0. When my wf disappeared, it was at 14. Then i died and revived, and all the exp i got, divided between Chroma (my wf, including all the gear) and the amp got wiped off. Why? Well, as the only xp I had in that moment was the one in the amp, and the xp required to revive was superior to that amount. So when I came back, it was level 0... again.

    Whit the new update, Buried Debts, it seems that EVERYTHING is bugged: Archguns, melee 3.0 Fortuna. That's not such a big thing, but not only melee disappear in Profit taker battle, even my frame disappears. 

    Anyway, I still loving you Warframe :).

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