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Posts posted by Deathdealer408

  1. Let me add my thanks and congratulations to DE as well. I enjoy this game quite a bit and I am looking forward to what's in store this year (Tomb of the Sentients here I come! :D ) It's good to see some of the older stuff making a comeback from the vault. Maybe this will assuage some of the fears of Frost Prime, Reaper Prime, and Latron Prime going into it. They can always make a comeback after all.

  2. Removing unwanted kubrow


    Send them to the Lotus so she can put them into stasis or something. If you just release them into the wild they'll die from DNA degredation within a matter of days. (Yes I know they're not real, humor me :)


    Vote to Kick


    Is a bad idea. It will be abused and is not friendly to new players. Many of the longer or more difficult game types allow you to get rewards every five minutes (defense/survival.) Simply leave at those times and form another squad without the afker, troublemaker, or individual that does not have the necessary skill or gear. Vote to kick goes directly against the cooperative nature of the game in my opinion.


    Auction House


    I'm more a fan of personal stores. Give people the oppurtunity to put up a banner based on a personal badge (subject to the same approval process as clan badges or allow them to pick from a list of generics for free) or clan badge and let them sell they're wares that way.


    Hallowed Ground


    I've heard variations on this idea but I'll put it down in case I'm not remembering correctly. Make Hallowed Ground a radial buff/debuff that buffs armor and melee damage for friendlies and puts a corresponding debuff on enemies. Increased lvls increase the strength and radius of buff/debuff.




    Increase the speed of the projectiles and make it so that there is a an instantaneous shield restore along with with the health regeneration. A max lvl renewal should restore 100% of shields and can be decreased in 25% intervals to lvl 0 for a base of 25% of shield strength immediately returned. Health regeneration doesn't need to be touched imo.

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