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Posts posted by SkyfighterZX

  1. On 2019-04-12 at 11:54 AM, zyrox95 said:

    It happened to me just right now, I was in Hydron grinding some level and then he show up, I was a level 30 hildryn with maxed balefire and it took me an HOUR to kill that guy and his pack, even the pack was to hard for my teammates. I got some screenshots of the mission time, this sould not be happening

    well they are immortal until hes dealth with which makes it even harder because they deal some damage and you don't even take attention to it because you are focusen on the Wolf, i just found him again and i had inaros with a tank build and adaptation, took us 20 minuts to kill him, i had to melee him and tank his damage in 1v1 to deal some small damage, my guns feel like airsoft bb's on him xd


  2. I Just found him in a corpus defence on venus (nightmare vampire mode) and took hus a solid 20 mins of non stop fight storming him and reviving everyone, glad i had inaros and took him 1v1 tanking his damage but my melee was doing about 300 damage per hit so it took forever, my soma was making 100 per hit bc i had a viral build because of the daily challenge, damn hes tough for sure

  3. I was doing a Orokin derelict Extermination mission and i got stuck in a room where 2 maps rendered inside one another or something like that, and one ended up blocking the only door to progress into the mission, making it unable to be finished, i got some printscreens of the glitch(see below) i searched all around to find a alternative path but without success :/and i found a Kavat genetic code and lost it 😢 

    Im sorry if the images are not clear,(Thegame is in Portuguese) but one can see that the minimap is also glitched showing the 2 maps overlaying each other , this never happened to me before, i first tried to pass in the tiny space and spent about 15 minutes searching for an alternative path but came to the conclusion that it was really a glitch in my opinion.

    Thank you for reading :)


  4. Hello!

    Im not sure if this is the correct place to writte a suggestion, but i'll leave it here for now. 

    Im loving the new Update, the huge open area and features are awesome,  and personally the only down in a open field is the camera, sinse its a open area,  it would be better to have a camera zoomed out a little bit,  because it gets very difficult to look around when the camera is right on your shoulder and the grass is very tall,  and when in combat it gets hard to spot the enemies because of that,  it's just a suggestion to make it even more enjoyable,  anyway,  i love this update and congratulations to the developers for the awesome work and thank you for making such a awesome game :D

  5. I think its a refresh problem,  if you look at the top of the reward table,  it always says "meso V5" even when you click on the N4, check the codex to see if both relics have the same rewards but I'm sure the do not have.

    Edit: the gif shows meso relics,  not neo :p but still,  it alwais says v5 even when you click n4

  6. It happens very often,  while using Excalibur or Wukong, when i press 4 to summon Exalted Blade or Primal Staff, the ability doesn't work, basically the weapon do not show up and i get bugged where i cant do nothing except run and jump,  i cant attack or change weapon or even use other abilities, and if i press 4 to dispell,  i just says "ability in use", the only fix is to enter bleed out state or fall of the map,  but when i press 4 again the same happens, this occurs more often where there are lots of enemies near me and lots of traps(arc traps,  flame throwers, gas etc), happens to me very often in the kuva fortress sortie defense where you need to defend the Npc and lots of traps show up every wave, i think it can be related to script lag? Even though i dont have many lag issues, I think there are the Hysteria ability wich is a summon ability too, and if it is,  its likely to have the same problem but i cant tell,  i never used that hability

    Thanks for reading, I didn't knew which category this issue should be listed.

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  7. Just played TSD last night for the first time,  a awesome quest,  but these bugs we're very immersion breaker.

     i found something that i dont really know if it is a bug or i just missed something, during the mission where you hack a console,  and then you need to break 4 blue cristals hidden in those pillars that go up and down when you get nearby,  and behind eletric walls,  after breaking the 4 cristals, the path to extraction was still blocked by an eletric wall,  i couldn't disable it,  i just jumped through it losing health,  i dont know if there is a way do disable it, if there is,  i couldn't find it. 

    I had the same bug as you,  the operator corpse on the warframe's right hand, and then,  after the warframe gets reactivated the static corpse and the animated overlay each other,  its really bugged xD, and after that the focus power didn't worked against the Sentient drones, but in the ship it was working fine against stalker.

    I was using Excalibur btw but i think its not related to the warframe's choice

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