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Posts posted by Lt_Hobo

  1. 1 minute ago, Yitin said:

    Give me the list

    Titania, Nyx, and Wukong are all in far more need of reworks than Saryn. Saryn was at least seeing a lot of uses in Onslaught mode thanks to her 1+2 combo, but the 3 I listed are worse than most frames at literally everything in the game or only exist to use one of their 4 abilities because the other 3 are pretty bad. 

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  2. I can't help but think the only reason for this rework is that DE doesn't want people using Saryn to shred through Sanctuary Onslaught. I also feel like the viral to corrosive damage swap will make Spores a worse ability overall, since for the most part the only enemy type corrosive procs really hurt are the grineer. All other major factions only have a few enemies with enough armor to warrant corrosive procs over viral procs. The change might make her stronger against some bosses with a lot of armor but her forte is CC not single target damage, you'd still be better off bringing a different frame for boss encounters.

  3. On wave 10 of a normal Sanctuary Onslaught run my squad was sent to an Infested Grineer Ship tile that only spawned infested ancient enemies, and at a very low amount. I never saw more than 5 of them at one time on the fairly small tile. Needless to say it was run ending, and would end most runs that encounter it with the low spawn rate.

  4. I absolutely love how the Dex Sybaris looks, the Lotus decal and the flashes of the Lotus symbol that pop up when you fire both look amazing. Sadly, I won't ever be using the weapon past leveling it up for MR because I have Sybaris Prime. Is it possible to make a change that would allow you to use the Dex Sybaris skin on the Sybaris Prime if you have mastered the Dex Sybaris?

  5. I noticed while doing one of the sortie missions that whenever one of the doppelgangers from Hall of Mirrors gets a kill it does not count as a kill from Mirage and does not give any affinity for the kill. I had been using the Lenz and was able to cause this to happen many times easily with it. I also used the Akbolto prime to replicate the bug, so it is not specific to any weapons from what I can tell.

  6. I want to hear what people think are ways the current unvaulted relic acquisition could be made better. After grinding out relics for 6 or so hours yesterday just to get less than 10 relics total and quickly getting tired of the plains bounties I realized that not only do the plains bounties for relics system really make it annoying to farm relics, it also makes me never want to do plains bounties ever again once I get all the stuff I want. That's not exactly something I think DE will want newer players to feel, and if this happens with the next unvault as well more and more people will come to dislike plains bounties. 


    Here's my suggestion, add 2 event bounties that both drop only unvaulted relics with the new Lith and Meso relics being common rewards, Neo being the uncommon reward, and Axi being a rare reward from the bounties. This way people could still focus on the relics they want, one new Meso, Neo, and Axi relic in either bounty, and it would make the overall farm less disappointing by thinning out the normal bounty rewards from the pool. The only issue with my suggestion is that it would make Axi pretty hard to get, but it would still be better than what the current situation is in my opinion.

    What do you guys think, and what do you think would help the system?

  7. The lack of content and the insane repetitiveness of the current content tends to make people stop playing for long periods of time when there is no major update. The ghoul update didn't bring much to the table besides 4 new weapons, 2 of which are bland and generic grineer weapons, one is a cool new fan weapon with such a S#&$ tier that no one wants to use it, and the last one is a super good shotgun.

    The Ghould Purge event is rather boring and gets old fast, it's rewards are pretty bad if you already have the mods, the ghouls themselves are incredibly annoying and unfun to fight, if the event is happening the ghouls that spawn randomly kill the plains because they are so annoying to deal with while fishing or mining, and the codex entries are so numerous and rare they are not worth going for. That last issue was fixed on PC but as far as I know console WF still has those issues.

    The game might come back to life when xbox gets a Khora but since not even PC has a release date on her yet it's probably best if you follow the crowd and drop the game until that happens. Dropping WF and playing something else for a while is a nice break since you can come back to the game with new things to do and a lot more motivation to do them.

  8. 19 minutes ago, rudman88 said:

    to be fair,


    how many games you play before has 21 chapter of quest ?


    how many games you play before has 34 class


    and few hundred equipment ?


    it is actually quite decent. Most games you can actually unlocked all in like 100 hours ? I doubt you can do it in warframe xd


    To be fair most quests are super short and easy, most frames are quick to level and then never used again outside specific objectives like farming for Nekros, most equipment is used for MR fodder and then tossed away because you need the slots for actual equipment. Sure there's a lot to do, but doing most of it is pointless past a certain point and feels like it's just being done because it can be done not because it's enjoyable to do. 

    I'm sure OP is at the point where he's done all the quests and has good enough weapons like the Tigris Prime, and has hit the point where any weapon he makes is for MR fodder. I certainly am and I can see where he's coming from. The game has no goal at the moment and most "endgame" content like sorties and LoR or JV can be done super easily which makes them feel like just normal game content and not actual end game level stuff like most other games make raids feel.

  9. 22 hours ago, phoenix1992 said:

    If you discount Zaws and Operator progress, sure. But both of them were the main selling point(s) for PoE.

    Zaws affect the whole game but there are better weapons for most cases, and the limited time Zaws that were amazing during Plague Star aren't around to balance that out so Zaws aren't really worth much besides the daggers. The operator progress for PoE is absolutely useless anywhere other than Eidolon hunting, the only way it affects the rest of the game is by unlocking the focus tree progress which is also barely used outside Eidolon farming aside from energizing dash sometimes. 

  10. On 1/27/2018 at 2:16 PM, Aleksi134 said:

    Well the new quest wont just be an update with a new quest...it will maybe introduce new mechanics, will introduce new weapons,umbra and whatever. And if you are bored then dont play the game no one is forcing but yourself.

    The whole "No one is forcing you to play the game." Argument is absolutely bonkers, people want to play the game and they want the game to give them stuff to do. That is not a bad thing, that's the stuff that keeps games alive. Warframe would be dead if everyone shared that mentality, since there is not a lot to do in the end game past pointless grinding. Telling people to stop playing the game when they are asking for more content is bad for the game.

  11. 25 minutes ago, Xaranoth said:

    Exactly. The whole game design, let alone nitain, rewards you for prioritizing it and putting time and effort towards it. To be completely blunt, if you want better and more rewards, you need to put warframe on a higher priority. Warframe is NOT a single player, story-driven experience that you can just pick up for an hour a week and enjoy. It’s a quasi-mmo looter-shooter. That whole genre (destiny, even borderlands) is designed so that you are required to put dedicated time and effort into farming the resources/gear/loot you want. If you’re not willing to do that, then by the genre’s design you’re not “worthy” of the loot, to put it bluntly. And if you’re not willing to do that, then sorry but maybe this isn’t the game for you.

     No it’s not, actually. That’s how (quasi) MMO’s, and especially free to play MMO’s, work. It’s a mechanic designed to increase the playtime. In this type of game where the the goal is to keep players playing for as long as possible, there needs to be some gameplay loop of see a goal, work towards goal, reach goal, feel rewarded, repeat. There needs to be something there to increase the time that loop takes so that players don’t “complete” the game in a month and then leave from boredom of nothing else to work towards. 

    There are free to play mmo's that don't require you to make the entire game your main priority in order for you to gain it's resources and enjoy the game. Path of Exile doesn't lock anything behind time walls like Warframe does. You get all of the content without needing to wait for random resources to show up in time limited random events. You simply find where the stuff you want drops and you go farm it at your leisure. Borderlands doesn't into this issue because nothing is time limited with random drops, you put in the time and effort when you can and want to, rather than when the game decides that it's time for you to have a small window to go get it.

    Getting screwed over by rng is fine when you can put in massive time to actual farm rather than having to wait for the chance to get the thing you need and hoping you're not asleep or at work when it happens. Warframe is definitely not good for casual players and shouldn't be played by anyone that simply wants a small time waster game to play while waiting for new game releases, but mechanics like this end up hurting even the people that want to put thousands of hours into the game because it turns the game from a looting shooter into a waiting game where nothing happens for the majority of the time. The time on crafting items or waiting for alerts that drop the stuff you need, such as Vauban parts or invasions for weapon parts, is better spent doing anything other than playing warframe and just watching for the alerts on a separate website. It's wasted time that makes it contradictory to the method of giving people a reason to increase their playtime.

  12. 5 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

    I really wish people would stop with this line of hyperbole.

    Even when I was working 12 hour days, I was able to hit 2 Nitains a day, and all 4 on the weekends, and I acknowledge that it's mainly due to my time zone.  Yes, it takes a long time, but it's not "punishing people with lives and family" like so many enjoy to claim.

    Should it have an alternate farming option?  Yes.  100% yes it should.  Either increase it's drop rate in the caches, or put it in Excavations (so you can extract it, dur dur) or have it be an exclusive reward from Lua Spy missions or something.  

    But please stop playing the victim card.  It's tired and makes a lot of people roll their eyes and keep scrolling, and it certainly isn't working on DE. 

    Being an exception to the majority doesn't make the the system okay. The fact that it can take multiple days to get the resources you need in a game is pretty bs in itself, but when you tack on the rng that alerts have with the limit of them per day it becomes an issue for most normal people to gather that resource. 

    Even if you could get 2 a day or 4 on a weekend that doesn't mean that it's possible for every player to do so, especially for the majority that live in a timezone that gives them even more trouble being online.

    If only 1 to 4 nitain were needed for any craft the issue wouldn't exist because it would take far less time to get the nitain a player would need for one thing, but if you get 2 minimum a day when some blueprints require 5 nitain to craft it starts to be a massive hindrance to players. 3 days of watching alerts, be it from either from twitter, some discord server, or other site, is ridiculous. In Vauban prime's case it equates up to 5 days of watching alerts if you get all 4 nitain a day, 10 if you get 2, or 20 days of waiting for an alert if you don't have enough time to be on constantly just to finish him off. When you factor in the 3 and a half days of crafting time it just equates to making the game a very long waiting game.

    At that point most casual or new players will have dropped the game for something else. Playing the victim card may not work but nitain has had this issue for so long it seems like DE won't listen to actual logical arguments for changing it either. If there's good proof that's it's part of the reason the player base dies slowly after every major update they might consider making changes.

    Although a more likely case is they'll just keep working on new content to drag people back once every few months rather than bringing in major changes that could keep people around, since that's all they seem interested in doing.

  13. On 1/21/2018 at 4:46 PM, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    nothing's stopping you from farming Caches, you can find Nitain in those (rarely). just gotta check if there's one when you have a spare moment.

    DE aren't going to try and base their game around your work life, I'm afraid.

    Yeah farming for a 2% maximum chance drop once every 5-10 minutes, if you're fast and know all the cache locations, is a totally fair and 100% fun way to farm nitain. No one farms caches because caches have such a stupidly low chance to drop the thing you need.

    The nitain alerts being only 4 a day completely screws over anyone with a life from getting more than 2 nitain a day if they are lucky and the nitain system should be completely reworked to be something that is actually viably farmable rather than having to wait for a alert that happens only once while twice while you're online if you're lucky, or farming for a small drop from a slow mission. 

    But DE won't do that because if they did people might be able to have lives outside their game. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  14. 1 minute ago, wolf96781 said:

    So, I went back and looked at that sentence, and you worded it in a very strange way. So yeah, Hema, Detron, Hate, Lato/braton prime, and any vaulted weapons.

    My bad, English wasn't my best subject in school. Lato Prime isn't a fair example because it's a founders exclusive weapon, and vaulted weapons are't comparable either because they are just unobtainable outside of trading tons of plat until they get unvaulted of course. Other than the Hema, the rest are rng drops which makes them vary from person to person. The Sibear is the hardest weapon to get that takes little to no rng to actually get would have been a better way for me to phrase it.

  15. 10 minutes ago, INight00 said:

    Maybe if you ran excavations often for the new relics when farming primed gear, cryotic wouldn't be a problem.
    Surely you aren't in any rush to get the weapon with its 'bad stats'? Save it for last after you've taken your time getting the resources.

    Then when you do get it, put blast damage/ status on it, enjoy charge attacks that launch enemies into orbit.

    Sure you can get cryotic while doing other things, however that doesn't change the amount of time it would take to get the cryotic needed. The main point I was trying to make was that comparatively to nearly every other weapon in the game, the Sibear has a stupidly insane resource requirement.

  16. 1 minute ago, wolf96781 said:

    It literally has no redeeming qualities. You even admit, in the rest of that sentence, that it's one of the most difficult weapons to make in game

    My sentence was stating that it's the number 1 weapon in the game that DE does not want you to get, not that it was a candidate for being one of the top weapons in the game. I was trying to say that it's so stupidly hard to get that it's almost like DE just doesn't want anyone to get it. I started the topic saying that it was a decent weapon and in no way out performing any other weapon. 

  17. 12 minutes ago, Lt_Hobo said:

    This is by far one of the easiest candidates for the number one weapon in the game that DE just doesn't want anyone to use.


    1 minute ago, wolf96781 said:

    Lol, wut?

    Thing only has a 15% crit chance, 2x mult, 10% status, and an attack speed of 1, thing sucks.

    You're completely ignoring the rest of that sentence.

  18. Let's talk about the Sibear, the Ice Hammer that I swear nobody knows exists. 

    The Sibear is a MR6 hammer weapon with an average attack speed, good crit chance, a charge attack that increases status chance by 50%, and pure 130 cold damage. Sounds like a decent weapon, not god tier like Fragor Prime or the Arca Titron but definitely usable with the right build. 

    But it takes 30K cryotic to craft.

    This is by far one of the easiest candidates for the number one weapon in the game that DE just doesn't want anyone to use. That cryo cost alone makes it the hardest to craft weapon in the game. I know that everyone here knows the insane quantity cryo that is but for arguments sake I'm going to explain it anyways. Every second an excavator is working during an excavation mission you gain one cryotic. A full excavator will give you 100 cryotic. That makes 1K cryotic 10 excavators, 10K cryotic 100 excavators, and 30K cryotic 300 excavators. Even with a resource booster this weapon will require you to fully complete 150 excavators in order to craft it. 

    That's sounds like a lot, but a single excavator only lasts 1 minute and 40 seconds. That's rather fast right? For 300 extractors to completely run through to get the cryo to craft the Sibear, it will take about 11 hours and 40 minutes. With a resource booster that's about 5 hours and 20 minutes. 

    The only other weapon in the game that takes that much grinding to get, aside from rng if you have god awful luck, would be the Hema. Which is arguably better because the hard part about crafting it is the research for it, and with a active clan it might still be faster.  

    I cannot even fathom who in their right mind would think this would be an okay crafting recipe, but it's quite obviously not. I don't have the stats for the least used weapon in the game, but if I did it would not be hard to imagine this one being somewhere at the top. It looks like a pretty good weapon, looks nice, interesting ability with the status increasing charge attack, not terrible stats, but all that doesn't matter when you factor in that god forsaken cryotic requirement. 

    It should be changed it to 10K, it would still be horrible but it would be plausible to farm for.

    (EDIT) I forgot to mention that it also takes 50K alloy plate, which is the second most allow plate needed for anything in the game. However alloy plate is also less difficult to get so it's less of an issue. Thought it was worth adding though.

  19. Let's talk about the Sibear, the Ice Hammer that I swear nobody knows exists. 

    The Sibear is a MR6 hammer weapon with an average attack speed, good crit chance, a charge attack that increases status chance by 50%, and pure 130 cold damage. Sounds like a decent weapon, not god tier like Fragor Prime or the Arca Titron but definitely usable with the right build. 

    But it takes 30K cryotic to craft.

    This is by far one of the easiest candidates for the number one weapon in the game that DE just doesn't want anyone to use. That cryo cost alone makes it the hardest to craft weapon in the game. I know that everyone here knows the insane quantity cryo that is but for arguments sake I'm going to explain it anyways. Every second an excavator is working during an excavation mission you gain one cryotic. A full excavator will give you 100 cryotic. That makes 1K cryotic 10 excavators, 10K cryotic 100 excavators, and 30K cryotic 300 excavators. Even with a resource booster this weapon will require you to fully complete 150 excavators in order to craft it. 

    That's sounds like a lot, but a single excavator only lasts 1 minute and 40 seconds. That's rather fast right? For 300 extractors to completely run through to get the cryo to craft the Sibear, it will take about 11 hours and 40 minutes. With a resource booster that's about 5 hours and 20 minutes. 

    The only other weapon in the game that takes that much grinding to get, aside from rng if you have god awful luck, would be the Hema. Which is arguably better because the hard part about crafting it is the research for it, and with a active clan it might still be faster.  

    I cannot even fathom who in their right mind would think this would be an okay crafting recipe, but it's quite obviously not. I don't have the stats for the least used weapon in the game, but if I did it would not be hard to imagine this one being somewhere at the top. It looks like a pretty good weapon, looks nice, interesting ability with the status increasing charge attack, not terrible stats, but all that doesn't matter when you factor in that god forsaken cryotic requirement. 

    It should be changed it to 10K, it would still be horrible but it would be plausible to farm for.

  20. 3 hours ago, DiosGX said:

    Might be more popular if we could actually play them. js

    I've attempted to do the FIRST part of the sortie today for 20 minutes and have not even gotten a match that would load in, and allow me to complete the first part of the three legs, of sortie 1.

    Like, I'm not saying this to devbash. I'm just stating outright; it's not playable.

    The bounties would be more popular if the rewards from them were more worthwhile honestly. They aren't unfun to play like some mission types, so putting more than one usually trash relic in the bounty pool instead of the common resources from the plains would make people flock to them.

  21. I think bumping it up to 3 missions was fine, since leaving it at one made it possible to get a cache find bounty 5 feet from the gate that was a total joke. That's the one I got on the first plains sortie.


    But having 3 random bounties with a random modifier that could possibly make them actually nearly impossible, i.e. dragyn assassination in melee only, was a horrible idea and should be completely reworked. An easy fix to this would be either making some bounties not show up in the sortie, or give the sortie it's own little bounty with different tasks that fit better with the sortie theme kinda like how they did with the ghoul purge bounties.

    But that's probably never going to happen since DE is more focused on new content than fixing old content that no body likes such as defection or archwing controls. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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