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Posts posted by Vandalow.

  1. 3 minutes ago, Zilchy said:

    Oh trust me, in a good group, the Raids were easy too, even on nightmare mode. But they were FUN. Sure there was the hardcore approach but it was also fun to go and see how many people can punch Vay Hek in the face with an Atlas in the final phase 🙂

    That, too, I agree with, but let's face it, they were less easy than killing an Eidolon. People say raid was an easy way to get platinum and credit, but Eidolons are just as easy. In an hour the people, if in synchrony, manages to kill more than 8 times the Eidolons.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Zilchy said:

    Hear Hear!

    Absolutely agree with you OP. As much fun as it isn't to go and do a 2 hour survival etc I'd much rather play a mission that requires teamwork to overcome puzzles while facing high level opposition. I miss Raids, I miss having 8 clan players on discord planning on the next silly way we can complete the mission. Such highlights included doing LOR with 8 Atlas's or 8 Ash's etc, seeing exactly how many bastilles we could spam until one of our computer's crashed and whatever else we felt would be a challenge or entertaining and most importantly, FUN.

    Bring back Raids DE, the Eidolons were a decent start but we need more to sink our teeth into. Though I don't miss the 24 hour wait to do them again. Give us Raids, give us events with leaderboards worth theory crafting for 2 days over before embarking on a 5 hour endurance effort to post a top score. Give us a reason for all our min-maxing that isn't simply going further in a survival, ever since you removed the ability to use 1 void key to drop a prime part every 5 waves for say 80 waves of defense or 4 hours of suvival, or 50 rounds of interception, you've removed our incentive to push harder. I can get the same amount of prime part rewards doing 5 waves now sadly. Give us WORTHWHILE KUVA DROPS for going longer on Kuva survival. Currently it's not worth it at all. Then maybe we'd be able to use and appreciate the gorgeous Kuva fortress tileset a bit more. 

    That's exactly what I'm missing, that's all I need. You said it all and I do not have to add anything else. Give us back the Raids

  3. There was rarely a good arcane for the business, but what other casual players say about it is not simply the lack of credit or platinum, but it was a lot harder than the Eidolons. As I said earlier, Eidolons are easy, as quoted until ground can be completed. The missions of judgment were not that way. Anyway, this is just an opinion, as others may come.

  4. 9 minutes ago, (PS4)p4p1Ch4lon said:

    Like u, i really hope Trials get back soon. I dont feel theres a true challenging content in the game. 

    Things were easier to get, such as the arcane that were part of the endgame content. I'm sorry about that, I'd like to open the game and be sure they'd be there to get it done again.

  5. On 2018-06-15 at 12:03 AM, SaidTheRogue said:


    now we can mod our exalted weapons (such as mesa peacemakers, ivara artemis etcetc) separately from our weapons.

    they usually have at least 1-2 polarity. ok great. but they start at 60 like normal weapons do. and now we need 2-5 forma for each frame we have? what the ---- DE...

    unacceptable. perhaps make forma in the market 1plat each for a while? or something? really the only benefit to this is now, we can have rivens on our weapons without our exalted losing out since we can put a riven-less build on the exalted's themselves and all is well. but this is a rather small benefit in exchange for such a huge debit placed upon us.

    not cool at all. 

    I'm not sure if I prefer how things were before or just how they fit right now. Previously our weapons had influence on some of our warframes abilities, today we can make our own builds on some ultimatums. The biggest reason for this modification was that we can use other weapons, not just because they influence those abilities. But I'm really not very sure about this, because, as you said it yourself, it will cost us some more forma x)

  6. 3 minutes ago, Ohnohowsad said:

    I know I’ll find out in just a couple of hours, but I’m an impatient soul... Do we know if the Limbo prime relics will be obtainable in regular game modes, or PoE/some other agonizing way?

    I know last PoE relics was the unvaulting of Loki/Ember/Frost, which brings me to the next question; do you guys think they’ll repeat that unvaulting by only having relics drop from PoE when the summer unvaulting comes?

    Sorry for my piss-poor English, it’s far from my native language:) 

    Anything can happen, but as previously the relics can be dropped in many different places. What we have left is to really wait, but who knows, anything can happen >D

  7. This is more for an outburst, come on.

    I like the way DE is committed to its players, but I was disappointed when we were taken out of those veteran missions such as trial missions. Explicitly I see that some of the older players, who are currently ranked 23 and 24, stopped playing because they did not have challenging content, where Judgment missions (LoR and Jordas) fit. It's a good thing that we have devastating content today, like the plains, but all players have access to the content, (I'm not complaining, just mentioning something that has already been commented on by other players). The game today it prizes a lot in keeping the new players interested in staying in the game, but the difficult content that motivated us simply ended. Today it is very easy for a novice player to kill an Eidolon, I say this because it is just to enter someone with the ability to take his shield and kill that there is, the beginning player hitchhiker. And not long ago things were different, everything was simply synchronized with the players and the content was done with a lot of effort and euphoria. I particularly miss the trial missions and am leaving my feedback here. I look forward to the return of this content. See you, Tenno!

  8. 1 minute ago, lucascvv said:

    hoje 17/06 estava conversando com meu amigo, ele avisou que foi em hydron e caiu em um dojo aparentemente do clan papacu e por favor vejam e resolvam isso


    Boa tarde >D

    Aparentemente esse foi um problema em especifico, veja se mais algum jogador está tendo esse mesmo problema e entre em contato com o suporte. Eu tenho jogado diariamente e esse problema não me afetou. Bom jogo camarada >D

  9. 41 minutes ago, Maxkil said:

    Hoje fui instalar o warframe no meu pc e pareceu a frase, falha na atualização do DirectX, eu ja vi em varios lugares pra ver se resolvia o problema, mas nao achei nada, alguem pode me ajudar?

    Boa tarde camarada,

    Isso ocorre porque seu jogo está tentando instalar uma versão do directx que é necessário para rodar o jogo. Tente baixar a versão do directx no site abaixo e depois instale o warframe novamente. Boa sorte e espero ter ajudad >D


  10. I particularly think people always have something in mind to complain, as you said yourself, the primes warframes are with the skills common to normal and no one complains. Just come up with new content, which is certainly not going to please everyone, but in my view it's content we all expected, and people start to find flaws. Unfortunately it will never please everyone, but if we look around, the content came to us, full of news, told us a completely solid story where he healed the doubts of some players about various things, and yet, added the secondary story as to how the harrow warframe was created and where the infestation was born. I'm pretty satisfied, even if we have positive and negative points to follow, for me it was certainly more positive, I was impressed by the new quest.

  11. 13 minutes ago, Emptyblank00 said:

    A lot of people has been little disappointed about Umbra's abilities because its the same as the original Excalibur's but his 2 (Radial Howl) are kinda anti-sentient and less potent.

    I have some of ideas about his abilities that needs changing:

    Radial Howl: The same in the game but need to change his casting speed because of his angsty howling.

    Exalted Blade: It the same thing as the original, having the energy waves seamlessly passing through the object to a certain distances, instead when the waves manages to hit an enemy it will split into 2 energy blades that will automatically aim to the nearest target then when it hits, it splits into 2 more weaker blades (I guess there's should be a limit 'cause of balance). imo this my best idea i can up with.

    To put it simply, Excalibity Umbra's 4 would be leaning a little on CC. I think DE should change all of the umbra warframes' (if they could) change their playstyles.

    This a short and simple topic about his abilities (mostly I kinda complain about his abilities which I expected to be vastly different during the scene where we finally have the mythical scarf boi) 

    Hello, it is important that you give your feedback but it is important that you understand other things about it. First understand that the excal umbra came to us as an extra prize, since it was released to the Chinese as founder package. The DE had to implement the warframe in the game because the only agreement common to all was of founder in the beginning, before hand think like the excalibur umbra, simply as a premium the part because you can not have the excal prime anymore. However, as it is a primordial warframe, Digital Extreme took that regard to its players, let's just be glad they gave us this opportunity, it could have come with the same abilities of the original excalibur, however it is a great gift of consiliation for those who will never have the excal prime.

  12. 12 hours ago, rogerpp said:

    oi comprei o pacote The sacrifice collection bundles faltou a umbra Kavat armor ou ela não pega em qualquer Kavat ?

    ja testei em 2 e não apareceu ajuda ae 😯

    Boa noite,

    Deixa ver se entendi sua dúvida: Você diz que alega ter comprado o pacote umbra e não consegue colocar a armadura no kavat, correto?
    Dessa forma fica entendido que a mesma se encontra em seu inventário, portanto deixe-me explicar uma coisa importante, caso seu kavat ou kubrow esteja usando alguma skin que é disponibilizada em Cetus a sua armadura não vai poder ser equipada.

    Certifique que seu kavat ou kubrow não esteja com as seguintes skins e tente colocar a armadura novamente.





  13. 2 hours ago, matheusdm5 said:

    Alguem pode me ajudar, estou pela 3ª hoje tentando atualizar o warframe, dps da att o sacrifício, meu launcher está atualizando em torno dos 50kb/s, n sei mais o q fazer, se fica a uns 50kb/s já é muito, pois é em torno deste numero q fica a média máxima, e ainda mais, durante a att, ele começa a suar muito da minha cpu.

    Fico feliz se alguem poder me ajudar.


    Boa noite camarada,

    Então, essa lentidão é devido a demanda de download do servidor. Geralmente ele vai oscilar bastante, mas não se preocupe porque não tem nada em errado nisso. Se você estiver baixando pelo wifii, aconselho que conecte um cabo de rede para que a taxa se mantenha estável na maioria do tempo. Espero que você termine logo o download e possa continuar sua aventura jogando warframe. Espero ter ajudado de alguma forma, bom jogo >D

  14. 6 minutes ago, Peetroolkah said:

    You may not be aware but Update 23 on PC has problems with updater in European Union, it doesn't work for MANY people, as a workaround they have to use VPN to US. Note in my case updater did a full update, finished then failed.

    How about providing ANY feedback to those people?


      Reveal hidden contents






    Or feel free to give your feedback related a bug here. You may have already reported this. Anyway, I hope the one helped.


  15. 2 minutes ago, Peetroolkah said:

    You may not be aware but Update 23 on PC has problems with updater in European Union, it doesn't work for MANY people, as a workaround they have to use VPN to US. Note in my case updater did a full update, finished then failed.

    How about providing ANY feedback to those people?


      Hide contents






    This is occurring due to server overcrowding, many people are downloading at that time. Close the window and open again, so if you have already downloaded all the content now it will only install without error >D

  16. I came by this to leave my heartfelt congratulations the team of Digital Extreme that is so committed to making such an expetacular content.

    At first, when I was browsing through the community forums yesterday, I kept my eyes blazing when talking to some of the comrades and also after seeing Stevie, Rebb and Megan publications on Twitter with positive points about fulfilling their words and sending us the (much-anticipated) yesterday as the combined. This game from afar is the only one that in these comings and goings, between to stop playing and to return still seize so much to me. This time it was no different, I waited for more than a year this long awaited quest and once again you deliver content so solid and full of content. You are to be congratulated, over the years you are managing to overcome one job after another.

    I found it interesting that you told the story, a part some of us already knew because we had read in the forum, once, you still told the story of the infested and the Hurrow. It was simply magnificent, my heart did not stop inside the chest box, I thought he would stop at any time so glazed that I was. My hands sounded, my eyes almost jumped out of the eyeball, it was really an experience I can not even describe at the level of words, only feelings. I could not sleep without completing the journey, it was almost impossible to see it in front of me and not finish, I went to sleep at dawn and I'm working now in the morning, but before I had to leave my gratitude for being part of this family.

    Thanks DE, for once again being so patient with your players, to make every second of this hope worthwhile, you are without a doubt the best. See you next time, and please bring Lotus back.

  17. Primeiramente bom dia,

    Pessoal vim até aqui agora pela manhã justamente para deixar um feedback para quem estiver travado na Jornada O Sacrifício.
    Bom, alguns de vocês podem estar passando pela experiência que passei hoje de madrugada ao tentar prosseguir na jornada. É o seguinte, quando você vai a terra para lidar com os Mimics e enfrentar Ballas, possivelmente vão travar após matarem os mimics e nada irá acontecer. Isso está acontecendo porque você está ficando muito próximo do NPC de Ballas. Dessa forma, é inevitável que você terá que matar os Sentients (mimics) distante do npc ou supostamente sua quest irá travar. É isso, um camarada passou pela mesma experiência que eu, portanto achei interessante vir pautar isso antes que alguém tenha dor de cabeça e não consiga prosseguir com o processo. Um bom jogo a todos e espero que estejam se divertindo assim como eu, boa sorte >D

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