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Posts posted by Legault

  1. Buffing armor on frames like Mesa/Trinity with % damage reduction and on stealth frames like Loki/Ivara is just boring bad design and rewards incorrect play more than anything else as their toolkit already allows you to compensate for that particular weakness. Please find more interesting ways to change frames and give them identities rather than normalizing things.

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  2. 13 hours ago, RAZORLIGHT said:

    Well, Inaros 2 and 3 are debatable, you are right, but the concept of having only a big healthpool in combination with his ablities is miles ahead of what we ve recently got.

    It isn't really debatable, Inaros is mostly garbage just like Wukong is, it's just a melee frame with multiple sets of training wheels for people that don't want to put effort into learning how to survive high levels. 

  3. On 2019-04-03 at 6:47 AM, DroopingPuppy said:

    Their basic area of effect is almost same, and only Ember is penalized to reduced range.

    Also, Maim does not requires you to recast for every 6 to 8 seconds to utilize it. You can pop it when you want and even if you are sustain it longer it only consumes more energy, but nothing to do with the range.

    And, no, she need to recast constantly in order to keep her barely enough range. Her range is already short enough and it is just enough to catch the enemy in WoF as well as shoot them, and hope for avoid enemy melees. If it is reduced she can't use it at all unless she is a tank frame.


    Accelerant's CC is not so hard either, you know.

    You ought to try playing Equinox and Octavia more, because your used percentage is leaking all over the place. 

  4. 1 minute ago, DroopingPuppy said:

    Not really sir. At first, for star chart cleaning Equinox and Octavia are superior, for they don't lose the range. With the level that even abilities with Overextended can kill anything, they are even better with much longer range than Ember as well.

    And I don't think that most warframes are not have a card such as doing as much as Accelerant's cc part does.

    Also, recasting WoF is time-consuming job consider you need to do that for every 6 to 8 seconds. The casting time and recasting time itself is not so long, but you need to do that for every 6 to 8 seconds so it is quite problematic.

    Octavia... lol. And no, Equinox is not superior, just more situational, favoring large areas over tight corridors. You say recasting WoF is time consuming but then ignore the need to constantly recast Maim (which has a significantly longer animation even with the mandatory Natural Talent mod) and manually kill enemies to store damage. And no, you don't need to recast WoF every 6 seconds. It's completely dependent on enemy position, tileset and your own ability to maneuver around the map. Unless you're completely clueless what different tilesets look like.       

    And no hardly any frame has CC as versatile as Accelerant when it comes to speedrunning. Most of them are not instant or limited by range and/or animations. 


  5. 5 hours ago, DroopingPuppy said:

    Ember is all about damage and petty CCs, but the change on last year makes her even harder - actually, virtually impossible - to apply it.

    No, it didn't. Ember continues to be one of the best star chart clearing frames because she has high AOE damage that doesn't impede movement or has any other requirements (like Equinox and Saryn). Her base damage and multipliers are so high you can actually get away with running Overextended if you're just clearing trash. She also greatly benefits from every one of the situational Strength mods like Energy Conversion. 

    For more defensive purposes her crowd control remains strong. Accelerant is a room-wide 1-2+ second stun, enemies targeted by WoF often die before they stop panicking and Firequake optionally makes you impervious to melee units or anything else that comes near you. 

    Recasting WoF is quickly and easily done in any situations that ask for range. Accelerant significantly reduces the casting animation and both skills can be used while airborne. 

    She achieves all this with two abilities. She could benefit from a (partially) reworked kit, but she's nowhere near a weak state unless you're going endless.

  6. 1 minute ago, Dark_RRiderr said:

    They can DDOS all the way they want, sooner or later they will see it wont stop us playing warframe on the long run, and most people should know its not DEs fault its the attackers fault. As long as the community holds together and understands this they wont succeed. And sooner or later there will be a protection against the DDOS attack maybe. Just a shame the governments are beeing lazy like always not doing more against hackers and punish them even harder for DDOS attacks

    You don't understand at all, do you? What do you think this is, some kind of evil trying to sabotage the righteous gamer community? 


    This is just DE getting wrecked by script kiddies because they don't have anything in place to stop them. 

  7. I really can't comprehend how DE fails to understand what makes frames work so many years into the game. Reduced range on #4 knockdown means Ember struggles even in sorties now. Nullifiers make it even worse. 

    5 years later and we're still at "Ember sucks at high levels"... and can still wipe lower levels. Another change that fixed nothing. Just look for community suggestions if you don't know what to do with her. 

  8. 20 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    yeah it's kind of meh. I'm not a fan of Hydroid's either; how is ONE Tentacle gonna do anything? and ground slamming everywhere not only looks silly, but it isn't guaranteed to spawn Tentacles, so what's the point?

    I think he should have a resistance to Impact damage, since Water is impossible to compress.

    One tentacle will slap that mob around so you'll be unable to actually kill it because nobody can hit it. 

  9. Yes I use Mesa, after the nerf (from the dumbest ult in the game, now in the hands of Ash) she's actually enjoyable to play. She could use some tweaking here and there but her #4 still has good dps, her #3 makes her extremely tanky and her #2 is solid cc when you're soloing. Her #1 has it's uses, but like most #1 abilities it's not great. If they make her #2 less gimmicky and just have it shared with everyone in a certain range it'll be much better. Most frames can CC an infinite amount of mobs in range, there's no reason to make it this weak. And #4 needs slight adjustment, the range is slightly small. The concept of gunning down an entire line is still great and effective but it should be a little more forgiving. 

  10. Where do I go if I want to know what the hell happened to my Valkyr polarities?



    I would understand if you removed the two ability polarities it had. I would understand (though be annoyed) if you removed the two forma'd D polarities. I would understand if you removed the top left and top right slots which would be D and ability polarity.



    But why the hell were the two V slots built-in with Valkyr removed? Second slot from the left in both rows. Not the ability polarity slots and not the empty slots next to it. Awesome waste of my time.

  11. It's usual of DE, whenever incoming significant changes are mentioned they are put in the game, simple as that. So far nothing anyone has said has made them change their minds for the implementation.

    I don't know if it's to gather feedback for post-implementation or just to give us false hopes, but I seriously, seriously hope it's the former.

    Yeah.... no, an ability should be constant across all levels.

    List one damage ability that is constant through all levels.




    Please think before you whine.

  12. And what about the other frames? You want them to remain as they are? Boring and weak?

    Just because bad players like you think Nova is enjoyable doesn't mean the good players do. Some people like a challenge. The game is too easy as it is with the frames we have and Nova is twice as idiotic as Saryn ever was.

  13. I've only ever seen it give one number; there's nothing that can increase it outside of Focus (which you should run, btw, as Sonar scales with it), and moas have no way to change its damage value on their own.

    Corrosive projection

  14. Well they pretty much are destroying the game with the latest crap they've put out. Frames like Nova and Vauban just make the old frames a liability on any team trying to be efficient, and they're killing weapon variation too. Weapons that ignore armor completely are an idiotic concept and weapons like the acrid make others simply worthless.



    I really wonder why they bothered wasting their time rebalancing frames like Rhino, Mag and Volt while at the same time releasing frames that are just blatantly overpowered compared to the rest. Other than trying to get people to waste platinum on new frames/reactors/forma every time.



    EDIT: And before anyone comes along with the "fun" argument... killing slower than others and being worse than others is not fun for most people. No matter how good you play a certain frame, and equally good new bandwagon frame will always be better.

  15. I dislike the new ancient hitboxes quite a lot. With most weapons now you're better off firing at center mass rather than aiming for weakspots... which is boring. Most weapons in the game involve pellets or spraying and aiming for the head with them flailing around everytime they stagger just cause you to miss a large amount of shells... negating any advantage of hitting their head.



    It's great when you're sniping still but even then I actually find the head quite difficult to hit because of the awkward way they move, especially if there's a lot of things going on around you or your target.

  16. All Warframes are viable, just some more than others.


    Personally I prefer to play Banshee because she has the most interesting playstyle in endless defense. Also, not trying to be arrogant but, I am a damn good Banshee player and that means that I can enable a team to go above and beyond what they otherwise would be able to.


    Case and point, if you are good at playing a particular Frame then you will do well with it. Though its nice to have proper CC abilities.




    Everytime I play Frost on xini people whine at me to put globe on the cryopod 24/7, lol.



    Though it can be quite useful if you have someone taking care of the toxic ancients. One good lanka user and some close range frames/weapons can actually get you pretty far. Not optimal, but if that's your thing don't bring frost.

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