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Posts posted by GrimDelta

  1. Get a melle weapon and slap some mods on it
    Buy chromatic blade for Excal
    Have fun.

    Or a Rhino prime with (regular rhino does fine aswell) with ironclad charge augment and get insane armour.

    Nidus for long defense/interceptions/survivals runs
    Nekros for farming with Creeping Teriffy build (slows everything down, reduces armour).
    Chroma Ice tank build


  2. I keep having the feeling that Hunhow and the stalker will play a big part in the sacrifice.Might be actually that Natah takes over Umbra.Sacrifice theory : Take umbra, dooming natah/lotus in the process and margulis becomes your guide, destroy the umbra and help Lotus gain control over Margulis body once more.
    Either way Ballas joins forces with Hunhow to take you down forever.And with that a new set of lore.

  3. I tend to believe that ballas will be our ally. The void might come for the rest of the system and Ballas created Umbra as the last line of defense.Would be cool tho to see a side by side cinematic with Ballas slayed down saying "I only tried to pay for my past sins, preparing for the worst to come".Aka void unleashes, sentients come back full blast along with the void demons,  with Hunhow in the person of the Stalker after he took control of him.

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  4. I experienced the same issues with newer builds of windows.Tried even the latest fall creator update same stuff, entering XIni on eris on crowded parts was getting bellow 60fps.Putting the game all on low or ultra rendered me the same results.After returning to build to v1703 all the stutters and frame drops dissapeared and its runing smooth again.


  5. A really nice adition would be to treat the atachement part of the prime pack separately.Like tennogen stuff.When the unvaulting happens u can buy just the syandana, shoulder pads, chest piece etc from that pack.When the prime access ends they can just remove them from the store.If i pay for example 50 euros for the accesories pack but i only want the chest piece because i dont like the looks of the syandana, or the shoulder piece.U can get the whole accesories pack cheaper at the current price and if u want them separetelly u pay with 5 euros more or so.So instead of buying the whole accesories pack for 50 euros just to get the misa prime syandana you can buy it separetelly for 25 euros.Would be in my book a win win for both sides.

  6. I remember reading a while back some post, is it true that not everyone can have the umbra version?
    i really do hope its not related to the dark/light meter thing, requiring being full dark in order to get the umbra 
    Ps:I was just thinking.What if the actual Shadow Stalker will be the main character in all this.Since it already kinda falls into the all "How shadows falls in to an object" and excalibur umbra rendering looks striking similar to some body parts on the stalker.Maybe Stalker will kinda do the sacrifice : Kill lotus or the tenno's from the order of maybe Ballas or a returning Hunhow or remember who he actually is and turn towards the tenno's.And since ballas has Limbo somehow abilities once u make this choice you will be hunted by an enraged Ballas.
     Or second thing i think of is the whole man in the wall.What if the so called demon is actually your father from the ship, twisted and transformed beyond recognition.The sacrifice :Let lotus become margulis or some stuff, and try to recover your father who will become your guidance, or save lotus and doom the other one for ethernity.And since they said will be multiple umbras, there were multiple parents on the void ship.The void demon/parent once awaken to its senses will use transference to take control over the stalker.

  7. Ohh yeah it is.
    I run it with chromatic blade augment.I run mine with 180% power strenght, stock range and a bit of a negative duration but maxed efficiency.Being able to sustain the exalted blade for hours without having concerns about energy is amazing.Plus i chain radial blind with the exalted part for that extra "stealth/finisher" multiplier.
    I maxed my nikana with speeds mods and threw in an unranked life strike.Unranked because if u radial blind the enemys first, the waves will benefit from the finisher multiplier and pop out insane damage numbers, more than enough for the unraked life strike to heal you back after only 1 hit.
    I managed to get in void mot crit hits up to ~400k damage.
    And in the exilus adapter i use the Rush augment.I run like a headless chicken around blazing fast spamming them waves :)) . 
    Usually enemy's above 150 level with my build are easy work for excal.Like really easy.They cant do anything because i blind the hell out of them.And once they are blinded..well u know what happens.

    I went for cold status on my frame main energy+full corossive on nikana prime.U can use gas against corpus but honestly, considering the damage numbers u dish out any sort of status effect will do just fine 
    PS:dont forget condition overload, its godlike for a good chromatic build 

  8. Hello dear forumites 
    Im still a newbie at this game and u dont understand the mechanics behind status and combining elements too well.I want to build my excalibur with a chromatic blade and i chose to go for corrosive+blast.I know that when u chose the energy colour on the frame itself u will be given a status effect (toxin, elec etc).
    So if u want to go on my nikana prime or silva aegis prime with corrosive+cold and adding the red energy colour for fire, the final build would be dishing out corrosive+blast ? 
    Or for example if i go on silva blast+electricity and add then the colour green for toxin, the final outcome will be corrosive+blast ? 
    thank you for your time i hope you can help me
    PS:on Excal already got my build to 100% status chance 
    Happy holidays !

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