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Posts posted by CritFumble

  1. 24 minutes ago, MasterBurik said:

    Or, you know...all the names were placeholders to begin with. No heed to be paid if they were already going to be changed.

    whatever the reason im just super glad its changed :) they seemed fairly final about the naming in devstream 120 as they listed off the abilities one at a time and gave them their own space, if they were obviously placeholder i probably wouldn't have made this thread.

    thanks for talking guys i get there's mixed opinions about this but i think we can all be happy with the change whatever the reason because serene storm is a way cooler name anyway. 


  2. 5 hours ago, m0b1us1 said:

    Not really. You drew that conclusion based on his looks. 

    He is more of a "warrior monk" warframe than African tribesman. He is designed to be a warframe that is more defensive and supportive, then when the time is right strike hard and strike fast. 

    what part of 'Baruuk has been explicitly created to invoke the aesthetics and visuals of specific African tribes' was lost on you? i didn't make that up for whatever strange personal reason. that's just a fact that happened that's what they said.

    5 hours ago, m0b1us1 said:

    I think you are just being too sensitive. Yeah, savage was used in a negative context. But it is purely based on you if you only see it in that light. You are conflicting the noun "savage" with the verb and adjective which is more like something being primal, fierce, a force of nature, unrelenting. The winds of a hurricane, forest fires, wild animal attacks, all can be described as savage. 

    I addressed this in my original post. 

    and even if it was describing the action the action doesn't fit, it doesn't look savage, it looks practiced and thought out and disciplined. even without the strange racial connotations the name just doesn't suit in my eyes.

    You can disagree and think that the names okay and overlook the connotations it has, that's fine, but please don't make things up and ignore easily provable facts in favor of your own view. That isn't productive and not basis for a discussion in good faith.

  3. 5 hours ago, Teridax68 said:

    I have to agree with this. I don't think there's really any malice behind the choice, especially since the names are very likely placeholder, but there were a few parts to that demo that made me a bit uncomfortable, namely:

    • "Savagery" being used to describe a character inspired by an African culture, as mentioned above.
    • That same character's associated syandana being expressly designed to look like a monkey tail.

    So just to be clear, I think Baruuk's theme is phenomenal and he absolutely deserves to be in the game, but considering the cultural baggage and optics that come with such a theme, DE needs to be a lot more careful than they currently have been, otherwise it might blow up in their face. On that same note, that syandana looks amazing and should definitely be in the game (the physics on it are especially impressive), it's just that that specific cosmetic's visuals and theme are exactly the kind of thing you don't want to juxtapose with the equally specific theme on that character.

    thanks so much for replying 

    i knew i wasnt the only one, watching the dev stream just kinda made me pause and raise my eyebrows

    i didnt even think of the syandana 

    i really really hope they change it 

  4. 2 hours ago, Sergster said:

    Don't go changing the name for ONE person's cripes, besides: Warframes, are, not, people.

    i obviously know warframes arn't people theyre a pile of metal and bio goo that doesn't exist and is in a video-game 

    but people are people, real people 

    and Baruuk has been explicitly created to invoke the aesthetics and visuals of specific african tribes. The devs have said so publicly and it is obviously a great source of inspiration and celebration in the design.

    so why go against all that by using such a charged word as Savagery for his ultimate ability? it just doesnt fit and goes against the design ethos they had in mind for the frame in my eyes.

  5. 43 minutes ago, DjAirsurfer said:

    I had the same concern, plus it's already the name of an existing mod so that conflict I feel warrants a different name on its own

    i hope so, i didn't know about the mod name conflict but all the more reason to change it in my eyes.

    57 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    It’s likely a placeholder name.

    im not sure it is a place holder, from the dev stream they were saying them fairly conclusively the only thing that seemed place holder was the "edge" meter 

  6. Hi fellow Tenno and anyone else reading this. 
    I'm completely in love with the design concept and visuals and game play of Baruuk, he looks like the most fun frame to date to me. A Warframe borrowing and celebrating the aesthetics and visuals of African culture is just so, so cool.

    With this said there's one thing about him that just isn't sitting right with me...

    The word savage comes with allot of baggage, its a word that has traditionally been used most by colonizers and invaders to native lands to dehumanize the local populations as to better justify the horrific violence that they were subjected to. 

    which is why his ultimate ability being called savagery kinda doesn't sit right with me. the ability itself doesn't bring to mind savage as a verb either with all of the precise practiced stances and movements in the melee combos.

    Baruuk himself looks just as he is described, peaceful, noble, calm and powerful. Is that to create an irony about the word savage as a kind of commentary in and of itself? 

    I'm wondering if there is a name to better suit this ability that doesn't have such nasty connotations, can anyone else think of one? I do not know the process by which ability names are picked and whether or not it is too late to be changed but i hope maybe we can find something that is both more suiting and also less heavy than Savagery.

    Thanks for reading!  

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