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Posts posted by RuggedyRasher

  1. On 2/7/2018 at 8:26 PM, UrielColtan said:

    Or you can just buy relics from the syndicates, higher percentage to get the relics in them.

    Not really, I bought 10 relic packs from 2 syndicates (took awhile to get 100k+ in each) and only walked away with 3 of the relics... that standing would have been better spent on platworthy items.

    On the original topic, I think its great that someone took the time to work this out. These items (while unavailable) cost a small fortune, so I am going to go the route of getting as many relics as fast as possible so I can not only add their meat to my complesionist ocd'esque gameplay, but after a few months, make larger chunks of plat to spend on the rest of the things that cant be gathered in the traditional sense.

  2. Glad you made a survey DE - Text answers are great and all but I would imagine the workload behind reading everyone's "commentary" would be insane, so thanks for coming up with a method of getting all our input in a way you can actually use. 

    I would however suggest a focus group or beta testers (grab randoms from the community - in different countries ideally) to test future Plains of Eidolon type updates. There are so many issues with something that had potential to be epic. Everything from arbitrary bugs, connection failures and the poor planning regarding core pickups/icons could have been resolved with a months testing using a group of whiney 12 year olds across the globe.

  3. 30 minutes ago, Darkmatt3r said:

    This guy ?

    I dont know who that is... but a quick google search has inclined me to investigate further. This guy would probably be a more accurate representation of my ambitions/abilities... 


  4. I am new to the whole stealth aspect, except for 4 years ago when I started out with stealth... crawling through every spy map with Excalibur and a mk1-paris (I didnt know the alarms were only relevant to the actual point) - I aborted a lot of missions thinking I would fail because of said alarms.

    Recently though, I have gotten my hands on Loki and Ivara - much to my disappointment though, it turns out that even though you are invisible... enemies flock to you like flies to a turd. I figured I could do the whole "explore the tilesets, shank enemies, spend 30 minutes looking for syndicate stuff and statues" thing only to find that every time I think I am alone, a nullifier bubble slaps me in the face (I actually dont know if it is just corpus and infested or not, haven't tested with grineer). Walking near enemies "alerts" them (does Loki breath really loud?), Ivara sets them off with her pick pocket... fine... invis is just a "make me less of a bullet magnet" mechanic, I can live with that... maybe I can be a sniper?

    No no... no sniper for you! I go to the plains, sniper rifle equipped - cant see enemies (they dont spawn until you are on top of their camp apparently - unless they fall from the sky). So sniping is out as a sneaky tactic, it just isn't fun if the enemies see you at the same time you spot them (and they can see you from miles away - fishing with expensive bait taught me that). Literally any other gun would be more efficient. 

    So the only way to be really sneaky, is to walk/roll through Warframe with Ivara/Bow/Sleep Arrow/CL Dagger - Surely we can do better than this? I probably shouldnt be trying to relive splinter cell via Warframe, but wouldn't it be fantastic if we could?

    • Kill the sixth sense
    • Increase the spawn distance
    • Would it be so bad to allow Ivara to at least slide?
    • Camera's with lasers cant see invis frames, how do arc-traps?

    All the XP stuff, I dont really mind - it sucks, but such is life - the other mechanics seem like overkill, why make stealth frames if you are just going to nerf/handicap them into oblivion. 

  5. Yep, bounties are broken to the point where I am contemplating giving up on the plains altogether (at least until a year or so from now they have worked out the issues). 2 out 3 bounties don't start, enter the plains - nothing. 1 out of 5 times I get bugged into the mining tool.  Every now and then the drone gets to extraction and then nothing else happens.

    I discovered that leaving the plains and going back to the ship, then back to cetus get things working again, but at this rate I dont think gara is worth the frustration.

  6. I like the frequent updates, just wish they wouldnt pop up while a nitain extract is on alert... guaranteed 10kb download (8mb line) and an hour of "Checking for new content" - so leave your pc running through the night and give up on finishing that sortie and getting the oh so readily available nitain, because the servers cant deal with people downloading the update they have no choice but to download before they do anything else.

  7. I am not sure if the multi streaming idea is going to work for people, twitch switches to whatever the last stream you loaded is (note next to your name it says what you are watching). I have been watching since it launched, TacticalPotato and DanielTheDemon have gotten the achievements (none of the viewers profited as far as I know), so I reckon its now just a case of finding a streamer willing to wait until the drops are fixed before playing.

    If they were going to reward players for watching while the system was in lemon mode, then it would imply twitch is sharing the viewer/viewing data with DE (which is one thing viewed at a time) - just to justify the logic behind my first "that probably aint gonna work" theory.

    This is however what happens when you tell a dev team that you are launching no matter what, things go pear and you spend an extended amount of time troubleshooting after the fact as opposed to just holding off until a firm thumbsup is handed out... meh.

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