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Posts posted by askaninja

  1. Thanks!

    For those looking for the option on the PC it is not under key bindings, it is instead on the first tab of options and it is called "Melee with Fire Weapon Input" near the bottom of the page. Time to try to get channeling working 😃

  2. Under the old system I was able to use the same button for firing my gun as melee so I had a single attach button on my mouse as I rotated through weapons. I the new melee system I can't do that anymore from what I can tell. It just feels clunky and worse instead of better. Any way you can fix that Devs?

  3. The only real problem is people keep begging for nerf's that should never be done. People that complain and beg for something to be nerfed.. as if a benifit to a teammate hurts their performance is silly.. this is a team based game, not a zero sum game. One Frames/Weapon benifit is not to the loss of other Frame/Weapon. People who complain asking for "nerfs" or "balance" is the type of feedback that the Dev's should ignore if not criticize.

    She was fine IMHO prior to the nerf since there were a bunch of enemies that had high resistance to heat damage. It's not like you could just stand there and kill everything without interacting as many people claim unless you were over geared on a low level planet... and by that token ANY maxed frame can easily go for an hour solo on any mercury mission with no real chance of failure... so if that is the complaint it is a silly argument. The way she is now I would cross her off my list of useful frames.

  4. 8 hours ago, Obviousclone said:

    the problem is that banshee is a horrible warframe. Unaugmented.

    Seriously, ask any banshee main to play without augments and they'll tell you it's impossible. She depends on them to keep her powers relevant. Her 2 is horrific without the augment. Her 3 is an absolute joke of a defensive skill (75 energy to stun enemies once for about 3 seconds on a 20 second cooldown?). Her 1 does 50 base dmg. fifty. granted it can scale up with her 2, but 50. Her 4 is like hydroid 3, or wukong 3 where yes it does stop her from dying because of the cc, but it also doesn't let her do anything, no moving no shooting. Which means the net progress you make is very little. Especially when enemies start to outscale the damage it deals.

    I think the rework should have actually been to increase the duration of her 3rd to 10 seconds with a 10 second cool down.. .this way if you run with a good group you can ambush mob groups, retreat and ambush again or just run in a straight line attacking getting a hit in here and there and running past the big stuff.

  5. 15 hours ago, Kiwinille said:

    Ember has been under the radar for how easy and passive she is to play for the reward it gets, while being a game-killer factor for players feeling left out of missions (as an Ember farmer, I completely agree). DE agrees and wants to change the direction of stationary, passive, press & forget playstyle as recently seen with Ember and Banshee. While the change on Ember's 4th ability is in the right direction, it doesn't fix the gameplay issue. Energy was never a problem on Ember (0.75 energy/sec) making her able to forget what energy management is, casting WoF right at the begining of the mission and the biggest part, the change doesn't alter her passive playstyle, just slighty making her move closer to enemies, but just the same playstyle as before. So here's my idea, to make her gameplay less passive while not disrupting it for the rest of the squad, and still feel relevant and giving her abilties more synergy. Names in <> are just place holders.

    • Passive:

      Current: Any time Ember suffers a Heat proc, she gains 35% Ability Strength for the duration and regenerates 10 points of Energy for every second she is ablaze.
      New: Ember's abilities mark the enemies with <Ignition> for 10 seconds. Enemies defeated by Ember while marked will grant her a 5% Ability Strength stack for 10 seconds, up to 35%.
    • World on Fire: 

      Current: Deals high damage over time.
      New: On activation, Ember releases a massive wave of fire dealing high damage in all directions and toggling on <Fiery Soul> aura, shooting fire balls towards enemies marked by <Ignition> inside the aura and in line of sight, consuming energy per enemy kill, leaving a trail on the ground on the way to targeted enemies for 5 seconds dealing heat damage over time. Enemies suffering from heat procs inside the aura range are marked by <Ignition>.

      ► Range: 15m
            ► Damage: 1000
            ► Damage/Enemy: 400
            ► Energy: 120
            ► Energy/sec: 3
            ► Energy/kill: 30
    • Firequake Augment: 

      Current: Chance to knock down enemies up to 100% (mod ranks).
      New: <Fiery Soul> fire ball procs will refund 50% of energy on enemy kill. Enemies who survive after being hit by <Fiery Soul> fire balls have a chance to get knocked down up to 100% (mod ranks).

    I believe this would make Ember an active gameplay frame while maintaining damage and scaling cc, having more synergy within her kit, and with other players able to proc heat status, having to constantly use the rest of her abilities and aim to maitain stacks or reactivating 4th for more nuke dmg. It would make Ember the true alternative to gunplay that Volt never was.

    Or they can just undo the damage and roll it back. People make mistakes. The right thing to do is apologize, undo the mistake and move forward.


    8 hours ago, Jim22 said:

    They changed her augment not her actual ability. its the augment that changes how her ulti works. 

    Either way it was a fail. Enemies just wait at the edge of the line of damage or get pushed out instead of entering range without this mod. This mod gave the right amount of range plus allowed for slow growth at a stiff penalty, now it just pushes them out of range and enables them to shoot into the footprint of the ability.

  7. 12 hours ago, LSG501 said:

    Wow... I didn't see this coming in the slightest...checks old posts... oh right I did...

    I was saying it's the nerf to range that is going to kill high level usage, especially with firequake.... Even if you build for max range using every range mod you basically end up with the base range when it shrinks and that's far too small when you can be one shot by a 'sniper shot' etc.

    The most ironic thing is that the changes were supposed to improve 'low levels' where it could kill everything... it still can (I said it would do this too) by just extending the range.

    So in essence the 'rework' has ruined the ember builds no one was complaining about while not fixing the issue it was supposed to fix...

    DE can save the rework if they change firequake to still have knockdown but include no reduction to the range or increase to damage, hell they could make it half damage it wouldn't matter for crowd control.

    I disagree, the rework was really a fail. The way it was before made the frame just ok, now ember isn't worth playing, and has joined Bashee and Ash in the garbage heap of fail.

  8. 8 hours ago, Obviousclone said:

    see that's cool, but uh, two things:

    1. ground finishers don't do finisher dmg so armoured units kinda tank everything

    2. banshee has not only an aoe knockdown already in her kit that costs 25 energy, but it augmented to also strip 100% armour meaning the problems with point 1. get dealt with. You might want to look that one up.


    the new 4 isn't really useful for anything beyond radial nuking.

    The old 4th was great for stun locking high level enemies... usually you couldn't kill much but it would provide cover fire as long as you didn't get nullifiers coming your way which is really challenging in high level defense.

    The new 4th ultimate for banshee is pretty worthless.. even for radial nukes since at best you are immobile for about 2 seconds leaving only about 1-2 seconds of enemies being on the ground. This means you can't nuke and then attack knocked over enemies since you can't possibly close the distance for melee or shoot more than about 1-2 seconds before having to fire again. 

    Even when spamming the 4th it's slow wave of damage makes it weak.

  9. Not sure why DE did this.. if you modded to do cc for a long time the damage dramatically fell. the new 4th is completely worthless, just like ash. My feedback is simply this: the minority is complaining. In fact most people liked it before these things were nerfed. After the changes much fewer people are playing these frames. Is it because you don't like the way some people play the game? Is it about control.. only allowing people to play the game in a fashion you like? Why are you dramatically changing the game if most people are enjoying prior to the change? It sounds like a recipe for getting players to make players enjoy the game less and leave.

  10. It is sad seeing all the complaints about this weapon having a 1% edge over that one or some frame having slightly better abilities. At the end of the day all these game elements are different, and have their own pros and cons. It would be a ridiculous game if there were no consequences for wasting forma and lenses on junk weapons and expecting them to be top tier. 

    Likewise it would be pathetic and boring if all the abilities, mods, and weapons, were perfectly identical in damage and control. In the real world things are different from each other. Some are better, and some are weaker. These obsessive requests to balance a game that is pretty darn balanced to begin with is getting ludicrous.

    The majority of the people tend to like the game how you made it, that is why they play the game. Most of the people asking for changes are the minority. Please listen to the majority. Please stop before you ruin the game just like a painter that doesn't know when to quit working on a painting.

  11. In chatting about why people were frustrated with Ash's blade storm rework, I thought of some alternative abilities that would change the way he functions and keep the spirit of what Ash was. Most of the discontent was about blade storm being reduced to less than useful and effectively making it as useful as teleport. Here is my suggested ability changes to make him more lively:

    [1] Shuriken - Leave unchanged

    [2] Smoke Screen (improvement)

    Make it do an innate 100% puncture proc to all enemies within some meters equal his equipped melee weapons base damage.

    level 1, 1 meter, level 2, 2 meters, level 3 = 3 meters, etc.

    [3] Teleport - Leave unchanged

    [4] Blade storm Throwing Knife Barrage

    Ash launches a heavy volley of throwing knives (20?) over 2 seconds in a wide body sized or slightly bigger cylinder pattern. Each dagger passes through all enemies in a straight line and causes knock back and pinning to the wall with slash damage type. Does an intense amount of damage to everything in its path. Each dagger could do 500 damage bypassing shields and armor.


    Hopefully something different like this gets some lift. Please up-vote if you like it.

  12. As of this writing there are 127 pages of comments here; most of which seem to indicate most regular players like the changes. For perspective this thread that has been open for such a short time has about 1/4 the number of posts as the biggest thread I know has open --- the main Design Council welcome ---- thread has which has been open since 2012. I just wanted to point out some stuff that appears to been overlooked:

    Ash is one of the first characters. Until the nerf ashes abilities have not been significantly changed for years since 2013 (v6.3), and that change was to make it more powerful since it was deemed far too weak. The original fan base played the character and saw nothing wrong with it, because it was a truly balanced frame. I doubt it has been such a significant problem that for over 5 years nothing was done. There was no major out cry from the community to change it that drove people away. From what I can tell, people are being driven away from the nerf though. There is an outcry from the community to restore what it is.

    People make mistakes, that is part of being human and forgivable. When you don't learn from your own mistakes though you hurt yourself.  And only the people that care about you will be honest enough to tell you the truth in a kind and gentle way. Lets revert Ash to what it was, close the thread, and move forward already.


  13. DE hit the nail on the head which is that they want more people interacting instead of just pressing a single button every couple of seconds. It is highlighted here pretty clearly from the screen capture below. Unfortunately just because you see a problem doesn't mean there is a great solution. It is pretty clear that the reaction here, effectively making the ability so un-usable was a bad approach to which the 91 pages of posts can attest to.


    We often heard and experienced a power that doesn't allow for player participation beyond pressing 4 once and waiting.

    By nerfing this power so badly, you think the problem is solved, but it is not because people are just using the next most effective ability. People always search for the easiest way to accomplish a goal with the least work.. it is just being human. They will move to the next Warframe and utilize that ability until lots of people complain and cry for a nerf. Following this pattern we will end up in an endless nerf cycle until players get pissed and stop playing or all the characters are identical to each other and the game becomes very very boring since there is no advantage or penalty for any decisions players make.

    The nerf was attacking the symptom of the problem and not the root cause. Looking a little deeper, we see people are spamming this ability. And a better way to deal with the problem is understand why they are doing so. A simple exploration yields that it is very effective with the current mechanics of how all the enemies are. Making a new class of enemies that introduces a new mechanic can shift people away from this power. Something as easy as a hard slow target with excessive hp that cant be targeted by AOE abilities would possibly accomplish this. Add to our hypothetical they take double damage from status effects and have fewer mass mob enemies and you may even make the sniper a viable weapon to boot.

    Bottom line, the Ash nerf was a solution to the symptom. I recommend you restore it to what it use to be and instead work on new enemy mechanics that would favor the type of game play you are after. This is the best approach to a problem since frankly nerf's to abilities just piss off everyone except for trolls or those that don't have the ability to get the highly sought after item, gear, etc..



  14. 8 hours ago, (PS4)jedion said:

    pushing one button (nuke) and seeing every opponent goes down is a lot more fun to play, than targeting your opponent and target more opponents before pressing nuke but someone already killed them by the time yours is ready.


    wish DE looks at how many people played saryn before the rework and After the rework and see if there are more people that plays it now or then. like how they check how many people used carrier before and now.

    also check mag and mesa, you rarely see these frames being used now. only a few percentage ask for rework and how many gets affected after....



    Agreed. I played him a few missions to give the rework a chance. I don't mind change when it makes sense and the replacement is better than the previous state. This is not the case here. The new version of bladestorm puts a big dent in Ash's ability set, making him comparatively ineffective. I don't see anyone playing this frame anymore. I am not sure who asked for the change in the first place, but those people are not even using the frame now.


    For a business analogy: When a change to a product causes a product to no longer be used, the smart thing to do is to roll back the change. If out of pride, or effort, or whatever you don't heed the effects to the thing done, and you repeat that with the rest of the products at a company, eventually that business goes under.

  15. On 11/25/2016 at 0:15 PM, Pingu7867 said:

    The greatest question now is : Will the attacked enemies still be invulnerable to other allies' damage? This annoyance is way beyond anything else that Blade Storm does annoyingly. I couldn't care less about all the salty edgelords who cry about a patch that reduces the effortlessness of bladestorm. All that is needed is for damage to be also coming from other allies than ash. It's super annoying when an ash pokes an ancient over and over for a whole minute while allies could help obliterate it.

    rant over. make enemies not invulnerable to damage coming from something else than ash.

    This was my only issue with Ash. I agree, enemies should not be invulnerable during bladestorm. If anything, if an enemy gets killed during bladestorm that was targeted by bladestorm, and another enemy walked into the area, Ash should auto target the new enemy that walked in range with bladestorm to make up for the one that was killed while waiting for the animations

    The third power should have been replaced with something else. Teleport is just a lame version of bladestorm. Perhaps a super melee buff? something like a rainbow damage effect type (as that adds 100% damage corrosive, piercing, blast) with double range and that attacks 360 degrees for 20 seconds? Or a street fighter Akuma demon rage style where ash powerfully impales an enemy with his melee and hoists them over their head where you can hold it down and inflict massive damage with a dramatic pose with all damage ignored for the 2+ seconds you are impaling the one enemy.

  16. First, I am usually pretty neutral on most changes to this game. Being a founder, I have played this game quite a bit and rarely put my two cents in, unfortunately this is one of those times I think something needs to be said even if it is an echo of what other people have said.

    I am disappointed in the recent change to Ash's bladestorm ability; more accurately the removal of his 4th ability. With his other abilities being sub-par compared to other frames similar powers, the change to bladestorm makes him move from one of the top frames and a personal favorite to worthless. Many say that he was overpowered, however I would claim they did not play ash much, for if they had they would have experienced the disorientation and vulnerable moments post bladestorm. To tune Ash for bladestorm took considerable time, resources, and mods, and this recent change destroyed all that work.

    I am not sure what the rational was behind the change, however if we wanted tune for a teleport build we did. I played that build occasionally, however DE, you have removed our options to use bladestorm by moving from harder to use to making it infeasible to use. Yes, I understand how to use the new version of bladestorm, and that it is more effective against bosses (which are less that .01% of my runs). Now bladestorm works almost identically to teleport, meaning you waste lots of time targeting which doesn't make sense. No other frame required such tedious targeting abilities as Ash did previously, now the one good ability Ash had is terrible to use when swarmed by enemies.

    I understand DE made well-intentioned changes to many things recently between Relic's, maps, and new gear. Although most of the changes tend to improve the game, not all changes end up for the better and this is one of them. I implore DE to revert the changes done to Ash's bladestorm to make Ash useful again. Something new was tried, and that's great when it works out, unfortunately this time it hasn't worked well. Please listen to us, your customers, and undo this change.

  17. I feared it because I used Daikyu - Nerfed, I used Vectis - Nerfed, I used braton/ karak - Nerfed, now I use opticor and you're asking for a nerf. 


    Lord_Noctus beat me when I used opticor and he used Daikyu, I could 1 shot him on a full charge yet he couldn't 1 shot me with Daikyu, he still won. Snipers and Paris bows series (not talking about Daikyu) are @#%$, you shouldn't compare that to anything till the reworks have arrived. 


    I've seen players use this weapon, I've also seen comments says "How can you even kill with this thing? omg" "wtf, so hard to use" a lot, eventually, giving up on the weapon. 


    Agreed, tired of people whining because of a weapon that is deadly in the right skilled players hands. Stop complaining and asking for nerfs! Some weapons should be better than others.. that is just natural and makes the game interesting.

  18. it does, but if the host leaves while on the ship then the party gets auto-disbanded


    You are ignoring the common scenario of the host leaving during the end of a mission, then completing the mission, now it is time to get one more.. who is host? no idea? start guessing!


    Or even worse, host migration changes as the mission starts and the game kicks everyone back to the lisset and star chart. Now its time to play who's the host?

  19. Apparently negative duration now causes Saryn's DoTs to deal the same total damage in a shorter amount of time.




    If this is indeed true, I would suggest making all of Saryn's DoTs have a fixed ticks per second rate that cannot be changed, and duration causes the DoTs to stay active for longer, increasing the total number of ticks.


    Aside from that not-so-minor problem, at first glance, I'd say these changes seem overwhelmingly positive. I look forward to using Saryn for the role she was always destined for: the DoT queen.


    No, I disagree. DoT should be affected by mod's so we can have interesting combo's like we do for Speed Nova. Stop attacking creativity.


    I also love the passive's they have. Hopefully DE makes passive's a trend. DE should add cold resist to frost, impact resist to atlas, fire resist to ember... etc

  20. isn't the problem just the (lack of) mission variety?


    If we had a lot more game modes and more in-mission variation or objectives, a mixed team would be a lot more fun to play,


    I'll generally run things for fun, and use whatever, but when actual Alerts come on that have something meaningful, I always switch to what I can play best and mod best, just to get it over and done with, and generally, DE places those on fairly straight forward planets, and they are never very taxing.


    If we started having more complex scenarios, then Frames that have the more unusual abilities would get to do more. I'm not saying DE needs to add 1 km wide lakes of lava only Limbo can cross with Rift Walk to flip a bridge switch on the other side, but I think you get the gist.


    We have linear paths, rather silly AI, and most situations can be dealt with via straight damage application, so of course one tool will work better then another.


    That is a good point. At the end of the day though players can only rate a frame on its combat ability and utility based on the current content.


    For instance, Sniper rifles tend to be weaker than other types of primaries based on the existing content, but what if there were lots of sniper friendly maps, sniper rifles got a crit chance buff, and enemies that were highly resistant to machine gun type weapons like soma prime? Until the content is there we will never know.


    I think the gist of my original statement really stands though: If something is hard to farm or requires a high gear level to farm, but is comparatively weaker than the gear you used to acquire it, why would anyone use it at a late game save mastery fodder or a occasional fun diversion?


    Regardless of the number of people that might take personal offense or be vocal posters the answer is simply they wouldn't use it as evidence by the gear people choose to play at higher difficulties.


    I personally would love to see the play stats of each gear item... specifically # and % people acquiring a frame/weapon and # and % of people that use the frame/weapon for those that have it. Being able to see these this sort of information on a daily, weekly, monthly, and annual time frame would definitely provide insight to whether it is mastery fodder or something really heavily used. Also another dimension is % of total use x days after aquired .. say 1, 3, 6, 9, 12 months after getting it.... etc. Of course it doesn't tell us WHY but does give us the WHAT. To get the WHY it would probably require a number of surveys. I hope DE has this information for their own understanding of what the customer's needs and wants are even if they don't share it with us.

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