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Posts posted by mdutcher

  1. I'd actually prefer the bolt just to debuff any grineer weapon you use against any faction.


    IMO that would be less punishing. Then to get it off you''d have to do a stealth mission to break into some sort of Grineer lab to find the bolt removal. 


    Well I don't think it should be less punishing.

    but the stealth mission kinda fits in with the corpus way of doing it

  2. Reading the lore on the G3, they were made at Grustrag by Facility Director Tengus, who later made the Grustrag Bolt to keep them under control because of their inclination to attack their fellow Grineer.  Tengus even supplied them with more bolts to put on their enemies to weaken them against Grineer.  It would stand to reason the Grustrag Bolts are used enough at the prison that a device to unlock them is there as well.




    completely forgot about that

  3. Hopefully the bolt is a placeholder for a mission similar to escaping Alad V.



    One can hope...




    I'd like, instead of Lotus sending you the blueprint for the device to unlock the Grustrag Bolt, for the Lotus to send you the coordinates for Grustrag, the prison that made the G3.  You would have to infiltrate the prison, start a prison riot as a distraction (unlock all the cells), and locate the device that will unlock your bolt.


    That might be fun..would be interesting...but why is the bolt release there?

  4. If you have played some of the invasion missions you will probably have seen the inbox messages from Alad V or Councilor Vay Hek. These will eventually end in a stalker-like encounter in which you end up fighting the Grustrag three(grineer) or Harvester(corpus).


    If you fail this mission and die to them there is a 'penalty'. With the grineer this will end in a crafting recipe in the foundry to remove a debuff against grineer. with the corpus it ends in a special mission in which you need to escape from a prison without your equipment(at the start).


    My problem is that the corpus 'penalty' is waaay more fun then the grineer, this would encourage the player to help the grineer more, this upsets the balance.


    how I see it the grineer penalty must be revised, it just isn't as much fun to farm neurodes instead of trying to escape from a prison.


    Thanks for reading

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