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Posts posted by Gabe_Over

  1. I think we need something that will force us into playing the game instead of running though the game. Most mission people are encouraged to just equip fastest moving and (sometimes) killing frame, and blaze thought mission in less than 3 minutes. Not even noticing tileset, enemies ect. I think we need new types of enemies that will slow us down a bit and make us think on what are we doing (instead of just running and blazing with Ignis or spamming Brama).
    A: AoE negation - some sort of enemies - drones that will intercept explosive projectiles - forcing us to slow down, swap to secondary and eleminate target
    B: Lockdowns based on enemies not consol hack - And enemy who can lock down corridors/doors forcing us to fight him and his minions a bullet sponge with 2-3 distinctive weak points rewarding careful play.
    Additional environmental dangers - making explosive barrels do actual damage to us and enemies, gas pockets that can be ignited ect.

    If it has to be hard mode, it has to be something more than just more high level content we can blaze though, something that will force us to play the game.

  2. Self damage is not coming back. Only way to balance it I guess is rebalancing most AoE based weapons, but that would take time that DE don't have while focusing on Railjack or... Rework "anti-stagger" so players can no longer prevent self stagger by any means Warframe ability or mod, just stagger from outer sources but that would be very "hypocritical", why Bombards Ogris can't stager me but mine can?

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