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Posts posted by Darksamus224

  1. So I'm only half way done with my data collection, but at the very least it appears that the mod drop chance booster does effect avionics. So far I've killed 750 fighters, and earned 192 avionics, which means they are dropping 25.6% of the time. While this does not confirm exactly whether or not the base drop chance is at the intended 15%, it does seem to show that the booster is having an effect. I've been running the first Earth mission for this, and based on the data I have, I've earned an average of 7.68 avionics per 30 fighters killed, with a minimum of 3 avionics earned per 30 fighters and a maximum of 12 avionics per 30 fighters.

    The only boosters I'm using are an Affinity Booster, Resource Booster, and Mod Drop Chance Booster.

    Further edit: I've reached the goal of 1500 fighters killed. The average drop rate for avionics (for me) was 26.133% with the mod drop chance booster. Here's the distribution of avionics earned per 30 fighters killed (50 missions run in total): 3 (1 time), 4 (1 time), 5 (6 times), 6 (7 times), 7 (9 times), 8 (8 times), 9 (6 times), 10 (4 times), 11 (4 times), and 12 (4 times). Your numbers may vary, but if the mod drop chance on fighters is 15% as per one of the hotfix notes, the average should tend towards 30% with the mod drop chance booster enabled.

  2. Currently working on figuring out whether it helps or not. I don't have void hole, yet, though, so it's going to be slow going while I make sure I pick up every piece of fighter loot. My goal is to kill 1500 fighters (so 50 Earth missions), which should be a large enough sample size to see whether or not we're close to 30% drop chance or 20% drop chance (because I'm not entirely convinced that the avionics drop chance was increased from 10% to 15% like DE stated).

  3. I made a post in the previous page about Reflex Aim and how to change it and add on extra effects that might make sense (most of them involve some random chance, though, to stick with the theme of Railjack having lots of RNG /sarcasm) or some replacement options for the perk.

    Right now, though, I'm wondering if maybe what they should do with the rank 10 perks is you level up your intrinsics and unlock them as normal, but you can only pick 1 of the rank 10 intrinsics to use on the mission. Of course, each of the rank 10 perks would have to be buffed substantially, but this is what my brain came up with when I thought about how to make people specialize in a role rather than generalize across all roles. This probably wouldn't work out in practice, however, and just make everyone more unhappy.

  4. Finally got the rank 10 gunnery intrinsic: Reflex Aim. I'm not entirely sure what the point of it is. The main problem I have with it is that you already need to be looking more or less at a target to get the turret snap to actually work. If you're already looking at the target anyways, then what's the point of the aim snap? I may as well just aim manually. If you could snap to targets that are outside of or at the edge of your field of view, then this might be useful to quickly get your guns onto target and proceed with the engagement. That being said, if this is the only benefit that being a rank 10 gunner gives you, I have no doubt that many players simply will not bother getting it unless they really, really want those 1,500 mastery points. Adding additional effects could make this intrinsic more worthwhile such as:

    • Heat accretion further reduced by 30% (stacks with Cold Trigger for a total of 50% less heat accretion, and stacks with Combat Drift for a total of 90% less heat accretion (not 100% because that would be silly)) when firing your guns.
    • Ordinance lock-on is twice as fast and Ordinance has a 50% chance to not consume Munitions when used.
    • The Archwing Slingshot's range is increased again by +50% (stacks with Advanced Gunnery for +100% slingshot range), and the slingshot gets full 360 degree targeting.
    • The forward Artillery cannon charges in half the time and has a 50% chance to not consume a Dome Charge when fired.

    Some possible replacement ideas for Reflex Aim could be:

    • If using a projectile turret (Apoc, Carcinnox, or Cryophon), while locked onto a target, you can aim to make your shots home in (leading the target, not following it) on your locked target. If using a hitscan turret (Photor or Pulsar), while locked on and aiming, the turrets will track the target as long as aim is held.
    • When aiming, your turrets fire twice as fast, but do not accrete any extra heat from the fire rate increase.

    In short, I'd like to see Reflex Aim changed completely and possibly have an additional effect, or allow us to snap to targets outside of our field of view and also add an additional effect to Reflex Aim. Really, all of the rank 10 intrinsics should provide several bonuses, in my opinion considering the work required to get them.

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  5. Inaros so I don't die and can lock the enemies down for a few seconds with pocket sand, then slash them to pieces with Nikana Prime (hybrid crit/status build with corrosive for armor removal in case the party doesn't all have corrosive projection) and let the slash procs do most of the work against the standard enemies. Against the commanders, just keep cutting and they'll die eventually.

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