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Posts posted by Sedaziel

  1. I was just trying to make a little joke of how the exalted blade works. I mean if we imbue our melee weapons with void energy a.k.a channeling, the enemy will go... dissapear (?)/vanish with particles of our energy color when they die

    And isn't EB a manifestation of such energy, molded into the shape of a skana that shoots void energy beams. Why do we even need to channel it to vaporize the enemy into the void.

    This has nothing to do with gameplay balancing or something like that (that channeling cost energy and adds more damage). Sorry if my joke attempt was too lame :(


  2. 8 hours ago, 5hady said:

    I am from Australia and am using the global 'prime video' membership. I did not have to enable twitch prime manually.

    - I signed up for the 'prime video membership'.

    - Linked my Amazon account to my twitch account, this enabled twitch prime automatically.

    - I had already linked my twitch account to my Warframe account, this allowed me to claim the items no problems.

    why did the same does not happen to me ?  I mean, I need to click "enable twitch prime" below the "You're signing up for the worldwide plan". And then wait the "You got it boss, let's do this" thingy  :(

  3. Anyone here that successfully got twitch prime free trial enabled via amazon prime video ? (not amazon prime)

    I am not from the US or European countries that are listed so it says to get the twitch prime free trial, i need to have an amazon prime video account (which is global)


    I already signed up for the Prime Video trial and everything seems fine (like the part where twitch says "Your Prime Video membership is active, enable Twitch Prime at no additional cost" and all that) until i tried to enable the Twitch prime. It says the "Oh no! We can't enable Twitch Prime on your account"

    Can anybody help me ? :(

  4. 16 hours ago, Zeyez said:


    stalker like bullying players that couldn't challenge him or hunt players that are leveling up their equipment

    but always regret when the player can one shot him

    Aye, thanks for the reply !

    Fortunately now he appears when I am fully prepared. Got Dread and Despair in the same day and figured out that I don't have any problem/bug regarding the Stalker mark made my day :)

    Consider this thread is solved. Thank you for the replies everyone !


  5. Wow, thank you for the replies !

    So that means even though I have killed Lt.Lech Kril over and over, it's possible that I don't receive the message from the stalker to prevent inbox spam ? (although it's been a while since I got messages, be it from the stalker or even anyone else. Even ordis somehow rarely talks anymore *sad*)


    And even though the Stalker, who came to avenge Jackal, killed me on his name, I won't lose the mark caused by killing Jackal until I finally kill the Stalker who came in the name of Jackal ?

  6. Hi guys, I'm still new in warframe but I sort of know how few things worked like the Stalker

    So the story is that I get marked for death (as expected) by Stalker after I defeated The Jackal. And then after a quite some time, he appeared whenI was doing a defense mission with my friend (who is also marked).

    I am the one who received the text and he disappeared after he kills me so I'd say he was targeting me and not my friend . Shouldn't the mark disappear after that ? But it doesn't, even though he came avenging The Jackal, the only boss that I fought that time.

    It keeps saying I am marked by Stalker everytime I access my profile. And even after I defeated The Jackal and Lt. Lech Kril over and over to get some blueprints i didn't get any new inbox from "???"/Stalker anymore (which should happen after you kill bosses, especially if it more than once, right?)

    Does this happen to anyone else ? How can I fix this ? 

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