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Posts posted by Siilk

  1. Yeah, butchers and napalms melting the mixer in a matter of seconds is a bit annoying but honestly, I only failed the mixer phase once during the while event due being too cocky and bringing my underlevelled nidus and low-level gear. I mean seriously, OP plays Loki prime and during the video and I haven't seen a single decoy or disarm being used. He just runs around flailing his whip doing quite a mediocre damage to advancing grineer. So firstly, for a solo player OP's situational awareness should be better. Another thing, the gear and frame choice is not stellar. You can defend effectively with a melee Loki but that is unnecessary complicated solo. So unless you're confident in your skills, it is better to go safe and bring something like Frost, Gara or Oberon and an assault rifle.

  2. Yeah, I remember being quite confused about what to do when I was fighting Kril for the first time(how many years ago now lol?). He was perma-invulnerable with no visible openings or weak spots and no vulnerability periods in his attack patterns. Yeah, after a couple of attempts I got the idea of what to do but it feels like a bad game design to be honest. I think a simple hint from Lotus, something like "Beware, Kril is protected by his hardened shield generator he wears on his back" would go a long way to help new players avoid unnecessary frustration. Let's face it, lack of in-game information will simply mean a trip to a wiki/forum/reddit anyway, so it's not like discovering this weak spot on your own is particularly significant.


    Edit: to clarify, I don't think the fight itself is hard solo(that's the only way I play so I know what I'm talking about) when you know what to do, even for a low-MR player. It's just until you figure out what to do the fight is extremely frustrating. And it is really not that obvious with Kril always facing you when you are the only tenno around.

  3. On 4/3/2018 at 1:08 PM, MercuryDjinni said:

    The problem with investing potatoes and forma into your archwing stuff is that with the loss of trials, this one boss is the only high-level thing to do with the archwing.

    Well, there are fomorians...


    As for the topic, the boss itself is not that different form many other warframe bosses. Bullet sponge with invulnerability periods, that's like half of what we fight in warframe. The problem is, that boss is pretty much the first real challenge for someone who was not personally interested in archwing. And the thing is, pretty much no one is. Archwing gameplay design sucks on so many levels that people usually just avoid the 'wing content entirely, leaving them with underleveled and, more importantly, undermodded, 'wings.

    While changing arching gameplay into something enjoyable seems ratehr hard if not outright impossible, it would be really nice if 'wing mods would be obtainable outside of 'wing missions. Even with a low drop rate, getting something that can boost the archwing performance during a normal gameplay loop would go a long way to improve the quality of life for beginners and mid-MR players.

  4. I think what we need is a way to dock the orbiter to our dojo. I imagine an orbiter dock as a buildable room which can be assigned to a particular clan member or be marked as public giving any member the right to dock if it's unoccupied. Docked orbiter will ideally have a seamless integration to the dojo, providing a way for orbirer owner to go in and out of orbiter just like any other dojo room. In case of technical limitations, docks can have a special transporter which will allow orbiter owner to go in and out.

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  5. 49 minutes ago, (XB1)Architect Prime said:

    It would be nice if mods that don't effect stats and just make flowers and other stuff had their own slot. 

    And also, it would be nice if SOME mods had visual affects. Like neat little things, nothin' big. Try not to be triggered.

    Dude, you managed to misuse both "affect" and "effect" in one post of two sentences. That's a massive achievement if you ask me.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Unus said:

    Then your fit for both Dawn of War ANDDDDDD Space Hulk.

    Keep in mind, many people found DoW3 quite underwhelming as a WH40k game. If you'll be trying out the DoW, start with the original one. It still look ok despite it's age and there are lots of mods for it, including the Codex Mod which introduced many 40k factions and a myriad of new units into the game.


    If you are into retrogaming, I strongly recommend Final Liberation by SSI. A turn-based strategy, it is basically an adaptation of the tabletop game. Graphics and UI are noticeably outdated but if you can tolerate those, the game is really fun to play. Did I mentioned they have FMVs?

  7. 2 minutes ago, -SDM-NerevarCM said:

    I saw the release of many Warhammer games. But like the Souls games, I never played one

    After I saw a small bit of the lore from the Soul series I started playing and now I'm a fan, however I never played a Warhammer game. Neither Starcraft.

    The thing about WH40k(and the fantasy WH for that matter), it's way way more than just games. Originally created as a tabletop miniature game, it generated a ton(and I do men a ton) of quite fascinating lore around it's core concept of "free for all in a dark sci-fantasy world". Just reading the 40k wiki can entertain you for countless hours. Plus there are also books, some of which are actually quite good, despite being a licensed product. And the art, oh the art! An absolute hallmark of military sci-fi, sci-fantasy & dieselpunk. Oh, and they have titans. Lots of titans. :clem:

  8. 8 minutes ago, Unus said:

    No, not at all. We're free to move into each Warframe as we see fit. We aren't jammed into one ill-fitting one with ruinic barbwire and chains to ensure our obedience.


    It is "our" young age that made the process possible. Tweets that could be molded and shaped through what started as innovative therapy, then turned to martial techniques. Child soldiers for a long dead war, now simmering back to the surface.


    Wait, how far along are you in the story?

    Well, I can see some similarities. Possession of a war machine, magic-like powers, void being involved and all that. Similarity looks even more striking if you haven't completed TWW questline. But I agree, what warframes and operators actually are is not particularly similar to what Daemon Engines are.

  9. On 4/14/2018 at 12:50 AM, GLoRToR said:

    Where do you level Archwing effectively?

    Can't really say as I mostly gradually leveled it up over quite a long time. Limbo quest sort of pushed me into grinding some more through mid-game archwing content but mostly because of mods. You see, I haven't had much problems getting levels. Getting good mods to fill that capacity, now that was what I struggled the most. It goes like that: you barely play any archwing missions -> you get little in terms of mod drops -> your 'wing is weak -> you don't want to touch it with a 10 ft pole -> you barely play any archwing missions -> etc etc...

    So for limbo quest I farmed random 'wing missions I found least unpleasant and got at least some decent mods. Some time after that, I tried going for my first fomorian challenge which game me a decent enough reason to play a lot of archwing for several days. After that I pretty much forgot about 'wing missions entirely as I can go through most of them with little challenge now and the ones which are still hard are hard for all the wrong reasons.

  10. 8 hours ago, peterc3 said:

    The reward is the Clem specter to use. It doesn't need more rewards.

    Yeah, I guess I have to agree. "Clem survival" is supposed to be a low-MR thing, something players at lower ranks could run to get an AI ally while farming for specters is out of their league.

    However, I'm not against scaling Clem mission with player level or simply having different missions with different rewards(higher level Clems for instance).

  11. Well, yeah, archwing gameplay is not very good. Take it from someone who actually can consistently beat a fomorian 1M points challenge. Not saying I'm an archwing ace but I levelled & formaed my 'wing and 'wing weapons enough to see what they have to offer.

    The 'wing concept, a harness that will allow warframes to fly and fight in space, was good in theory. But the thing is, the way it is implemented was basically destined to fail. Controls a wonky and unresponsive which leads to a very uninspired combat. Especially so in the open space missions as "descent-like" flight model archwing has simply does not work well with open space dogfights. Underwater mission are even worse as movement is sluggish which leads to even less tactical options in combat other than "use whichever damage mitigation abilities you have, spam AoE damage and CC and shoot the rest while being effectively stationary" Seriously, bloody dragas are faster that the "underwaterwing" and they are just grineer troops wearing fins and wetsuits.

    Then there are enemies. Some visual designs aside(looking at you, dreg), my main concern in the AI or more to the point lack thereof. Yeah, in space or not, it's still a horde shooter but archwing mission enemies' AI seem to be completely rudimentary. Fly in a straight line towards the player and shoot, Fly past, turn, rinse, repeat. No variety, no interaction with the environment, no team tactics, nothing. This is space invaders level of primitive.

    Missions are also nothing to write home about. Mostly mediocre, they are a subset of the same old warframe missions but "in space" with pursuit probably being the only original and remotely enjoyable 'wing mission.

    On top of that, we have the lack of interactions between regular warframe gameplay and 'wing gameplay. PoE aside, outside of Uranus missions, you don't even have the access to your 'wing unless you chose a 'wing mission node on the starchart. And underwater segments are so horribly designed that I actually see their limited amount as a good thing. Archwing use in PoE(and supposedly other open world areas to come) is probably the only decent integration of 'wing with regular gameplay so far. But even that is severely spoiled by 'wing's atmospheric flight controls being all messed up, even compared to it's regular controls.

    Seeing how limited the archwing content is(think of how limited in numbers 'wings and 'wing weapons are, compared to regular warframe variety), it is quite clear that DE doesn't really know what exactly to do with it these days. I can't really blame them and I'm not really sure how this situation can be improved. Putting 'wings and warframes together is just too much of a mishmash. This is sort-of allowed in PoE but judging by the amount of tools grineer have to instantly knock you out of the sky, combat use of 'wing seems to be discouraged by DE, leaving only utility and fast travel as the main intended focus for hybrid gameplay.

  12. Why do you even care guys? It's yet another random daily reward, same as any others. We get something for free just by logging in and as those are not milestone rewards, there are no promises made on what exactly we will get so who cares how many levels of randomness are there under the hood? The "pick one of three" thing, so they show you a pool from which a reward is supposed to be drawn, why is that upsetting you? You don't seem to be particularly upset by lame rewards when it's "here's your reward" day... You'll still get what you'll get and it's not like it's dramatically important to get one particular thing out of three. The difference between them is not that huge and rewards themselves are not that valuable anyway.

  13. 13 hours ago, rmac306 said:

    Arcane BPs are "one time" use only.
    If you want to have a R3 arcane, you need to buy 10 BPS.
    That means, clicking 10 times on the BP, than YES, etc.

    Yeah, I know they're one-use and heard about using need duplicates to level them up. Now I think of it, it wasn't worded in my question but I was mostly curious about Plague arcanes, aren't they rank 3 already?

  14. As a strictly solo player, I'm not against that but I never had a big problem with not having more than one key at a time. With some luck and some basic pattern analysis you can reliably open a vault every 3-4 missions. With derelict tileset being a good source of mutagen samples, there's always a good reason to run those missions anyway. But with that said, it kinda makes no sense not to have all the keys being available at the same time. I mean they already penalise you with their effect so if that will stack why the hell not?

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