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Posts posted by AkhorLuna

  1. does exalted blade still ignore armour? I remember that 1 or 2 years ago, exalted blade used to ignore armour. which was one of the arguments supporting the gas build because it would bypass the armour. you could also damage a juggernaut through his top side.

    but lately I randomly noticed that exalted blade doesn't damage the juggernaut from his top side any more. and greneer units seem to be more resistant than before as well. it feels like it doesn't ignore armour any more.

  2. "hey guys, let's leave at 30"


    *30min mark* -> "connection to host has been lost, you will return to your ship"

    mission results: mission failed (all kuva gone)


    at least let me finish the mission alone or create checkpoints on each rotation.

  3. 42 minutes ago, (PS4)Ragology said:

    Are you still able to just fly to the floor and cast her 1 on the ground near you if there's no enemies around, or have they removed that function?

    you can do it, but it's a pain. you have to stop moving to stack up the mod while everyone else is going ahead.


    EDIT: wow, actually you don't even have to be on the ground. you can target yourself in mid air as long as you're aiming down.

  4. I'm just gonna leave this here for anyone willing to give it consideration:







    place whatever you want in the empty slots. arcane energize is not needed (I don't have any even if I wanted to). you can stay in razorwing pretty much forever unless you're out in the plains or something were you won't find a lot of enemies. I don't use her 2nd ability but her 1st and 3rd abilities work just fine with this build (115% duration /170% range).

    razorwing blitz gives you insane fire rate so I just went for a simple crit/slash/corrosive build.

    proc'ing the razor blitz mod can be a pain though because you need a target. you want the movement speed in between enemies, not when you are killing them. so usually I just spam 1 to stack up the mod, kill everyone fast and move on to the next spot. if Titania had something that didn't require a target, you could use it to boost her speed in the plains. but in tight maps, you want to stay slow for better navigation.

    also, as a final suggestion, try using health conversion, because like I said before, you get one-shot by aoe pretty easily. Titania usually doesn't get hit by anything allowing you to keep the stacks up which means you always have 1500 armor ready for those aoe blasts. if you loose the stacks, get out of wing mode, let your sentinel suck in some hp drops and you have 3 stacks again.

  5. nah fam, let me fix this:

    passive: gains vacuum during razorwing mode

    1st ability: give her something that doesn't require a target

    2nd ability: anything is fine as long as they get rid of this trash ability

    3rd ability can stay like it is.

    4th ability: fix the collision bugs.


    titania can already spend an entire mission from start to finish in razorwing mode. I don't see a point in giving her a passive that increases her orb drop. the main problem I see with her is getting one-shot by aoe. get rid of her 2nd ability and give her something that reduces incoming aoe by 50% or something like that. her first ability should not require a target because this would allow her to proc her augment mod that increases her flight speed therefore removing the need to buff her base speed (which would make navigating in tight spaces a nightmare).

    aside from glitches that should obviously be fixed, I have never encounter any problems with titania even during sortie missions so all she needs is qol changes.

  6. 5 hours ago, LAD.Y said:

    If they made stasis a channel ability that would in my opinion be worse than the duration hit he has right now. At least with the duration hit you don't run the risk of having fairly long stretches of being able to cast nothing.


    Limbo is a strong support with haven and stasis but forcing him into a support niche when his skill set is much more versatile than just that seems like a terrible idea. His versatility is one of the reasons I like him and these changes just feel like they're dumbing him down

    my intention wasn't to say everyone should play him as support. I meant letting his playerbase stay niche, rather than  turning him into a popular frame at the cost of his uniqueness. the reason why I brought up the support thing was only to say that his abilities interacting with team-mates is not inherently bad and there are ways to play him that make use of all 4 of his abilities at the same time.

    Limbo is both too strong and he can troll his team. I don't know how to fix either of those problems without ruining what he is right now. I honestly can't imagine limbo turning into a popular frame if he stays the same so maybe they could only fix some interaction problems and let him stay op? maybe it's just wishful thinking.

  7. 18 minutes ago, LAD.Y said:

    As a limbo main I 100% agree. My friend brought up a similar point. What is the difference with this duration cut? All it does is get me killed more because I'm not used to using it. Also let's be real this duration cut FORCES Limbo, especially in a solo setting, into a using guns since otherwise traversing the terrain in most maps will cut into your kill time which is really something like 20 seconds when you take into account cast times and recast times. DE is just changing all Limbo's play styles for one weapon type for another for no reason. The point is either way the enemies can't move. 

    It's hilarious how when us Limbo lovers who've played him from.the beginning fallen in love with him finally speak out against the changes to a frame we love everyone wants to shut us down as whiners when it was the community as a whole who whined as a whole that punished us in the first place. Guess for how much Limbo apparently frustrated people we're still a minority.

    honestly, I'm completely fine with the replies that I got here. the warframe community is the most reasonable one I have every seen. I have the bad habit of making posts like this when I don't agree with something in other games and the replies that I get there are horrible. like, jeez, no one wished me cancer. is this real life? and the fact that some people actually agreed with me is even more awesome. it just goes to show that people around here are still thinking for themselves.

  8. Limbo is a god. I've been saying this since I've first picked him up. so it comes to no surprise to me that he would eventually get nerfed. but if he is going to get nerfed, at least do it properly without taking the fun away. those alternative builds that people use, they all feel like band-aid builds to reduce interaction with squad mates. and I'm not saying those builds are bad or that people shouldn't use them but to me limbo feels like a support frame like trinity or harrow. you can restore energy, lock down mobs, protect mates and objectives... but most people seem to tunnel vision into the solo-play style. some people legit complimented me for using limbo in high risk index. if you play limbo with a team the same way you play solo, then of course it's going to be a hindrance. but playing limbo as an actual support frame is a completely different story. and this is also when he becomes the most broken.

    there's this huge contradiction going on that is limbo being completely broken, but also the fact that most people can't use him correctly. so he has to be changed in order to be more team-friendly, but also needs to be nerfed or else he would be too dominant. the result is that he's just going to become a simple dumbed down version that works like every other warframe.

    instead of trying to make him popular, just make him balanced but keep him as a niche frame that can cheese some missions. honestly just making his stasis a channel ability would already do a lot to tone him down. this would prevent him from regenerating energy during stasis which gives him a pseudo-cooldown because he would need to regenerate energy in between casts.

  9. 19 minutes ago, mactrent said:

    Somewhat tangential to your point, but Stasis' duration always did feel a little weird to me.  You're right, it's just been "on" or "off", and I always un- then re-cast it before the duration ran out, because I was done setting up my shots.  Switching it to a scaling channeled cost like Hysteria seemed like it would have been a good idea at the time.

    If I had to assign a rationale to the duration, I'd say it was to encourage us to be more than 2-4 Limbo.  Having the durations match made it the go-to combo, the default way to Limbo.  Having it exactly halved means we can still do it without too much trouble, but this might encourage us to think outside the time-freeze-bubble and use more Banish and Surge to keep things dynamic.  That's arguably a more interactive and fun way to play, so I can understand that reasoning.  It's just a shame Banish and Surge require your teammates to either use damage powers, or get used to having their weapons made irrelevant in a way they haven't often seen often in pubs, aside from intentional trolling.

    thank you. finally a reasonable argument. and yes, a channel cost would make perfect sense. if you care about flavour, you could even say that limbo has to focus in order to keep the stasis active. this would also keep his passive regeneration in check because right now Limbo just has infinite energy. he doesn't even require flow. players would have to be mindful about using stasis, but they would still have to option for prolonged use. right now, you can keep stasis up 24/7 because by the time one activation runs out, you already have energy for the next.

    and I understand the trying to push different builds part. but thinking outside the box is relative. once people get used to the other builds, those will become the norm. the reason why those builds exist in the first place, is because people already had to think outside the box to avoid using stasis. we gained nothing from this change. those builds already existed before. not only that but people will soon realize that banish brings a lot of it's own problems that cataclysm was supposed to solve. it's because of all that that I think reducing the duration was purely annoying and nothing else. and that's why I'm complaining about it. they removed quality of life for the sake of nothing.

  10. for real, you guys need to learn how to read. were exactly did I complain about the fact that Limbo can use pistols, or were did I say that he became weaker? I made it very clear that I was talking about the duration nerf specifically and that limbo did not become weaker because of it.

    what is the logical reasoning to justify that a 60 second stasis is broken, but a 30 second one is fair?

    this whole time, what I've been saying is that this change doesn't accomplish anything. cutting the duration in half does absolutely nothing to keep the ability in check.

    yes, limbo op, stasis needs nerf, bla bla bla. but can someone please explain to me what exactly this duration change accomplished in practice? If the intention is to nerf his stasis, how is this a nerf? if this is a compensation for the fact that the other changes are a buff, how does the duration change compensate for that? how is that a logical trade-off?

    because surely, what DE must have thought was "oh, did we just buff this ability? let's just cut the duration in half even though it makes no difference at all.", like that makes any sense.

  11. 8 minutes ago, -Kittens- said:

    You might want to sit down for this one.

    Do you drink? You might want to go get one.

    Have a seat.




    As hard as it for you to accept, you're going to have to play Warframe now.

    I know, I know.

    I get it.

    Need another drink?


    I do know what I'm saying. Just hear me out. You're going to have pay attention to the screen, and all the little mans on it and what they are doing. You might even have to press something other than what you were pressing before going afk. Like maybe your weapon button or possibly like move around a little. You might even have to put more mods in your warframe other than primed flow. Yeah, i know, I know, I've been there. You might even have to take weapons now. It sucks, it sucks real bad, but you're actually gonna have to do what all the other warframes do now, and have to click on your controller or keyboard or mouse or stuff like that, just like all the other plebs.   

     It's gonna be tough, it's real hard fall from grace, but you're gonna have to kind of be on a team during missions now and stuff. Just like everybody else. So maybe take a couple days off, find some distractions and then get some good sleep time in, cause tomorrow's a new day, and you gonna have to participate ion the game now.

    Just believe in yourself and you'll get through ok.

    I love you. everyone else is completely missing my point.

  12. The thing is... the nerf didn't change anything. you just have to press the button twice the amount of times. So, why? Just to make my life uncomfortable? why bother with the nerf if it's really just a button press? what's troubling me isn't the fact that I have to press a button, but the fact that DE went out of their way to make me press that button. But how dare me defy our creators, right?

    lol, but in all seriousness, having a full minute stasis actually felt very relaxing for me. now I actually have to kill stuff before the time runs out.

  13. Limbo's stasis only applies to enemies now, which is a good change, but then the duration also got halved. And I got to ask myself, for what reason? Yes, it was an 75 second cc ability but what did it really do? Limbo is a very unique frame in the sense that his abilities are not for combat. He prepares the field, and then he fights using only his weapons. The thought process is completely different. Unless you are playing specifically with a low duration build, you don't worry about how much time you have left on the stasis (and even then you're probably not using stasis in the first place). you only consider if it's active or not. unlike other CC abilities, you do not actively use stasis during combat.

    You have to understand that Limbo gets one-shot by almost anything. The one thing that is constantly running though your head while playing Limbo is "how can I kill the enemies without them killing me first?". because, you see, when Limbo is in a different plane than the enemy, he is safe, but he can't kill anything. but by entering the same plane, he gets one-shoot almost immediately. so the whole combat dynamic is to get them on the same plane as you while staying safe. It almost feels like a puzzle that you have to solve every mission. This is why Limbo never feels boring to me even after so much time playing him. There was this one time when my random squad in Hieracon decided to go for 30-something excavators just for the lulz and one of them was like "how can you still keep going? I'm already past my limit." and I was like "that's my secret, I'm beyond my limit since the very beginning." I started off the mission almost being one-shot already so it doesn't really make a difference for me how much overkill the enemies do.

    Maybe all this rambling was a bit unnecessary but I want people to understand that you can't compare an 75 second stasis to a 20 second radial blind. the way that both situations are played out are completely different. Limbo only scales as much as his weapons allow him to. Staying safe in the rift doesn't really mean much if you can't kill anything.

    Did this nerf change anything? No, other than the fact that now I have to press the 2nd ability twice the amount of times. Does this make Limbo weaker? Definitely not, but it does completely mess up my play style. 37 seconds may seem like a lot of stasis but it keeps running out during the most inconvenient times. I feel lost playing Limbo because the timing is completely off. I almost wish that DE had nerfed the duration on all his abilities equally instead of only nerfing stasis. what is happening right now, is that I have to afk look at my bottom right corner to see the timer on the ability because I completely lost the feel for it.

    If this change is so bad, then how come no one complained about it? Because everyone freakin hates limbo and no one has experience playing as him so no one understands what's going on. The few Limbo players out there that I've seen talking about this are all upset about this change. What's going to happen now is that Limbo players will get used to this change and they will adapt to the new timing, and then it will be like this nerf never happened.

    So again, what did this nerf really accomplish? Objectively speaking, pissing Limbo mains off was literally the only thing that this change accomplished. It was bad and completely useless.


  14. Reproduction:

    -> Play Limbo with lots of duration.

    -> Hieracon.

    -> Go to excavator A and fill it with energy.

    -> use ability 4 and 2 on it to protect it.

    -> Rush to extraction and reach it before the excavator time is over (this means you have to find extraction without the green icon)

    -> Stand on the extraction spot, at the tip of the extraction base.

    Result: your abilities will be prematurly canceled and the excavator will be exposed to attacks.

    I've tested this in diferent ways

    -> I still had aprox. 15-20 seconds left on my abilities and I went to the tip of the extraction base. the extractor had 3-4 seconds left and the abilities canceled. the extractor started taking damage and was almost destroyed.

    -> in another cenario, the excavator still had 10 seconds left. my abilities had aprox. 15-20 seconds left. I waited in front of the extraction base, but not on top of it and everything worked fine. in the last 2 seconds I rushed on top of the base and it canceled my abilities again.

    -> abilities are not canceled if you don't reach extraction.


    yes, I am 100% sure I did not see the timers wrong and I did not missclick either. the abilities canceled exactly at the same time which would be impossible by normal means since the abilitites can't be cast at the same time, while having the same duration which means they will be delayed from each other. misslicking also can't be because it would cancel one at the time and not both at the same time. what happened here is the same that would happen if you jump off the map. it cancels all your active abilities at the same time. it was the same effect.

    PS: I was playing solo which means lag is also not an issue, but if it is, someone correct me.

  15. So... I was doing excavation, already on excavator F when the host sudenly decides he didn't like his squad and just aborts the mission. Host migration happens -> Host migration fails -> I'm back at my ship and all the loots that I had farmed was lost. it was as if the mission never even happened. when I checked "last mission results" it showed me the one before that.

    and yes, the host did this on purpose. he said in chat "noob team again / remake mission" before leaving.

    This has to be fixed ASAP!

  16. so... I've been building a dojo by myself up until now but it just costs so many damn resources... I've probably spend 20 forma already. you ask yourself "why don't you just join someone elses clan that is already finished?" and well, it's because they trigger my ocd and I want to build my own dojo. but yeah... sooner or later I'll finish my dojo but I'd like it more sooner than later. I'm recruiting people who are willing to donate some resources (specially forma, the other ones I don't care).

    why would anyone want to join this clan? then answer these questions:

    - do you get triggered when you see rooms randomly placed and arquitecture that makes no sense?

    - do you have a need for organized places that make you feel like everything is were it's suposed to be?

    - do you like a harmonious place were you can relax?

    - do you have masochist fetishes and want a clan that doesn't give a damn about you and only cares about your resources?

    - do you like being ignored and having to ask help to outsiders even though there are active people in the clan (me)?

    if you answered yes to all of those questions, then look no more because this is the right place for you. this dojo features a basement with a potentialy infinite generator corridor; an extremely long multi-room entrance hall; a centralized main hall that connects to everything (instead of having all the stuff randomly spread out); a pseudo-labyrinth garden that serves as a path to activity rooms and ends with the temple of honor were the dueling rooms are located. the dojo is not finished, but everything is already planned out. right now I need 3 formas to finish the labs and after that I'll start the construction of the garden.

    if you're intereseted, you can send me a message right now. I'm currently online, but I'll check this post later anyway. once you're in, you're basically on your own and free to do whatever you want. I hope you like the dojo. if you're not sure, I can take you on a freetour to let you check the dojo out before you make a decision. but don't get your expectations too high, it's not even half ready yet. I'll put in the decorations later after the base structure is finished.


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