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Posts posted by 9Hopper

  1. After perusing the forums, there seem to have divided answers over a number of questions.


    1. Does the Kogake actually hit multiple times for its ground finisher, with each instance doing 75?

    2. Does Reach affect the aoe of the ground finisher?

    3. Can the ground finisher crit, and if so does it pull the chance  and damage off of regular or charge attack? (reason I ask is because charge attack is a different damage type from the ground finisher)

    4. Can you use the ground finisher on an enemy multiple times before it rises if your attack speed is high enough?


    Bonus Question: is there a reason why the Galatine has a finisher of 200 if ground finishers supposedly run off of charge damage? Reason i ask is I will be running a specialist build and am trying to find a weapon with the best ground finisher.

  2. Seriously though bump venom to 50 or 75 and give it back it's orig killing power. Or go down the drastic route, stick it at 100 and make Saryn the first non mindless mob splatter.  To get the most out of Venom you have to spec specifically for it anyway.

  3. There aren't any rewards exclusive to T3 defence that'd make it worth sitting through when you could just pop a different mission for a chance at the same reward pool. Some sort of gurantee or tilted odds would make the suffering slightly worthwhile.

  4. When the venom spores start popping enmasse, the resulting flashes are far too bright and result in a massive frame rate drop for everyone in the game. We basically had to look in the opposite direction while they were popping to not get hit by massive slowdown spikes.

  5. tumblr_mqkjctX2PW1r84p78o1_1280.png


    link to the lineart if it's too hard to see



    Full pose would have Excal kneeling


    Based off of one of the Stalker's lines, specifically:


    The blood of (boss' name) is on your hands. Did you really think there would be no repercussions?


    Pulled from a post I did a while back for the Fanart section, thought it'd be suited for this.

  6. What i meant was that there wasn't any incentive to go past wave 5 as the roulette spins the same for rewards and only get progressively worse instead of better. Im just saying to tip the drop rates of keys to be say 1% higher after 20 waves of a tier 3, as well as opening up an interval so another wouldnt come for a for quite a bit of time. The other part was simply a suggestion, to let us keep the odd core, which could be dropped if found excessive.


    Forum culture seems to automatically assume everyone is complaining about puggers when nowhere in the post was this nuanced. 

  7. Right now there isn't much reason to go past wave 5, so why not allow us to keep the rewards we get every 5 waves? This will give the players incentive to shoot for higher waves for a higher payoff. It can even be made so that if we fail, we lose all the bonus rewards.As drop rates for certain waves taper off to have a high chance for the same repeated mod, I don't see any way this could be exploited, and if they could, this could still be fixed so that Void keys can't appear sequentially for a certain interval of say, 20 waves or more. 


    Suddenly that wave 100 looks appealing again

  8. While going to my mod Loadout screen, it glitched and showed me the icon of a save button and a dropdown bar with the word default. I thought it was already implemented so i relogged, but it was gone, with nothing but the regular selections available. So I'm assuming they're going to be adding the capacity to save multiple mod loadouts for a single frame soon.

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