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Posts posted by GamezombieLP

  1. 18 hours ago, Naroxas44 said:

    FYI, your post is really hard to read with dark mode on, so I'd suggest pasting anything as text / leaving default color backgrounds next time:


    This is generally a network issue; if you click on "analyze network" in options, does it say both "All Systems Nominal" and "UPnP Detected"? Having both on (or manually forwarding ports) gives the best opportunity for network connections to not have issues. Your logs ('%LOCALAPPDATA%/Warframe' directory) should indicate any connectivity problems to regions or recruiting chats too, but those are just IRC-based. They'll look like #CHANNEL with "Net" as the subject in logs, for individual connections.

    I have the same issue on PC as of now, tried changing ports and it's still the same. Also I'd like to mention that for two last weeks or so when I host others have 200ms ping and when I join as an client I have 30ms.

  2. Hello community,

    I found some bugs in the game I having or I had them.
    First of all it was problem when I did invasion, progress wasn't counting.
    After that I found out, some players was connecting to me and after they are disconnecting.
    Idk what is problem, even ports are allowed correctly.

    Thank you for any feedback community, especily DEVs. 

  3. Some games are not suitable for that kind of people... I'm geek, I'm sitting all day behind a computer, learing programing C++, Visual Basic, CSS, creating 3D and vector creations. People are different. If you don't have too much time just try something SP, like Witcher 3, it's great game. Warframe? You can try it as I said, with bunch of people with like "I have a little time to play as you." Just try it. I'm young, I will work too, just wait 1 and half year.

  4. 5 minutes ago, mistagameover said:

    ya whole op was about game needing a retry button but second ya passed ya changed ya mind it feels so instead pushing change in the game to make it equal for all hey ya got passed it so how it feels is there no need for it now 

    I'm bad at creating questios, my bad. I will recreate that sentence... "It will be great to don't go to that relay after tryed some training at new MR."
    Some ppl don't have powerfull PC to "enjoy" loading screen of location, where they don't want to go, They just want to train again, again and again. Do you know now what I meant?

  5. This is not too much P2W, If you don't playing PvP much. We all hate thing like bugs, overboosted players, but are they paing for that? They can, or they have skills to build something powerfull. I'm that type of player, who don't buing some "skill". Some ppl do, yeah. You can still have your M8s who's on same ship. This concept isn't bad. Where is game without micro transactions? Look at Destiny 2, it's worse, I liked that concept, to that momen when I realize "some kind of pay2win in game for 60€? lol" You know what I meen right?

  6. 2 minutes ago, mistagameover said:

    one I didn't mean just test nine I ment the whole system as a whole the one a day test the leveling of frames and weapons just to get the chance. it boils down to hey ya don't have any weapon or frames to level well ya sol. I can see why some people feel the game pay to get a ahead. as a new player ya kinda locked into spending cash to get more plat. and please before ya start oh ya can sell things to make plat to who as a new player? no vets gonna buy off ya cuz ya have nothing they want and that goes the same for other new players. why would a player buy the same stuff they have off you ? 

    I payed for plat, because a like this game, I like to support DEVs, it need lot of work and it's free2play, I tryed trading, I will do it more offten and I newer bought frame or weapon for plat. I have unlocked every planet, void. If you want answer like this... idk, I'm not a thief. If I will have some more time, I would like to use my CPU to stream it and support newbies. If I can... Because I don't looked how that system on Twitch is working.

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