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Posts posted by (XBOX)Kiilimar

  1. I have a regrettably large ping to my ISP and relatively low speeds etc. I have struggled with login issues for the entire time I've played. The first time I tried to play, the update screen never moved off 0% for over an hour and I gave up on it working.

    Flash-forward to the last couple months. I gave it a shot and was able to finally get logged in. Loved it from the beginning and was hooked.

    So this is a frustrating issue to have to deal with on a constant basis. The following issues are all common with my experience:

    Network Connection when attempting to collect from the foundry. Generally allows me to try again and performs as per normal. Once in awhile I will receive "unknown error" when attempting to collect and it will not clear the item from the queue. Closing out of the foundry shows that it was completed, but the UI won't update.

    Login issues where the timeout can last 5+ minutes between attempts to log in. Eventually I got tired of waiting 2+ hours to connect and found that if I delete the console data and cache, it will take a bit to re-download recent updates, but generally it connects ok and logs in in a relatively short period.

    Post-host migration navigation failing to create session: This happens constantly. Restarting the program fixes it every time, but again you roll the dice with not being able to log back in.

    Is there something DE can do to mitigate some of these issues? I believe there are. A simple refresh ping 30-90 seconds after a host migration to ensure someone has been properly migrated and does not "ghost" so that they can then engage in new server activity doesn't seem like it should be that difficult to implement.

    When you are returned to your ship at any time, you should always be pinged to refresh, resetting your data to say "hey I'm not in a session, I should be able to create one".

    These are the things that keep me from really saying this is a great game and investing more time and money into it. I don't want to spend money on a frame and then not even be able to play.

    I hope these are things that are seriously looked at. I have friends that straight up quit because of some of these issues.


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