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Posts posted by Lava_Torrent

  1. - IGN
    - Age
    - Mastery Rank
    - Time Zone and play-time range
        UTC -05:00; Somewhat sporadic but I'm often on daily between 3pm-12am.
    - Primary Frames/Load-outs/Specialties if any
        I use Chroma/Trinity and Octavia frequently. Amprex, Atterax and Akstiletto are my primary weapons with a riven for each.
    - Why do you want to join our clan? Goals?
        Coordination of events and various objectives. Having access to a dojo is also bonus.
    - Tell Me a little about Yourself
        Over 800 hrs ing, 3.6k complete missions and a 92% completion rate. I'm not new to the game but a lot of content is new to me after taking a break. Looking for an active group to participate with. 
    - Tell Me a Joke!
       The Machete.

  2. So I entered a public game on zone one and everything seemed normal, until my warframe got stuck and would only walk in place. I tried /unstuck which did nothing, quickly pressed 5 and operator worked as normal, going back to my frame had me stuck in the same position. I took the portal in operator and went back into my frame, which put me on the previous map. Going through the portal a second time locked me in operator and when I went down teammates could revive my operator. Went to round 8 and my name vanished from the summery, got Khora systems, the last part I needed. But I didn't get any reward, no systems!! How could such game breaking bugs exist so long after release? :(


  3. If it's not user error then it's a bug because I find a node for them every 10 or so veins. Verify and optimize your game from the launcher settings. Remove your current equipped cutting tool and place it back into the hot wheel. Finally, if all else fails, upload uncut footage of you mining 20 or so veins with the advanced cutter to get the devs attention.


  4. Also there is the matter of the portal taking up to 45 seconds to spawn after defeating all enemies. Once I went through the portal and a few seconds later samaris told me to hurry up and go through the portal. Next thing I know my screen goes white for a few seconds until I jump into my operator. My teammates have gotten "stuck" and /unstuck doesn't fix it.


    This is a screen shot just before my last game ended due to the portal not spawning which seems to be tied in with players disconnecting.20180420212713_1.jpg


    Other than the common bugs, Onslaught was a great idea. I've enjoyed playing it during the brief moments something wasn't glitching lol

  5. xcpnvEG.jpg


    No crosshair for aiming, mini map was grey, nidus power lvl was over 0 and my health showed up as godmode. Also mission dialogue did not play. Nothing game breaking but it did cause a bit of confusion.

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