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Posts posted by TimeStop

  1. Interesting hearing your encounters with them, what would be their level if I would go with a full set of unranked equipment and warframe?

    You would get rekt depending on the frame and weps, if it's not say, penta or some other high damage weapon, chances are you'll lose all your shields + health before you get your sight back from the blind.

  2. And they have regretted it ever since. They want to release them to the public, but due to the way they promoted the program, they cannot do it, and i feel very bad for them. And i want them to be happier than when they finnaly were able to make this game, the game of their dreams, WARFRAME

    This is why me, Kraosdada (Real Name Matías Campos), Founder, will not oppose to a rerelease of the founder primes, and instead i Will Give My Permission, to you, Digital Extremes, to release the Founder only Primes to every single active player in this BEAUTIFUL game, So Selflessness and cooperation can PREVAIL!!

    LOL? says who? DE sure hasn't said anything about regretting not doing out founders. All I'm reading is 'bawww, I want Excalibro prime, BAWWWWWW' I could make a logically constructed argument as to WHY you're wrong, but it's 02:20 in the morning, I'm tired, and I have a class in 3 hours, why should I bother trying to change your mind when the only thing you're doing is being greedy on cosmetics?


    That is literally the ONLY thing you are doing, I have lato and braton vandel, they suck, it's just a reskin, the damage sucks, same with excalibur prime, it's a reskin, literally nothing different, granted it's a shiny rare skin, but still... who the hell plays excalibur? other than new players who are forced to use him till they farm say... Rhino.


    seriously, all these threads boil down to one thing. "Founders have content I want, DE stop being meaaaaan :(" with the people who founded, (rightfully so) Get to tell you "no, we put 100-300$ into this game to see it get off the ground, you didn't."


    Edit: fine, I saw the second post you slipped in there. I'm not saying they won't re-release excalibur prime or some of the other primes or vandels, but for gods sake, unless you're a hoarder or you actually god for bid USE excailbro... What's the point of getting weps that damage literally sucks to the point an unpotatoed seer outdps's a fully forma and modded vandel?

  3. Why the hell is this still being discussed? People don't want Excalibur/Lato/Skana Prime because they actually want to use them; people want them purely because they're exclusive. Nobody would actually use those items if it weren't for their vanity factor. Just look at how many people (That aren't new players) actually use Excalibur nowadays. Exclusives are exclusives.


    If Founders items are really re-released into the Void, then for all fairness, Primed Chamber should be added into the common mod pool, and the exclusive Prime Access syandanas should be craftable in some way. All this talk about wanting the Founders items is pure jealousy speaking (Except for maybe Primed Chamber, since it's pretty much a requirement for a truly maxed out sniper build, but that's an argument for another day.).


    When Brakk was re-released (Note how it was never even mentioned by DE to be exclusive), so many people just threw up a huge crapstorm all over the forums. I'd be willing to bet that many people who defended the Brakk's "exclusivity" also want the Founders' stuff to be re-released. In the end, it all boils down to jealously at others who have them.


    I'll bring up an old argument for example. Back before the Snipetron was removed from the game, and still available for Credits in the shop, it was continually lambasted as one of the worst primary weapons in the game. It was virtually never used, and had the same status as weapons such as the Strun or Lex now. However, the moment it was removed, suddenly, SCORES of people threw up massive hissy fits, culminating in DE doing the Grineer Informer event. The motivation for this example and the current Founders argument is the same; people want these items not for their power or fun factor, but simply because due to their exclusivity, they make for nice vanity pieces.


    On an ending note, for people who want Founders items released so badly, ask  yourselves this question=

    If Excalibur Prime, Lato Prime, and Skana Prime were never exclusives, but were available in the Void since the days when Latron/Reaper/Frost Prime were still new, would you actually want them nearly as much as you do now?


    Edit=Allow me to reword the above question. If Excalibur Prime, Lato Prime, and Skana Prime were never available in the Founders Packs, but were available in the Void since day one when Latron/Reaper/Frost Prime were still new, would you actually want them nearly as much as you do now?

    This tenno gets it. Seriously, I almost went founder, I have a lato vandel, it sucks, dps on it sucks, same with braton, There's a reason I'd rather pick a level 30 seer with no potatoe over a level 30 lato vandel with a potatoe. Everyone' crying over cosmetics, and it's quite frankly, hilarious. I could care less that they re-release this, mainly because I will never touch excalibro, even less exclibro prime. but basically I'm just copying what this guy said. 


    It's hilarious to watch the forums flood with QQ about cosmetics and non-obtainable founder's/closed beta items and I'm LAUGHING at the people saying 'well, they'll rerelease because of my opinion, baw.' When in fact, the items themselves suck horribly, it's a lame gold and white crappy cosmetic over excalibur, and there's no reason to even have any of them. All in all, DE needs to make a bot that auto-locks these threads as soon as the word "Founders pack" comes up.


    Edit: Let me restate, I don't think founder's should get hung for what they did, which is found a game on a risk, RISK and hope that it would turn out better, did it? Yes, by god it did. And they risked, money real life money that could have vanished forever if WF had failed or not kicked off like it did. I applaud them for helping and doing what I almost did. I'm fine with it. But the people hamstrining founders and saying that they're greedy for risking money and time on a game... Uh, what?

  4. Options:


    Kubrow (Llama Creature.) - Boring

    Earth Vulture Creature - Boring

    Vesper Relay - Boring

    Melee 2.0 - $&*&*#(%&

    Rhino Prime - super good

    Vay Hek 2.0 - boring

    Nef Anyo 2.0 - boring

    Dojo Awesomeness - Useless

    Alt Helmets - Useless

    More New UI - Semi~Boring

    Grineer Shipyard - GOOD!

    Nexus App 3.0 - Useless


    If the update is any of those previously listed, Ill really start to worry about the future of WF and DE all together.

    Start worrying, Fairly sure Rhino Prime is coming tomorrow.

  5. If it is this week? I will have time to play it and buy founders pack and all that. If it is next week? I wont have time for it, and wont buy a founders pack. Titanfall is coming out next week people... This game needs to grab us by the balls in the very near future, or i see a long hiatus for quite a few players. This is not me dissing on this game, but many of the people I talk to ingame are extremely hyped for titanfall. This game needs the update, or they will lose some money

    Except, they won't. Titanfall probably will be fun for a few weeks, then get boring as they do the same old mindless 'x y z event, rinse-repeat' then they'll come back crawling on their knees. I'm not being a DE fanboy, I'm simply saying that Warframe has too much of a lead over other upcoming games. even if there's some issue with how they run their prices they still have a game what is for the most part, unique, and unlike other games.

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