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(XBOX)vN o ii R z

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Posts posted by (XBOX)vN o ii R z

  1. 17 hours ago, eRager said:

    On PC you should be able to just add a person whenever, either before or in the the middle of the mission.
    I've done it before.

    Well, there's that. Tons of doods in the alliance I'm in have complained about that very thing, and we're poor ol' console plebs, but that was pretty much the conclusion we all came to. Same may apply if you just joined a clan, though I've no idea about that one.

    I didn't really get the chance to experience that since the first time I tried it, I DC'd five minutes in...and with no rejoin prompt. 😓

  2. Just some things I wanted to point out reading through this thread, based off my own experience.

    1) If someone DC's from this, they should be given the option to rejoin squad. It'll still count for them if they do. At least, it ought to, worked for me for the 40 Wave Defense one before.

    2) Dunno if PC works differently, but if you just added someone to your friends list then go play the Survival immediately after, it won't count for the 'with friends' challenge. On the console version at least, you need to relaunch, or perhaps just go run something else first, before the in-game list updates your newly added friends.

    3) LS drop rate does fall off after a while, but I've done this challenge solo, so it shouldn't be a problem for teams. LS drop rate is 1:1 with your kill rate, so if you're struggling to find any LS, then you're not killing them fast enough.

    I do agree with the points made for rethinking the parameters for this challenge, too. I can easily do an hour myself, I've gone for 3+ a few times. Doesn't mean I necessarily want to, nor do most people who play. 30-40 minutes is just a nicer overall time for a challenge issued to the entire playerbase. The 'with friends' thing ought to just go. I prefer to just do things myself, squadding up takes too long for my taste in most situations, and if you don't already have some on standby you can play with, well, see point 2.

    Hopefully we'll see some worthwhile changes with round 2 of Nightwave, but honestly, who knows?

  3. Well, I just captured all three in one action since I downed all three near each other. So, guess there's a solution to the capture bug.

    I've yet to encounter that, though it doesn't always seem to tell you that there are any around. I just found them sitting in a room near extraction while looking for my Simaris targets, lol.


    Edit: Seems it only happened once, must have been a bug. I also just had two trios spawn in while looking for Amber stars. Might be set on a timer similar to Charm? In that at certain intervals, they have a chance to spawn.

    Same might apply to the Wolf himself?

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