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Posts posted by Collisto

  1. Not entirely sure what tag to give this bug because none of them seemed to fit, but I digress.

    Molt Augmented's description says that it gives +0.24% Ability Strength on kill, and that it stacks up to x250. It should hit +60% Ability Strength at x250, but seems to fall short.

    I'm using Kullervo and modding him with Fleeting Expertise, Intensify and Transient Fortitude to get my Ability Strength to exactly 140%, so that when I max out Molt Augmented that number should reach 200%, but looking at the abilities while in-game they all fall short. On the stat screen, Wrathful Advance reaches 399% Melee Critical Chance, Recompense reaches 19,999.96 Overguard, Collective Curse reaches 99% Damage Redirection and Storm of Ukko reaches 4,999.99 Damage / Second.

    Uploaded a video so you can see for yourselves:


  2. Correct me if I'm wrong, but shield gating is meant to stop you from getting 1-shot by giving you an invulnerability phase after the last portion of your shields are removed. Sometimes though, I'll die with full shields in one hit, like so:

    Also for whatever reason, Loki's invisibility now makes the screen turn green, which it wasn't doing before the most recent fix.

  3. Was running an Arbitration today when I found a drone that was functionally immortal. For whatever reason, even when its shields were fully depleted I was still getting blue damage numbers. I can only presume that the nearby ospreys were causing it to gain shields, and they were immortal thanks to the drones effect.

    Video proof: 


  4. I performed a takedown on a Thrall next to a Rampart it had been firing, and the next thing I know I'm stuck sitting in it. It looks like both animations attempted to happen at the same time, and I sat in the Rampart as the takedown was occurring. I couldn't move my camera or open the chat to type /unstuck. Dying as Wukong didn't pull me out of it either, which would have meant I'd have to have waited to exhaust all of Wukong's passive revives or just abandon the mission, which is what I did in the end.

    I also captured a video of the entire incident: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHuKWU92SbE&feature=youtu.be

  5. I activated stasis and then banished a Dargyn as it was flying overhead, stopping it instantly. I shot the pilot and proceeded to bullet jump into it, while it and I were still inside the rift. Not only do you get a red banished symbol in the top corner from your own banish, but the camera will not correctly position itself either, leaving you looking out at weird angles as if the camera was put in stasis at the moment you pressed to interact with it. For whatever reason you can also fire 1 bullet from the Dargyn and have it fly off even though stasis is active, but then shooting will be disabled for the duration of the stasis too.

  6. So for this bug to appear you need to:

    1. Not be the host of a public game

    2. Not let go of the fire button until the clip is empty

    When you run out of ammo in the clip, you get autoswitched to your other weapons, or disarmed if no other weapons are available. This only happens occasionally, and from more thorough testing, the effect of the gun doesn't need to be active for the bug to occur.

  7. I'm currently using Limbo Prime with his 2 signature weapons, Pyrana Prime and Destreza Prime. Upon scoring 3 kills in quick succession, I get the boost and usually empty the clip without letting go of the fire button during any of this. Upon the ammo in the clip running out, I get switched over to my melee automatically, and I cannot stop it, so the only option is to manually scroll back up to the weapon. I don't know specifically what causes it, as I haven't tried it with the Pyrana, when I have a primary weapon equipped or with another frame.

    EDIT: I have tried to recreate the scenario in the simulacrum, but it doesn't appear to be working incorrectly anymore.

  8. I'll try to make this as short but as detailed as possible. I was doing a void fissure run with 3 other players, we got to 20 minutes and a player went AFK. Another 10 minutes past and 2 of us headed to the extraction (the third person had also gone AFK, but gave us no warning). Right as we were about to extract, we were hit with a host migration. The most recently AFK player had left the squad and I was stuck on a loading screen with 2 others, one of them still AFK from the 20 minutes. After waiting on the screen for half an hour, the non-AFK guy decided to restart his game and rejoin. Nothing happened. I did the same, and got the same outcome. Then we decided to do it at the same time, and when I rejoined it was only me and the AFK guy. The other person had joined a seperate game session. When they extracted they got their rewards and what not. Meanwhile the AFK guy came back, and we both headed to extraction. The relic-opening rewards were missing, and I only got the 5 minute interval credit rewards and what not. It still used up my 6 relics, and yet I'm missing 6 prime parts. I didn't have time to ask the other person what had happened to them, since they went offline straight away. I checked to see if I'd actually received the rewards if it was just the extraction screen that was buggy, but sure enough, I'm missing the 6 rewards I got. If I remember correctly, I had a Fang Prime bluprint, 2 Forma's, a Paris Prime blueprint, a Banshee Prime Chassis blueprint and something else. Basically I spent 1 hour to get nothing, and lose 6 relics.

  9. While playing Inaros I ran into a Nox, tried to Devour him, but it didn't do damage to it nor heal me. The Wikia reads that the Nox will not take damage from any DOT status effects, and I'm assuming that means things like bleeding or toxic. Is Inaros' DOT from his devour counted as well, or is this a bug?

    After doing some testing in the Simulacrum, it turns out you do regenerate health, but the Nox does not take damage.

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