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Posts posted by elphamale

  1. I can confirm that there is a problem between warframe update servers and eastern European countries. I see some other guys from Ukraine and Poland above me. I am from Ukraine too.

    Yesterday I couldn't download updates and had to reinstall. Today I couldn't download a hotfix either but used VPN (not advertising but it was hideme because tunnelbear failed) with Canadian connection point to get the update.

    Hope the DE will take notice of this and fix these connection problems because using VPN for every update is annoying.

    • Like 1
  2. 1) Excalibur prime with default helmet

    2) Literally every girl would blushingly tell that "Excalibur was her first". Horned helmet screams alpha. And I can don prime helmet that is so swag every *@##$ in my javelin radius becomes Niagara wet.

    3) Can last pretty long with narrow minded but 1st skill became short. 

    4) Am I happy at this point? Oh I dunno, spamming 3 on Draco sublimates libido.

  3. Will you ever change the void reward system? Rotations, RNG are not fun at all. Especially when you get 4 dakra prime blueprints out of four runs. Especially on rarer keys like some t3 keys or t4 sabotage.

    The solution would be token system: after finishing a T4 Ext mission player gets a T4 Ext token which can be traded for non-drop mods, formas, parts or blueprints. I.e. 1 token for forma, 2 tokens for mods, 3 tokens for weapon parts, 4 tokens for frame blueprints.

  4. I don't see it in the patch notes, but as of recently players are awarded with syndicate items when ranking up in the syndicate. You can even get syndicate weapon for free when you achieve appropriate rank.


    So the question is: Will the players who already reached the ranks (max rank) receive any of these rewards?

  5. If it was, it'd show up in the Codex as at least having a drop...

    ...as it stands, the Codex has no listed drop.


    This either means that it drops from a nonentity (such as the heads of Lephantis - they exclusively drop 11th Storm and the Codex doesn't say so) or from a non-kill reward, such as Defenses or Interception or Survival. That or it's Shield Flux: Revengeance.


    On a related note, I'm seeing a similar issue with Continuous Misery.

    I too thought it is a mission reward from somewhere.

  6. So I have built Supra and Flux rifle so far, but I am somewhat confused about modding them. Can you guys please help me gather a fact list about these rifles?


    When they were added they had no crit chance. So there was no need for crit mods. Now judging from wiki they have a little (2,5% for supra and 5% Flux) chance that is still not worth modding.


    It seems that flux can't be imroved by adding Speed Trigger mod.


    People say supra (dera and other bolt-like weapons) have no use for puncture mod (like Metal Auger).


    Can Flux be improved by multishot mods? What can you add about them?

  7. как бы это сказать все из за того что я и многие другие играют в онлайне с рандомными людьми так как в списках контактов друзья оффлайн хотя в это время спокойно играют и мой переводчик перевел так" Просто курить каждый раз, когда вы видите, не русский человек (:" нам что курить когда видишь иностранца?=) 

    Your interpreter is s***e, seriously. I don't know how it could have translated 'quit' like 'smoke'. The way I meant it - you should leave a session when you don't like people that were matched with you. I always do so.


    Also, haven't they solved "friends offline" problem already?

  8. It only appeared to me now that I posted this thread in a wrong forum. I hope mods will be so kind that thew will move it to UI Feedback.


    So, shouldn't developers add cyrillic support to native language version? I'm hoping and asking for it for 5+ months..

    That would be best.



    Хм а нам думаете по приколу с вами играть? ничего подобного играешь на обороне и не знаешь как сказать идти к капсуле. Мы тоже не довольны, а мы почему то терпим и не жалуемся потому что в эту игру можно играть почти без слов :D

    So why do you play with us then? Just quit every time you see a non-russian person (: Also you should learn some languages - it is always useful.



    У задрота случился приступ анального гнева, а так то ребят эта игра свободная и Мы как и вы ранимые зайки в равных правах и играем, да донатим в равной степени.

    А так то везде есть плохие игроки и хорошие.

    Так же и люди есть хорошие ребята а есть подобные тебе угрюмые нытики ^^

    And finally, the game is played not only Russian but also Ukrainians, White Russians, Caucasians, all the same you very primitive people believe that if there is only Russian and no more :з

    Like I said - I don't hate russians as a people. Why do you insult me? I wrote this post because I hate seeing asterisks every f****ing where.

  9. Most of the time I play with russians because of ping limit. And they always communicate in asteriks like: "****** **** ***** *****?". I understand that this happens because english client cannot handle cyrillic symbols.

    It was okay when this was only in chat. It was tolerable when the blueprint names became asterisk.

    But now objective text became asterisks too. In example, instead of announcement "Wave Finished" on defense missions you get something like "***** *********".


    So I hate playing with russians. Not because I hate them as a people, not because they are terrible players, but because those f****ing asterisks ruin my game. And note that the word 'f****ing' here is not russian.


    Also, signed this as a bug ticket. If you hate the asterisks like I do please follow my example.


    ADD: It only appeared to me now that I posted this thread in a wrong forum. I hope mods will be so kind that thew will move it to UI Feedback.

  10. it might be a bug . I have the same thing .

    I think its not a bug - rather game is not balanced for weapons w/o hitscan. Its this 'camera over shoulder' thing that messes things some time.



    Noticed this as well, it tends to shoot off the reticule, often up and to the right. Doesn't happens often when standing still but if you as much as wiggle your bullets and the reticule divorce and everything goes weird.

    Like i said - it has to do with 'camera over right shoulder'. If you move camera over left shoulder - the stream will go to the left off the reticle.

  11. I think supra actually needs a fix of sorts. I have noticed that when firing at some targets in point-blank range the stream of bullets bolts whatever the thing is shooting goes past the target despite aiming directly at it with reticle.


    Also I would love if supra actually was a laser rifle like it says in a description - the one that fires pulsing beams that cut through the enemy (like flux rifle but not continuous).

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