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Posts posted by MetallicReaper

  1. I must have derped on that, I swore I posted it in general

    Also you should have used

    in the title.


    also it's not that the sentients cant enter the void, if you paid attention during natah, traveling through the void for the sentients renders them infertile, which is the one of the main reasons the lotus betrayed them, she sees the tenno as her children. This has numerous allegory references present in the related quests, terms such as "the womb in the sky" represent this.

  2. Since you so kindly asnwer me and explained me few things.Explain me this as well on my ember with maxxed fleeting and 2 star steamline thats 175% efficiency the energy per second is 1.11 and with maxxed fleeting and maxxed steamline that over capped 190% but only show 175% in tooltip the energy per second is 0.75. Why is this happening if its not a bug ?

    You really dont want to max fleeting expertise unless you have no room for streamline, if you do, max streamline and only bring fleeting up part way, you save some duration there which is better for channelled abilities.

  3. I've just completed the Sorties with 0 problems in terms of lags.


    One of my team mates have a really bad computer and internet and yet, 0 lag problem on Shargwing part and transition from it.



    YET, what we did have, was a massively bugged spawn mission. We had the extraction mark at around 230 kills, in a mission of 480. Took us over almost an hours to force them to spawn.


    Now that a big bug.

    just had that problem on the last sortie mission today, we just waited at extraction and infested would spawn every few minutes at the water entrance.

  4. On Salad 5's assassination node daikyu arrows will travel well outside the bounds of the map without despawning, upon using navigator even just a few seconds after firing your last arrow you will take control of it very very far out. As in, in thye actual space skybox with the planet you're on, image in the spoiler.


    How to reproduce:


    1: go to jupiter


    2: fire a daikyu


    3: use navigator


    4: ???


    5: space arrow profit




    Edit: image isn't working works now

  5. That's not a bug, it's intended. If you're inflicted with radiation damage from an enemy you can damage other players.

     or from lazer traps, your own weapons if you have something like the kulstar or castanas with radiation damage added, and from radiation hazard sortie missions.

  6. This is a recent problem, started yesterday I believe but for some reason the middle mouse button on my rat 7 doesn't respond when in other games like Planetside 2 it does respond. This leads me to conclude that something has changed recently that no longer enables the middle mouse button/Scroll Wheel Button to respond. This is quite frustrating as I have always used the middle mouse button for jump in Warframe.


    This might be possibly a problem with my mouse so it might be on my end where the problem lies.

    They recently changed middle mouse button to alt fire with weapons so all weapons can zoom now, all I can think of is to make sure that altfire isn't still mapped to you middle mouse button.

  7. So I've been trying to reduce my clan tier from shadow to ghost, but every time I try I get this message:


    ''Could not reduce clan tier: Please finish contributions for pending, or abort these rooms before reducing clan tier''


    I've checking everywhere and I do not have any pending rooms in my dojo. I've also checked if there are any unbuilt decorations and there are none. 


    I've also removed the barracks so I have no idea what i'm doing wrong.


    I've been having this as well, check you're clan log, you might have a message saying "whatever room" needs contributions even if the room doesn't exist, I've made a support ticket so i'm just waiting for that to get resolved at the moment, not much can be done about it.

  8. Hacked all terminals and it won't progress, none of Lotus's dialog played at the beginning either. Can't rank up till tomorrow now. Massive sadness.

    (Accidental double post. No clue how to delete the other one. Very sorry.)

    I suggest going to a relay, and entering simaris's room, you can practice the test there and see if you missed any terminals and if the lotus's dialogue will play there.

  9. yea I built a rail, shame, I dreamed of having proxy wars with my little soldiers I built via rails. Explains the disabled via armistice picture on the clan info page.


    Probably not a priority fix then. Might want to remove the ability to build the room, rails or whatever, out of the game until they decide what they want to do with it.


    I was going to start stockpiling rails for when I decided to stake my claim and see my cute chicken clan emblem on a dark sector mission.

    Yeah, I built one hoping I could at least customise it and make it ready for when dark sector rails come back, I hope they at least refund on the research and rail resources if they change the mechanics and render the rails and research deprecated.

  10. levers? We need to you type clearly, you#ve basically posted gibberish, are you saying you've done missions but the starmap hasn't registered you as having done them? post a screenshot so we can see what you mean.

  11. Sadly this is needed! Do you by any chance suffer the same problem? If not and you're dealing with another fault in the Dojo system, I sincerely hope it gets fixed soon for you and your clan. :D

    Luckily my clan is at shadow, so I dont need to rebuild any barracks, I still have to wait for my ticket to get addressed about non existent nodes.

  12. No I agree, It should be completely disabled. But being in the dojo probably got overlooked as most things in the dojo are.

    Aye, you can still build rails, I've actually built one just to see the process, I like the shutter option it provides though.


    Edit: My rail just finished and I get the same bug, brings up a blank schema edit screen that you cant escape.

  13. I've started to bring vapour spectres with element loudouts different to my prefered elements for this reason, I'll do all the damage I can, if I fail to kill him pop a spectre and let it get to work. (I pretty much go corrosive on every mission type, turn grineer to butter, and with infested ancients get elemental priority since gas isn't very effective on them and rabble dont need gas to kill. If it's really high level corpus I might change but usually corrosive is enough for them too)

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