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Posts posted by iMalicious

  1. 10 hours ago, Arniox said:


    "Even with this little bit of information, we can work out that The Witcher 3 is at least 3.7 times the size of the 36 km2 GTA San Andreas map, it’s 1.5 times bigger than the 81 km2 of GTA V, 3.3 times the 41 km2 of Read Dead Redemption, 3 times bigger than Far Cry 4’s 46 km2, three and a half times bigger than Skyrims modest 39 km2!"

    GTA 4 map = 36km²  (6km by 6km)
    GTA 5 map = 81km² (9km by 9km)
    Read Dead Redemption map = 41km² (6.4km by 6.4km)
    Witcher 3 map = 133.2km²  (11.5km by 11.5km)
    Far Cry 4 = 46km
    ²  (6.7km by 6.7km)
    Skyrim = 39km² (6.2km by 6.2km)

    Right, so those are all the games that this article went over. For real life scale, all of Manhattan is 59.1 km² (7.7km by 7.7km). Now, I don't know exactly what DE said about the size of warframe's world, but let's assume that it's going to be 3km by 3km or 9km² =. This means that warframe's world is actually quite tiny. If we assume that OP's scale is right, and Fallout 4's map is actually 9.79km² then warframe's world is quite small.

    But in all honesty, you have to remember that DE made this world in only 6-7 months. That is very fast and very amazing for the size and depth that they have done. PLUS, this whole thing is for free. And, to add onto of that, according to this: 

    It officially means that for no cost to the players, there are going to be MORE of these open world maps. So in the end, if each one is around 9km² then we'll end up with an absolutely BUTT LOAD of space to run around :P

    none of the games which you mentioned are instanced, in other worlds real open world games. An instanced map like we're getting in Warframe with Planes Of Eidolon isn't considered open world, open worlds are not instanced which is what it is in PoE (you exit the gates and enter an instance retaining only your squad) people might want to argue saying it's open world but just because something is simply big does not make it so. Adding big open maps on multiple planets even makes it less open world as they're not connected in any way with the others nor are any of the planets missions. They're theoretically just maps and one can argue calling it an endless mission itself since you're allowed to free explore.

    If you want to call Planes Of Eidolon Open World then you may as well call games like Tera Online, BnS, WoW (and many others) open world as well which would be incorrect because every area is instanced regardless of how big one may be.

  2. well since it doesn't include area's found in Earth Missions, is limited to a squad of 4 players which means it's instanced it's honestly just a large map or mission I don't even consider it open world myself even if you get to explore it as much as you want that is something already in-game with survivals or any endless mission, just because it's large to me doesn't make it open world. Anything instanced to me is considered not to be and is just an instanced map.

  3. 2 minutes ago, InDueTime-EN- said:

    It's not a raid boss. It's gonna spawn at night in the plains. 

    Can you be sure of that? I don't see that boss being there every night cycle that would be kind of weird and lame, would be nice honestly if at night it can convert to a raid allowing 8 players to take on a boss every few days or once weekly.

    I agree though the plains with be instanced with a party of 4, not much enemies spawn out there and with to many people would be empty.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Dreadwire said:

    Based on that recent video 

    "Plain Ef Eidolon"

    So we got open world setup. With open world mission and at the end of it is a big alien thingy.

    If it's actually a world boss 

    how many tenno needed to take it down.

    ..... sorry that just me with my wild imagination 


    But daamm if it's actually true

    Not sure if it was a boss for the open world and honestly I don't see that open world allowing many people with the limited amount of enemies that seem to be there, maybe a party but I can see that boss possibly being a new raid boss, I think it was just a video clip for night time saying get the f out if you want to live or stay if you want a challenge. I think the Plains will be an area where you pass the gates only your party remains with you and it becomes instanced.

  5. honestly wouldn't want this in game, unless it had more limitations. Not fun if you're doing a defense, mobile defense or rescue and a stalker just joins in and kills the hostage or defense objective before you even get to it. If it's added it needs limits like mainly only be able to kill players as stalker already does.

  6. 2 hours ago, (PS4)zeroexalpha said:

    No, they only said they've been hiding it for 6 months. They potentially started work on it a bit longer ago

    exactly what he said, was mainly just being hidden until Tennocon, in no way does it mean they only started working on it 6 months ago. I feel bad for console players though xD we will get it on PC first and console players will go nuts having to wait.

  7. I honestly don't care about the rework, I'd play Hydroid Prime simply for fashion frame purposes :3 though they did mention him getting a rework during TennoLive but honestly couldn't care about it. Though he is probably still months away from release so he may change slightly in appearance between now and then.


    Would of loved seeing that all being gold accents as well though, he's a pirate he needs more gold. Well mainly would of just loved it on the back and on the bottom (front and back).

  8. 7 hours ago, Redthirst said:

    I wouldn't get my hopes up for it being an actual end-game content, unless they do a huge rebalance.

    Well the way they made night time sound was like a get the hell out for them but for us they said it's something we'd do because of the challenge, so I'm not expecting it to be that hard at first but eventually I think they might make it more end game, where as players who just want to get mats etc can stick around during day just worrying about grineer then once night time comes the place becomes dangerous and end game players come out for some fun as the mob count increases heavily, sentients come out (which would be nice if there is new sentient type enemies) and maybe enemies being higher level.

  9. 33 minutes ago, JohnCarraway said:

    Well,what you say I've there is what I fear. Alot of people will stay in that map xD . And will not play let's say Mars.

    Well the thing is people who are in end game already have everything they need from running other planets and missions, what they need to focus on is new content so Planes of Eidolon will be the main focus for players who currently have everything they need from the star chart.

  10. 3 minutes ago, AbyssalCrow said:

    And that's fine but the challenge where it's hide behind god mode, some shield, constant stun locks or some other life keeper 24/7 to not get 1 shot isn't really the funnest challenge, At least it isn't to me. If you find that stuff fun then good on you but i'm more on the side of getting loot n such without a chance for everyone to die and suddenly lose the game, I'll go for decently high levels but when people start dying very easily and revives start getting used is when i bail.

    Well then good on ya if you need loot still, honestly don't need anything but that is why in endurance runs you run with friends and set up a good team comp, what you're doing you can do with randoms who play on random frames.

  11. 1 minute ago, AbyssalCrow said:

    Except you can get roughly the same amount of Credits, Endo and resources by just leaving and going back into the mission. Don't really need to go to 300+

    It's not the point, it's about the challenge, not about being a scrub that wants an easy game. As I said endurance runs is the only challenge Warframe is offering right now.

  12. 4 minutes ago, AbyssalCrow said:

    To be fair, going level 300+ is pointless as its only for bragging rights. (or a event causes enemies to stack up that high but that's the only exception) You should probably just leave the mission and get your rewards, Literally no point to keep going besides being able to say "I was fighting X at level #".

    Longer you stay the more credits, Endo and resources you're going to get and if you don't go 300+ then you're not really getting a challenge but just playing the every day Warframe. I go usually 6 hours+ as I love Endurance runs it's really the only challenge we have in Warframe right now, till maybe the new content coming.

  13. 4 minutes ago, Viyrew said:

    Venomous eximus, nullifier bubbles, osprey mines, there are so many things that can render frost bubbles and volt shields to be completely useless against.

    The only real popular endurance run people do is in MOT and there is so much places in MOT you can setup where you're perfectly safe behind bubbles and volts shield for 6 hours plus (even with eximus and nullifier bubbles) unless you're dumb and run out of it and die. Which if you're a support frame don't even go out of it to collect life support, let your team who can survive out there do it. When you do an endurance run you plan for a good team composition, not just throw random crap together.

  14. Just now, NotSoPure said:

    That's pretty hard to do at high level when everything 1 shots you from across the map..? Because high level scaling is broken..? Which is the entire point being made for the past 20 mins???



    some people dont understand the use of your party members, even in end game on a survival that is 6 hours in, stand in a frosts globe, behind a volts shield or in the safety of your party members ability.

  15. 2 minutes ago, _A_Illuminati_A_ said:

    I'm talking about an agile adaptive playstyle my dude. you have to question yourself. If I wasn't EV'ing at that specific moment, I might of survived?. This was the point I was trying to bring up.

    Then make sure you're not in the middle of being shot while EV'ing? you have a party with you and you're a support frame learn to not cast something in the middle of being attacked or look for safety under a party members ability (frost, volt etc etc)

  16. Just now, _A_Illuminati_A_ said:

    fair point my dude, my point is that you can get oneshot while you're stunlocked by the EV cast. Since you don't get that spicy damage reduction you could of had from rolling

     Do you do survivals long enough? rolling doesn't stop you from being 1 shot killed regardless, guessing you're talking only about sorties which if you're dying in sorties you're just bad, they're easy as hell.

  17. 2 minutes ago, _A_Illuminati_A_ said:

    yeah my dude, EV has it's drawbacks. You can't spam movement combos while casting it. 

    Did you guys know that rolling gives you damage reduction? You can't roll while casting EV

    As with dozens of other frames that cant cast abilities and use movement combo's while doing it, see no point here naming just one frame having this problem.

  18. Just now, _A_Illuminati_A_ said:

    maybe my dude, but we gotta respect the support mains out there in the world

    Also I dont think you understood the guy, he doesn't want the infinite energy thing to be changed he just wanted it to be more costly then spending a little bit of your own energy to give your whole party infinite energy.

  19. 2 minutes ago, _A_Illuminati_A_ said:

    I guess so my dude, the issue is important to bring up just in case, wouldn't want to deeply hurt people who invested a lot into their trinity builds, 
    I don't even play trinity super often , I just wanna think about the trin mains yknow' my dude

    Think all the people sitting in the audience boo'n and ranting when the guy brought it up was already more then enough for DE.

  20. 2 minutes ago, _A_Illuminati_A_ said:

    I'm replying to the dude at tennocon rather than DE my dude, I would be cool with a rework if they kept her theme of a energy and health giving support

    why reply to that guy, he probably wont even read this o.O probably doesn't even come to the forums for all you know. All that matters is what DE said in reply to him. I really don't see the point of making a post for this.

  21. 1 hour ago, _A_Illuminati_A_ said:

    Trinity is very balanced.
    She has already been nerfed. And infinite energy is NOT OverPowered. This is not debatable, anyone who has played the game for over 1000 hours can tell you that infinite energy is not OP.

    Please reconsider any decisions you make to nerf her energy giving potential.



    They already pretty much said the infinite energy thing wasn't going to change, though they were thinking on reworking the frame itself later in the future.

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