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Posts posted by notBPNPC

  1. After I smash those Roller children, I'll summon them back to life and force them to destroy their mother against their will.  Then I'll use them all against their Grineer masters until their final demise.


    There are no innocents among the Rollers.  Only the guilty, and the dead.

    This. This is what I like to see.

  2. Please don't change the name of Soul Punch, it just sounds so metal, very fitting to his overall theme. Search the dead is meh, but honestly I'm not too worried about it, almost every frame has that one lackluster ability (bounce, super jump, psychic bolts, etc). There are some good suggestions out there for replacements, but even if it stays the frame overall seems really interesting. Love the artwork and style of the frame as well.

  3.  Trivializing 99% of the game so the 1% can be completed. This is not a valid argument.


    Never 'trivialized' 99% of the game. I gave you reasons why I disagree with your post. If you disagree please explain to me why rather than blowing off my argument. In any case DE has said they do not intend to nerf anything moving forward as doing so screws players that have put forma and potatoes into weapons and suits, so you are sort of wasting your time with this post. 


    Another option would be to design a game that doesn't allow for rushing?

    Think R6Vegas, GRO, Mass Effect 2 etc etc.


    Warframe has major design/balance issues which havnt really been "tweaked" since the start.

    Its as if the game doesn't really know what it wants to be, and, it shows far too often.


    As far as rushing goes yea its annoying for new players whatever tho thats a matchmaking problem. Dont match mastery level 5+ players with newbies and you solve the issue. DE said during their last livestream that they wanted fast paced gameplay, so rushing kind of fits into that a little bit.

  4. Disagree with everything here except rushing. The abilities that you propose to nerf are the very ones that make the late game (level 100+ enemies) doable. Without snowglobe, cryopods can be killed by 1-2 corpus standing at a distance and it will be gone before you even notice its taking damage. And if it was damage based, it would become a total waste, as those enemies would destroy it in a matter of seconds. Bastille is equally essential for infested missions. Idk how novas ultimate ruins the game for people honestly. I love to have novas in my squad, as they are a huge asset to any group.


    Nothing in the game needs to be nerfed. If the game feels imbalanced for certain abilities, then the lower tier suits and abilities should be buffed to make them as strong as the abilities you suggested. That is how you improve the game and make it better for everyone, because people love their suits and have put a lot of resources into them, and nerfing them just makes everyone unhappy.

  5. Hate to say it but this is the way life goes dude. Ever got a phone and then the company releases a better version a month later? Also, the idea that a gun you forma and potatoe is suddenly obsolete because DE releases a new version is a little absurd. That gun is still going to kill just as effectively as it did before. The vast majority of the primes are a minor improvement over their counterparts at best. Now if you want the new version because it looks cooler thats a different issue. 


    I personally love the addition of new prime weapons, as it gave me a reason to start doing void missions. Plus showing them off is much more rewarding as it shows that you spent time and effort getting the gun, rather than just paying plat for a weapon (not that there's anything wrong with that). For this reason, I also believe that prime weapons should be more than just a visual upgrade of their counterparts. The prime weapons are much harder to acquire, and therefore should offer the player something special for their effort.


    Personally I look at this a different way, when I see a prime version of my favorite gun, I think its awesome that I get to have an even better version of it. I'm not worried about the potatoe and forma i used on it, as I can just get another potatoe from an alert, or forma from void missions/daily rewards.

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