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Posts posted by askaninja

  1. The supra's damage is already fine, it needs a projectile speed or accuracy buff.


    I think the projectile speed should be very high to compinsate.


    if the accuracy were higher it would be too much like the flux.. therefore adding a high projectile speed and perhaps a slight damage increase would make it worthy of the costs.

  2. I have no problem with this.. it's an acceptable risk IMHO, however it would be better IMO to just have the energy orbs picked up and sit there with a delay to not be picked up (like when your dead) for the 5 seconds or so you are disrupted.

  3. There's punishing you for walking into a trap and then there's just being unfair.

    I recently played my first map with these traps.

    Fair enough I stood in one place blasting my Ignis and got killed by a trap. Used one of my revives, punishment dealt.

    Zapped again. Alright, I get the lesson.

    Zapped again. Eff you.

    Finally got out...


    As somebody said, it would be wonderful if the revive didn't revive you where you stood in these situations.




    Instant death as a punishment for getting caught in a trap at high levels is fair.


    A death loop when you revive or a teammate revives you is unfair.


    I reccomend moving the person back to a safe zone or providing some other mechanism to prevent a death loop.

  4. From what I just experianced, when you select gear for sale, it appear's that multiple layers of gear are sold at once. IE, you select weapons, and it selects multiple items even though you only selected one for sale.


    I am not going to do more testing on this as I don't want to lose even more gear to  what appears to be a huge bug, but I reccomend that people do not sell any gear for the next couple days until DE can look into the bug and confirm & patch it or verify it was a one off fluke for me.

  5. When you get disconnected from a game when in the lobby for a mission (happens frequently when people leave etc.) you typically encounter 2 bugs.


    1. You can not join another mission. You have to zoom out which is sometimes buggy (which means you have to use ESC to get out).

    2. When you zoom out your alerts and news are missing on the main screen which means if you were going for an alert you must completely exit the game and come back in.


    I thought it was a refresh bug, so what I did was go to options and change my screen resolution size to another size, then changed it back. This flip flop did not correct the issue so it is likely not a video card issue, but instead truely a UI issue.


    Note: upon playing with it a bit more You can reproduce this simply by joining an alert and then pressing back to exit out, then zoom out to the main planetary system UI.





  6. I'm saying that the puncture Mod already present is more than enough, related to the guy saying that SR should have innate puncture. It wouldn't make sense to have bolt weaponry when you have rifles with similar innate traits.


    The existing puncture mod is a joke. At the cost of a mod slot and the high cost of the upgrade it should be more like 1 meter per level, not this 0.1 meter per level nonsenese.

  7. Sniper class weapons IMHO should have 10 meter puncture, or perhaps an infinate puncture until it hits a wall.


    This would give them real strength while shooting at groups that machine gun and assult rifle type guns don't have.


    Shooting at a line of enemies on a defense mission would be hard, but 1 well placed shot could kill 3-4 enemies making it useful to skilled users.

  8. Some ideas:


    The charge attack should do a mini yellow bubble that makes you invulnrable for say 5 seconds with a 1 second wind up. While out you should be imune to knockdown too. Attacks would be a parry sheild bash blunt hit for say 15 damage or something minor but cause knock down (25%) or stun (50%) if knock down doesn't happen. This would have short dagger like range woot. Parry's take say 50% bullet damage, but only 5% melee.


    I would prob lay down some plat get one for the fun of it.. as long as the attacks are fast, and the sheild stays out for say 2 second when you tap it (tapping melee extends the time, but makes you move at 50% speed).


    Neat idea... here is some concept art, just for DE to use, free of charge:




  9. Why?


    I try to be very careful, but it finnaly happened after litterally hundreds of careful fusions -- I accidendentally fused a high level mod and lost it (and filed a subsequent support ticket).


    To help prevent this in the future, I think it would be a great idea to have the ability to protect a mod which would prevent it from being used a fuel to boost other mod's level.


    For example:


    I have a vitality and fortitude mod, and choose to lock it. After this I do a few runs and get 4 fusion cores. I want to boost my vitality mod with 3 cores and level it.. no problem. 


    Now I want to boost my fortitude mod so I use the last fusion core.. and then acidentally click on my vitality too.. no problem.. vitality is not selectable because it is "protected" so I just get a little negative beep with flavor text (not an alert) to the left. I click fuse and boom.. done i didn't lose my vitality on accident, and I boosted my fortitude without issues.



    As a future enhancement...


    When a mod is leveled it automatically becomes "protected" because it would be unusal to spend money and time leveling something you don't want.. so you have to "un-protect" mod's that are level'ed in order to use them as fuel.



    This is a win-win scenario:


    Prevents the problem from happening in the future -- good for the players.

    Prevents silly support tickets -- good for DE


    Please up-vote if you like the idea.

  10. I noticed when i was doing some quick runs that it appeared that someone joined the map after the boss was defeated about a second before it froze. Not sure if it is related. If there is some log/console please tell me what you need DE to give you more info. This is really diabolical.. it is a complete freeze of the game (not crash) about every 30 - 60 min.


    My system is fine (task manager on the other screen shows no proc / mem spikes or other issues while this happens. Also I can CTRL+ALT+DEL get to the task manager and end task, then run the game again and it's ok.


    Running an AMD 6000+x2, Nvida 240, 128 SSD, with a low ping 2u/20d Mbps connection that is running smooth -- not the best spec's but historically decent for this game.

  11. While this game has a rich set of parcore like acrobatic manuvers I feel that we lack a bit when it come's to melee weapon finess. I am not asking for alot, just a slight enhancement to the melee combat system such as fight combinations that would encourage use and fun of using melee attacks.


    If we could have a normal hit and light/quick hit as normal attack (2 melee buttons) different combinations ( Light, Light, Normal, or whatever is reasonable etc.) which would pull off a special move that would do 200% damage with a small AOE or something like that (varied by the weapon used of course) would bring alot of richness to the game aside from just the normal and charge attacks.


    I know this would take a bit of animation development, but I truely think it would be worthwhile and and another dimension to the game. Hell perhaps release special moves which can only be unlocked as you reach different mastery levels. On the bright side you can cheat a bit since many of the weapons could initially share a similair type of speacial move and animation.


    There are various games that all do this well such as Vindicus, Mirror's Edge, and Rid$&*^ off the top of my head. If you could have melee gun combo's (like Devil May Cry) it would be even more insane.


    Please Up-vote if you agree =)

  12. Typically while playing in missions, after someone does a warframe ability and you cross between parts of the map the game sometimes randomly freezes without a crash. I am unsure if the host's connection is locked up, the host is leaving, etc. or what's going on but you get stuck in limbo without being able to move and without a client migration or a crashdump.


    This never happened before, but since the update today, it has happened about 4-5 times (about once every 30 min.) while about halfway through a mission. I wish I had more accurate data, but unfortunely this game doesn't appear to have any sort of console or logging that I am aware of (which would be handy if you want to quit a mission via command line).


    I am not sure if it is related, but also since the update, I have noticed a lock up where you get stuck while in chat at cant leave a mission, or if you navigate you get stuck where you can't zoom out and all the planets disappear.

  13. The latest hotfix 9 (2013. as of this writing broke the map instance navigation.

    When you click on a planet, none of the missions are displayed =(

    Logging out entirely and logging back in post patching seemed to fix it. Hope this helps others =)

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