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Posts posted by SyexCr

  1. I have a video how you can do it with glaive ....... or with a normal nikana or whatever mele you want..... dont know why complain about a mission just because you cant complete it.... and why there are too many people over mr 9 ? if is suppose to be fixed as you say ? ....


  2. I am dont playing POE or warframe until they add something worth.... already have all prime stuff and want to farm some prime pieces from this unvault but they only add it in the shiftty (delete the F ) POE I can run it pretty good with my pc but that bounties is just a waste of time..... RNG for relics + RNG to open them .... no thanks they are forcing us to play POE just because POE dont have that succes in the game I mean ...... you only need to get astronite points to the max and get the shiftty stuff about amps and thats it.... adn really dont like to travel like 9km betwen missions just to "try" to get 1 relic ........ I think they fail this unvault ........ I will just log in for my dialy reward

  3. I really really....REALLYYYYYYYYYYYYYY hate how to obtain the new relics for the unvault warframes is just too tedious to keep doing over and over that  bounties...... I mean when it dont get bugged..... dont understand why put the stuff there .... is not funny at all, at least in the other missions is more funny because need to survive or defend an objective in poe is like the same but like 9000+ more boring .... and need to travel like 9 KM to finish one sheft baunty......

  4. Or you can simply go to trade chat and sell it and then buy another one with a n easier no hands skill mission..... and " Do a Lv30 survival without killing anybody " really??? you put that ....? ..... you know how to public play ? or team play ? find the obviusly answer how to finish an extermination with out !!!YOU!!! killing anybody....... ._. ... but now I think you know how to open that mod..... I want to belive it ....

  5. I am going to mix 2 kavat smeeta imprints and I want to know if someone can help me to know where to put the imprint that I want to use to get the same shape like tail and ears and where the colors and that, and how to get a smeeta kavat by mixing 1 from smeeta and 1 from adarsa and thanx to the answers if you take your time to write the answer for me thanxs a lot

  6. -Magma- Male  Smeeta
    Tufted ears, Yellow Energy, Peacock Tail 
    320p - Imprints x2


    -Don Gato- Male Smeeta
    Fennec ears, Yellow Energy, Peacock Tail 
    120p - Imprints x2


    -Gato Prime- Male  Adarsa
    Ball ears, (Apple) pink/purple ?, Arrow tail
    100p - Imprints x2


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