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Posts posted by iMalicious

  1. 1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

    You must attend TennoCon to receive your Collector's Ticket goodies. Only Digital Pack goodies are given without physical attendance.

    We hope to see you there! :community:

    What if we physically sent a drone to take part at TennoCon for us that can display a hologram of us (sort of like Loki's ability) so you can physically see us :P would we get our Collector Ticket goodies?


    I was sort of hoping to stay in my car and not actually have to go in on my own 2 feet that way I can play Warframe on my laptop while also attending TennoCon :P

  2. 8 hours ago, KIREEK said:

    Players decide on the price, the least you can do is respect them, if anything just politely decline and move on.

    I don't think it is even a good idea for players to decide on prices, honestly players deciding on their own prices is what breaks trading tbh and opens people to be ripped off and wasting money they worked for. I'm happy for nexus and warframe.market, honestly I don't think players should have the choice to price things how they see fit and should be more limited to doing so, as I said before you quoted only the S#&$ you wanted to hear there is games out there without this option and are doing extremely well, prices should have a low/mid/high not moron players who just say f it and raise the price to something nobody would buy (except morons who can't navigate a website and find it cheaper, as there is a lot of those people) I'm guessing from the part you quoted you're one of those people trying to sell things for ridiculous prices. Luckily I prefer to farm my own gear but when I do sell I sell through warframe.market because I'm not a greedy moron and I price my things fairly so the community can thrive so I'm always thankful to hear people are laughing at prices people set ridiculously high and they're honestly smart, I'll take more sales from them rather then try and sell one item for days upon days for ridiculous prices all meanwhile making more grofit then them and farming more grofit while they're still trying to sell a single item. Also if it wasn't for those people laughing at other peoples prices then those people laughed at probably would never of lowered their prices and never would of got their sales so instead of making this thread you should honestly be thanking them as I notice peoples prices dropping all the time and it's because of these people so good on them, I was one of these people selling for high prices before discovering warframe.market and nexus and people telling me my prices were to high honestly makes me thankful to them because now I make so much more grofit.

  3. I see no problem with warframe.market being there and laughing at someones price, some people are complete morons trying to sell Rhino Prime for 1000p. I think a site out there used for determining prices is a good thing, just look at Path of Exile they have sites like that too and are doing AMAZING, people actually follow those sites prices and it works great.

  4. 10 hours ago, ShadowStalker said:

    and you think people will buy her PA if they do that? no 

    most nerfs come to frames before they become Primed, so I don't see your logic in saying no.

    Also the range in peacemaker is far to great capable of hitting mobs from across the maps before they even shoot at you, especially vs infested it's a little to OP so I can see a minor nerf happening with them decreasing peacemakers range.

  5. I don't think that pattern is even accurate, why would Octavia Prime come before Nidus when Nidus has been released longer then Octavia and they're more likely to release 3 males before a female making Nidus before Octavia, anyway I think the chances of mesa prime before Zephyr is slim to none and I also think Mesa will see a minor nerf coming on peacemaker before being primed.

  6. 4 hours ago, Xionyde134 said:

    Looks like a drawing of Oberon Prime's helmet.


    Major difference are the side antlers with the tassels that the drawing has and the "Orokin Key horns" on the actual model aren't tilted at an angle.

    and it doesn't look like his drawing has an accordion on the back of his head like Oberon Primes current helmet.

  7. 14 minutes ago, Artorius-Alter said:

    I wouldn't be so sure..

    • TennoCon Relay unlocked in the Solar Map day of the event for exclusive digital ticket holder access to Baro Ki'Teer who will have his entire inventory listed!

    Straight from the digital ticket, and it is the -only- ticket that explicitly says so. I'm not sure if there's been dev confirmation that says otherwise, but the ticket page alone strongly suggest only digital ticket holders get TennoCon Baro.

    Also, it's not that surprising if it is digital ticket exclusive, it's made specifically for people who can't go for whatever reason, it's not that unreasonable to put something in there, even as small as Baro, that TennoCon goers don't automatically get.

    it was mentioned on devstream, all ticket holders have access and that it would be available for about 3 days so people have the chance to travel back home and use it. If you buy anything above digital ticket you get all things prior to that ticket, sort of like tiers giving more rewards but including the previous tiers in it.

  8. 4 hours ago, AuroraSonicBoom said:



    HELL YES do it!!!!!!! lol, at least it looks part unicorn/dog and has teeth and horns would be a more vicious King of the forest rather then goat prime being around the bottom of the food chain making him look like the easy meal of the forest. Either way I don't care I bought prime access got my Oberon Prime to lvl 30 then sold it for credits.

  9. 24 minutes ago, (PS4)Shade0217 said:

    Next prime frame will be a male, followed by 2 female frames. IIRC, Zephyr and Mirage are the next female frames released that are up for prime, but neither of them will come until after another male frame is primed. And I'm sure they will re-work Hydroid before giving him the prime treatment - I can't recall a recent prime where they didn't...

    So we think anyway due to how it has been in the past which is just a shared opinion, but they're working on another frame already and we still have yet to see Harrow's release and they're apparently working on a ton of content we have yet to see till Tennocon, will they get around to it or just release Zephyr prime first then do Hydroid after it. It's their game and their choice after all.

  10. 3 hours ago, aadjuh said:

    if you buy it on the official prime acces page, you can pay with steam funds.

    sadly that has no use for me what so ever since I need the option to gift my prime access, since I'm buying not only for me but for my brother and 2 of my friends.

  11. unless Hydroid gets a rework between now and next prime release they might skip him and go to Zephyr, at the very moment I doubt anyone would buy Hydroids prime because lets face it he is garbage in end game right now compared to most other frames. Zephyr can use some tweaks but as is right now it's in good standing and a pretty solid frame, also my main :) have to thank Hitsu San for his beautiful skin, what made me start maining zephyr.

  12. 32 minutes ago, Doomerang said:

    Because overall it's disappointing: Strange visual design for Oberon Prime and Silva&Aegis Prime, ANOTHER SYBARIS, and that syandana just doesn't fit Oberon.

    I'd have to agree especially since the thread for Oberon release under the name of his syandana says " The King of the Forest requires a crest befitting of his stature. Oberon Prime’s signature Syandana achieves this with flair." no clue in hell how his syandana befits his stature it's just ribbon and ugly as hell on the end of it and to thick, isn't a king suppose to look awesome yet his prime accessories were garbage o.O aside from that the frames look doesn't in any way resemble a king of the forest either, the animal he was chosen to look like was livestock to carnivores.

  13. 33 minutes ago, (PS4)jimmybish said:

    the thing is im on ps4 banshee access is there its €69.99 but oberon is €79.99 how does that work ?

    no idea, sadly only banshee prime access is available on Steam but no Oberon Prime yet and since I'm using steam funds to buy my prime access I'm stuck waiting.

  14. Just now, (PS4)jonnyblaze1976 said:

    Thanks. I dont know looks ok. Its going to depend if its got that good cloth movement or if it moves like a slab of rubber. Can go either way lol.

    I just got on to the game so honestly not sure, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's yet another slab of rubber which DE seems to be doing a lot of lately lol.

  15. 1 minute ago, (PS4)jonnyblaze1976 said:

    Any tenno out there have a pic of the sukira prime syandana? I'm at work and cant seem to find a pic of what it looks like.

    check the official prime access page, and scroll down to the accessories pack. It looks kind of crappy compared to most prime syandana's, no energy.

  16. 11 hours ago, Air-mage said:

    i doubt you can use default skins in primed weapons,

    and even though its a mace, it still uses  friging SWORD AND SHIELD stance, making groundslam, and stabs extremely lame andawkward

    and its not the flames which block damage, its the flowing energy just like zephyrs turbulance

    and what is energy o.O basically wouldn't be any different from flames, how does energy block anything so it still didn't make sense but now it does. Energy is not solid! I also don't see why you couldn't since you can use default skins with primed warframes, also as he said he has the day of the dead skin.

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