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Posts posted by Hydroid-Prime

  1. 1 hour ago, Arkxad said:

    Not sure what you mean by the second part. But I do agree on the points you made in the first part.

    if you were to buy a tennogen skin for hydroid or mainly oberon , they come with unique shoulder armor , but when you try to use it on a prime (oberon) you cannot remove the prime shoulders, so you cant get the look you paid for.

  2. That would be nice. Silva and aegis is a good example of why someone would prefer the original look. But I don't think it should be limited to wether you own it, MAYBE mastered, but you don't have to with the frames so I dont see why the weapons should.

    On a side note though, I feel as if they can do this they should also alow the tennogen skins we purchase to look the way they should on prime frames (letting us remove prime shoulders, hydroid, and oberon.)

  3. 4 hours ago, TyrianMollusk said:

    Not just that.  The Wendigo skin is specifically depicted with non-prime Oberon attachments.  Oberon users are not getting the look they are purchasing, and this is wrong.

    Please, DE, spend the couple minutes to implement the incredibly trivial fix of adding "None" and "Oberon [non-prime] Armor" to Oberon Prime's attachments list.  You've been ignoring this for eight months now.  It was already high time, but now you are actually selling misleading products.

    I was going to write something about regarding that misleading but it came off to mean i suppose, your words put it in context well.

    This is a thing that shouldn't happen to begin with, don't they test the skins in game before alowing them to be paid for?

    also, the problem happens on other frames. Hydroid is another

  4. There is no option to remove the shoulder pads on oberon prime. Those prime shoulder pads in no way match up with the wendigo skin.

    They are simply way too huge and too manufactured looking/ too many straight lines for this more organic skin.

    Please DE add a "none" option like the feyarch skin

    Edit: also on both the hydroid tennogen skin's aswell this problem occurs.

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