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Posts posted by ghostwriter12

  1. I like the new game mode except it appears to be crashing my computer. I've played other modes on Jupiter, i've played other modes on other planets, no problems. But the second i try to do a disruption mission i get a full computer freeze.

    i took a break from warframe because i was having crashes in every single mission i ran and i'd really like to come back, but it's difficult when bugs in the new content make the game unplayable.....

    and for the record yes i play other games and no none of them crash my computer, just warframe. and yes i've verified my download files and cache. /sigh

  2. i've been having a ton of crashes since the middle of last week. usually occurs during extraction, it'll freeze up my entire computer so i have to manually restart, but it has also happened mid mission a few times as well. =/ last week my nightwave progress was reset on 3 different occasions, talk about frustrating

  3. So the game's been running well for my for several months, but on Wednesday with the latest tiny content update i've had constant crashes. Warframe freezes my entire computer and I'm forced to manually restart it. anyone else having issues?

  4. I went and double checked that one and i have it. I was basing my need for #14 on my ship's navigation console where the third to last hash is displayed as unidentified. Are they listed in the navigation pane out of order? Is there another way to see which hashes have been scanned? 

  5. I took about 4-5 months off from warframe and just got back in with fortuna and i noticed while i was out in the open world that when i try to bullet jump straight up it now jumps me up and sideways?????? like did they retool bullet jump with the fortuna release? like...why??? i want to bullet jump straight up to get on top of stuff thats easily reachable but now it's kind of weird to accomplish.

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