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Posts posted by Dr.Wuzzah

  1. I think the stats of his abilities need tweaking more so than what his abilities do. He can be really fun but as of now I can only enjoy him on close quarters mid level missions because my build has sacrificed range and strength for efficiency and duration.

    Ash and Frost both have good kits, but you can't make full use of them because the base stats of abilities aren't good enough for you to make a build without sacrificing a power stat or neglecting to use part of their kits. Newer frames and reworked frames suffer less in comparison to frames like Ash, Frost and less so Volt. Good frames but bad stats or stat mod rates. 

    But that's just my humble opinion.

  2. 11 hours ago, Basalto said:

    Oberon is so top tier, that nobody plays him, partially because they aren't aware of the synergies that DE never explained in the abilities screen, and partially because there are better alternatives available for the things he does. If you want to heal, get Trinity; if you want to CC, get Nyx; if you want to strip armor and deal massive damage, get Saryn. The idea of spending 150 energy just to be able to strip armor, for example, is absurd, when Saryn can just pop spores for 25 and keep them chaining on enemies and dealing increasing damage with every second. The idea of a sometimes average health regen is crushed by a warframe that can give you 75% DR and instantly heal both shields and health, who also happens to be able to do so nearly infinitely, because she has another ability to regenerate everyone's energy, including her own. I enjoy playing Oberon, but for pretty much everything he does, I have another warframe that can do it better.

    You're right of course. Although I wouldn't accept anything else from someone who unconsciously walks into nullifier bubbles and then complains about abilities not working on the forums. Screw it let's just rework all of the frames because they aren't Loki and Loki is master race.

  3. 50 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    Sorry, but tested it myself. Serene Storm is not only a bad exalted, it’s a bad melee weapon. I got better performance out of Ankyros prime.

    And being forced to use a slide attack to kill anything stronger than a butcher is not a well designed exalted melee. Honestly, if you’re just going to slide attack to kill things just use a whip.


    Proof please

  4. 8 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    That’s like calling a history professor a joke because he never lives in the Middle Ages. It’s called research and informed opinions.

    That's the whole point of a historian, to study things in the past. Of course he can't experience it, that was roughly 800 years ago. Make all the analogies you want but it doesn't change the fact that you are wasting everyone's time giving feedback about stuff you haven't tried. There is a thread in general that states how to provide good constructive feedback:

    Back it up

    • Support your points with concrete points. X has better stats than Y. This ability is less useful when considering X. Provide in-game situational evidence or a solid foundation for your argument to rest upon.

    I don't mind if you make a thread about Baruuk being bad or about him needing a buff, but you've had people refute you by providing video evidence. You yourself have provided no evidence to back the prospect of buffing him AND you haven't even played him. It's like your so caught up in your own opinion FROM WATCHING OTHERS PLAY HIM, that you don't actually have anything constructive to say. At the least the other thread tried to justify stats as a condition to change him.


  5. 1 hour ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    He need big buff.

    You would not know since you haven't even tried the frame. And then you have the audacity to make a thread about suggesting changes to said frame. Dude you are a clown.

  6. 5 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    You know increasing sample size reduces the impact of variables, right? So that’s why you watch all of the videos. 

    This doesn't make any shred of sense. It also doesn't change the fact that you can't possibly know what you're talking about. We are all dumber for reading about you trying to justify not playing a frame and giving critic. What does sample size have to do with watching videos? Or variables? Everything you said was purely hypothetical at best.

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  7. This should not even be a discussion. Revenant the worse frame in the game? Fat chance. Just because he doesn't have a niche doesn't mean he is the worse. You use his 1 for cc or removing big targets and healers from the fight. For some reason most of you can figure that out with frost's one but as soon as it's revenant the minions gotta do something extra like Nekros' ultimate... which is an ultimate.

    His 4 is better at killing than Mesa when you are completely surrounded which can happen time to time. Really the only ability I wish was tweaked is his 3 which you can use to escape tricky situations.

  8. 24 minutes ago, (PS4)Guy4God said:

    This right here is what im getting at. Its never enough for you guys. 

    You want to deny founders the right to use their exclusive skin on a frame that EVERYBODY has access to and is directly related to their exclusive skin because.... according to you, an alleged authority on the psychology of founders, founders are self conceited? And this fashion frame request somehow counts as extra content?

    That's not cool dude

  9. Have to disagree with spores not being energy efficient or not being playable in lower levels. I get most damage and kills most of the time when I play her. I have no energy problems either. I think the problem is people stack too much strength.

    Its simple, if damage scales too fast everything will die and you will have no time to help the spread of spores. Strength is equivalent to the time it takes damage to scale. You should aim for low, base or even slightly negative strength. This way you don't have to panic everytime you have no spores active (which is constant with high power strength).

    TLDR: If your spores drain to often you should scale down power strength (and don't run blind rage... ever)

  10. Not that I've played Nidus but from what from RPColten is saying, it sounds like you are trying to make Oberon play like Nidus in which case just play Nidus.

    Other than energy economy with respect to team play, Oberon is as complete as a warframe can get. He keeps teams alive, CCs and does high single target damage.

  11. 5 hours ago, Checht said:

    That's why I said you need both potency and spammability for an ability to be overpowered or imbalanced. If you remove its spammability, you make it no longer overpowered. This is similar to my idea of introducing cooldown or jack up energy consumption for Discharge and Smoke Screen.

    I am in agreement in @Kotsender_Quasimir's idea in the approach of restricting spammability of powerful skills. It's just that I feel that some skills should stay "spammable" but be made less potent.

    In his rework you don't. That's why he said this wasn't really meant to be a nerf thread.

    He's saying that he wants to rework the energy system to avoid spamming and therefore bypassing any potency nerfs. So radial blind would just cost more energy to cast, instead of nerfing it.

    5 hours ago, Checht said:

    OP is talking in the context where if EV is nerfed, Zenurik becomes more mandatory than it is now. OP isn't advocating for Zenurik to be made mandatory. OP's suggestion is to have base energy regen for each frame instead, and it is implied from OP's post to not have energy regen from Zenurik.

    Yes we are on the same page here about regen, just stated differently, when I said Zenurik, I put in the context of OP's system where energy regen is Zenurik essentially... because it is. Originally you said it has to be lower than Zenurik which is not necessarily true depending on numbers and mods.

  12. On 2018-05-12 at 10:07 AM, Kotsender_Quasimir said:

    Yes, there's no way around it. Instead of repeatedly redesigning skills and mods on the basis of constant availability of all skills in equal measure let's look at the latter as the problem. Yes, it's OK to be able to rely on your BNB skills MOST of the time when built accordingly but i strongly feel like this should not apply to Ults...

     My plea: Rather swing the hammer big time once and fix things at the root, so in the grand scheme of things this is actually hopefully an anti-nerf thread XD...

    Nothing about potency. In fact he's suggesting an energy rework to avoid ability reworks.

    Your talk about removing Zenurik... he says it would be mandatory. You even quoted me telling me I posted something similar instead of the opposite.

  13. Well here's the thing, OP wanted to rework the energy system so you get energy over time (affected by mods) which would slow down energy gain and spam. Ofc that depends on the rates you fix them at, because currently I don't need an ev trin for anything with just zenurik. That's a flat out change that I'm indifferent to as long as its reasonable because its not necessarily a buff or a nerf.

    @Checht just thinks abilities are op which running solo or with your own squad would very easily make that seem like the case. Pub eidolon hunts or eso would probably do the opposite. He wants to nerf A LOT of abilities so they have limited effects. This is problematic for several reasons. Grind vs difficulty, awe factor and the enticing nature of frames. To sum it up it's a lazy solution to balance that could push people away from the game. He's not wrong though (like Thanos). But as we've seen recently, DE are capable of providing us with a challenging end game, that only becomes easy when you have the right team for the job like eso or tridolon.

    Unfortunetly the latter is not part of OP's thread and should be discussed on @Checht thread.

  14. Ok so @Kotsender_Quasimir, efficiency mods changed to base energy regen and energy siphon being naturally implemented. My bad, thats actually better than what i thought you were trying to say. Probably should have a tldr. Although i will say that there are still some who believe that there should be less energy etc etc which is why pushing for a rework like this is difficult. I like it though.

    Nice change of pace that someone is trying to actually rework something rather than just pushing for a buff or nerf.

  15. 1 hour ago, Checht said:

    Nice cherry-picking of skills there. Let me give you some skills that you can spam to scale up to any levels then. Bastille, Radial Blind, Avalanche, Discharge (modded for efficiency, duration and range), any invisibility skills. They may not "clear" the whole room, but they neutralize the whole room easily. What's left to do is just shooting at brain-dead stationary enemies.

    Oh look it's Mr. Thanos again.

    Also here's a reddit post with a whole bunch of ppl who think the exact opposite way about energy:


    Ya... two extremes, who would've thought?

  16. Not saying this is a bad way to think about balance but.... if i couldn't use my abilities as much because of energy, it would be pretty lame. But that's my preference. Besides there could potentially be more energy patches (energy 5.0 etc) depending on content. So more reworks, which defeats the whole purpose of shortcuts to balancing things, etc. 

    If you are saying they should change the energy system to be more complex rather than removing what we have... that's interesting but also a lot more work than just balancing things around what we have.

  17. What this poll doesn't do is show how much attention each frame needs. For example Loki has a few bugs with his switch teleport and his decoy can be useless at higher lvls but otherwise he is perfect.

    Titania definetly needs a rework because I only saw someone use Titania's 3 with decent effect after about 700hrs of play. Beyond that I only see people use her 4.

    And the middle ground is someone like Valkyr, who can murder things really well but her 3 is a pointless cc and her 2 only applies to the first batch of enemies rather than being an aura (static buff for allies). Her one is great for mobility and removing bombards and her 4 is great and will hopefully adapt to the melee rework.

    Also lol Oberon and Rhino

  18. OP is on to something. I also can't tell when bladestorm is done casting, and I tend to panic when this happens when I'm in a giant fight. Maybe a timer on the ability to tell you how long it lasts. That would be so helpful, because it's hard to see when bombards are firing and Nova is making things explode, etc etc. That would let players know: hey don't try and cast bladestorm again, the last cast isn't done yet. It's that or let him cast multiple times, but I think that would be a little over powered, or just completely deny the reason to use a fatal teleport.

  19. Hey peoples, I was having trouble helping my friend setup his own key bindings for his PS4 controller on PC. Everytime he tried to set his bindings he would get the message "context action not bound". His controller button layout menu looks different than mine too, as his uses a PS4. His menu looks like a PS4 controller and mine looks like the PC button layout menu, although that is because I use a PS3 controller. I have my buttons set up in the following manner:


    Triangle - Switch Weapon

    Circle - Melee

    X - Jump

    Square - context action/reload

    R2 - Channeling/Secondary Fire

    R1 - Fire

    L2 - Item Popup

    L1 - Melee Block/Aim

    Dpad up - 1st ability

    Dpad right - 2nd ability

    Dpad down - 3rd ability

    Dpad left - 4th ability

    Left Stick press - Sprint/Roll

    Right Stick press - Crouch

    Select - Focus


    This is a really comfortable setup and I suggest you try it if you've played a lot of FPS. Anyway, he can't seem to get this setup or any close variation to this because of the "context action not bound" prompt. He already has context action shared enabled. Pls halp

    Edit: Also forgot to mention, he has a bug, where he hits default after not being able to change his settings and the game freezes and crashes to the login screen.

  20. 3 hours ago, Gandergear said:

    That's why it's the DExtreme™ rework, it's a giant undertaking if they would ever decide to do it but the core column is that this is a very solid manner of which to create a game that the Devs CAN balance.

    I don't do the hemocytes because they just don't work, non-hosts do less damage, the damage cap is just annoying, and instant kill toxin clouds are dumb and have never been a good thing. Assuming you can do a 4/4 in 14 minutes you still make less standing per minute than a group doing 4/0 (p/c). There's some people lauding it but I just can't get behind a monster that takes multiple magazines of a soma P buffed by full chroma and rhino, it's unengaging, boring, and really makes me question what the loud minority of the playerbase who act like they love this actually like.

    DE's manner of balancing is to nerf something into being unsuable (see: tonkor/snoid/tbolt), they don't act like they know how to balance things to be in line with other options.

    It's not a solid way, because i can think of several things that they would have to rework, which would take more reworking... if you've ever done any lab, coding or anything with numbers you know changing numbers changes EVERYTHING. DE isn't about to re balance the entire game. If that's your expectation... all the best to you lol. 

    "Loud minority", right.... so where is your data? Sorry to hear you don't like the event boss, but i quite enjoy him, he's challenging if you don't bring the right stuff and even then he's quite irritating. 

    DE don't always nerf things into non existence, stop being dramatic. They get some stuff right and others wrong. Doesn't mean they won't come back to it eventually, probably, maybe.


  21. There are way to many issues to tackle with your version of a rework and others for that matter, because you aren't the first to do this. 

    Suggesting a rework as large as this to DE is expecting a bit much. The best you could hope for is that they change the difficulty factor some other way cause this is way too much work for a lot of risk and no gain.

    Saying this, would be pretty cool if they changed the enemies to behave how they do on the plains. Add lvl 100 as base to end game, give different unit types different bonuses (i.e. extra damage from kuva grineer).

    Problem is you want difficulty in a game that offers rewards for grinding. So there has to be a balance between grind and difficulty. Evidence is the plague star event. I enjoy running all 4 bosses but its more efficient to run no bosses. In pub games i find that half want no difficulty and half want more.

    So all in all, if DE continue to balance stuff like they have been doing with the recent content, then there should be a pretty good ratio of farm to difficulty as long as there aren't mahor issues in which the entire community complains.

  22. You act like you don't interact with enemies at all but let me stop you right there because that is nonsense. DE have stated that there intention is for players to interact with enemies in a way that is engaging. That means I can't make myself a cup of coffee while my ember clears several waves in a defense mission. If this is still a problem in some frames then we need to address it so they can change it. From OP's video you can see, he clearly isn't just sitting still.

    If you don't like the level of engagement required either ask for enemy buffs or ask for player nerfs. But then nerfing would make A LOT of players unhappy. And you say buffing enemies is impossible. Well maybe that's true, but I rather have DE try and prove you wrong by making enemies challenging rather than pissing off a lot of people. 

    From a neutral POV that's probably what DE will try to do because they like power fantasy. That's IF they decide to address this issue.

    I think they won't anywhere in the near future. Hence I told OP he might want to try something else if he dislikes how easy this game is now.

  23. 53 minutes ago, Checht said:

    Please see updated original post for "skillful" gameplay footage in Sortie 3.

    Seems to me like you don't have enough enemies to fight. If they come in that sparsely any frame can deal with them. In other words you shouldn't be asking for nerfs but enemy buffs, like everyone in this thread has been telling you.

    Once again if you think that ability "spam" in your video is truly spam then I suggest you watch a Banshee deal with some trash mobs. 

    This shouldn't be a duck shooter, and clearly there is a balance to be made between volume of enemies and ability use over time. But I think most people would agree it would be lame if your abilities would boil down to nothing after hours of grinding for them. After all the grind for power is the thing that makes a lot of people continue playing. Hence why people are saying, don't nerf abilities make enemies stronger. Otherwise this game will be Destiny 2.0.

    And if you aren't convinced then I'm starting to believe horde shooters simply aren't your cup of tea. Or perhaps you may want to try a different one such as Destiny.

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