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Posts posted by longboarder120

  1. 3 hours ago, (PS4)GHOSTBEAST1000 said:

     Non founders have kept this game going for years and Founders helped kick start this game. So no support from either one would've been bad for DE.

    good point I agree. i wish everyone had your type of thinking, and you didn't say it like an a hole. unlike a lot of people. I upvoted you

  2. 2 hours ago, CupcakesMoo said:

    Did this thread get merged with another one? Why do I remember this? 

    Obviously the founders are way too strong for just a handfull of people to fight back against. Their narrative has already been laid out and now I will just have to sit back and wait for literally anything to happen, because that will decide a lot of future issues in warframe. Enjoy. 

    why are you fight founders about an extra cosmetic option, doesn't this sound silly af?

  3. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)GHOSTBEAST1000 said:

    "why would I be salty? I'm a grandmaster I have Excalibur prime already" Um "I just want prime skin on umbra because umbra hasextra goldy bits that he keeps even when change his unlike Excalibur prime" I'm starting to think you're trolling 

    dude I'm not trolling I'm 100% Sirius, this is the only reason man, its the first thing I did when I got umbra was check to see if it was possible, I even had dreams about it man

  4. 4 minutes ago, (PS4)GHOSTBEAST1000 said:

    The salt coming from your comment is too much LOL were you one of those who claimed they were going to sue DE because of Umbra back in 2015 when he was discovered? 

    lol never knew about it this is the first time hearing about that, you sure your not making that up? why would I be salty? I'm a grandmaster I have Excalibur prime already. also I don't think you know what salt is, no salt here just chips, spicy chips

  5. 2 minutes ago, CupcakesMoo said:

    Is it true that founders want this skin on umbra prime to make it the second excalibur prime exclusive?

    I just want prime skin on umbra because umbra has extra goldy bits that he keeps even when change his unlike Excalibur prime, because umbra with goldy bits from prime combine to =fasion +9000 only reason I swear

  6. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)GHOSTBEAST1000 said:

    Keyword is skin 😐 

    you said ''I'm all for for Umbra and Prime switching cosmetics as long as non founders can use Excal prime as a skin'' I though you could of put that together, I guess not so here you go, you want Excalibur prime skin go back in time about 5 years ago buy a pc, or get your mom or dad too, then buy the founders pack to get a closed beta key and there you go you got Excalibur prime skin, do you even know about the alabaster Excalibur skin? probably not

  7. On ‎2018‎-‎06‎-‎21 at 3:25 PM, (PS4)vl_Monarch_lv said:


    Founders need moar things that are exclusive.

    It's not like people don't out more money into Prime Access every few months than they ever did.

    the fact that you said this means you don't get how important it was when the game first started, they needed founding for the game so badly, with out founders warframe either wouldn't exist or you wouldn't be this far into its updates. people who buy prime access now is so they can keep the game going but with no founders the game would probably have never started, you wouldn't understand since you were not playing since your on ps4, havnt you noticed the a lot of founders think the same when it comes to this topic. now if you had a 500-2000$ pc playing warframe had the bought the founders pack back then what do you think youd be saying right now, its obvious that if all these haters had a boom pc and gotten the founders pack they would want prime X umbra skin use, non founders complained for years for Excalibur prime and they got umbra and hes even better then the prime variant and cooler looking too, and you only got him because founders complained about the umbra founder pack, also don't assume normies spend more then founders, but your probably right about that tho founders that I know do spend less on the game but they normaly have everything already or quit the game. founders are not getting more exclusive thing just the option to equip there exclusive items on umbra that you only got because of founders

  8. 1 minute ago, marelooke said:

    Doesn't even matter whether a Founder spent a dime after the founders packs ended. Without that money Warframe wouldn't still be around and these folks wouldn't be able to throw money at the game because there wouldn't be anything to throw money at.

    I miss when people would thank you for being a Founder rather than be bitter as hell because they didn't take a chance on a game that might or might not be around the next month some five years ago.

    damn right

  9. 3 minutes ago, (PS4)GHOSTBEAST1000 said:

    Aye we made it passed 30 pages of pointless arguing. I'm all for for Umbra and Prime switching cosmetics as long as non founders can use Excal prime as a skin or be able to use the death orb.

    sure just buy a pc and go back in time 5 years and get a closed beta key

  10. On ‎2018‎-‎06‎-‎21 at 3:37 PM, VadiseReikaz said:

    OP is asking to add the prime bits to umbra, and add more founders only stuff. Can we lay off the exclusivity already? It's cool you guys did what you did back in the day, but really, stop it. You got your shinies already.

    bro your not even thinking about whats really important here, if they add this to Excalibur umbra and prime vise versa then its damn likely this will apply to all future umbra's, now arnt you happy that founders are at the forefront of innovation, stop holding warframe back from new things, sure founders mite have more pull then others or none depending who you ask, or get new things. DE already said that warframe wouldn't be here with out the founders, you don't have to thank us but you don't need to be pissed at us, founders gave DE money because they love this game the exclusives were just a bonus, I'm sure youd be singing the same tone if you were a founder, but DE always considers everyone and they wont leave you alone

  11. 5 hours ago, ShadowStalker said:

    jesus like is every founder going to make the same post? as for the topic if your thread no i dont support umbra -prime or prime-umbra customization why? because umbra and prime are two completely different variants of the frame and shouldn't be mixed if they are going to allow that give umbra back the void passive(which was removed because DE said umbra isnt a prime) or give non founders excal prime no offense just tired of founders thinking they need to be treated specially 

    your not a founder why would you care, it seems to me your obviously jelly because you feel like founders get stuff that normal players don't, you should of bought the founder pack then, maybe you were to late to buy it, I understand it was almost 5 years ago when it was available, well deal with it instead of attacking founders, even I missed out of lots of stuff but you don't see me giving others crap because they want a option for something. and why not have cross skin usability between primes and umbras wouldn't you be excited for when new umbras come out with that feature? ive seen many like you before when I/others asked DE to add something new like armor to the game like halo reach there is always people who don't like change, but you have to understand your not a founder so how can this effect you in anyway? if there wasn't people out there coming up with new ideas, content or changes, I don't think warframe would be this awesome game that it is today, just let it go man, let warframe evolve instead of keeping it down :Edit thanks for letting me know there are a lot of founders who want this as well 

  12. 1 hour ago, (PS4)LordBartimus said:

    It makes sense kinda, since their independent frames. You can't equip Excal prime parts in normal Excal, so it doesn't seem like a big deal really. 

    you make a good point I didn't think of that. but we have never had a umbra variant before, and they only gave it to us because of all the backlash, they mite as well give founders the last thing they would want from Excalibur umbra :Edit I'm not sure if you can relate to how badly I want thing option to be in the game but I'm sure not everyone cares as much as I do, but imagine umbra with Excalibur prime helm and body skin, look more badass in my opinion, I'm sure its not hard to implement 

  13. 1 hour ago, GinKenshin said:

    his 1 and 4 would be metallic spike thingies while also having ethereal hands coming off from then. his 2 would be a giant spiky metal ball, the strings would be ethereal hands grabbing people, his 3 is similar to that 

    this is my wish list for this 

    that sound so cool/badass

  14. will nidus delux skin have new skins for his abilities because it will look kinda weird using infected themed abilities with a warframe that's kind of ghostly with those arms and a lot of gold and spikes,i wouldn't mind paying for a separate skin for just the abilities and if you wanted both you buy them as a bundle, maybe they could use some existing assets to make the ability skin faster

  15. when I got on to get Excalibur umbra I was so hyped to use the body skin on Excalibur prime or the Excalibur prime helm and body on umbra because it also kept all the gold umbra parts regardless of what skin you had on, but then I saw Excalibur prime skins and umbra skins were not equipable on each other for players who have them both, could you plzzzzz plz plz add that in for founders, I'm assuming they will say no but maybe they will surprise me, wouldn't be the first time I was told. no this wont be in the game, but it ended up in the game awhile later. if you don't know what I talking about go on umbras skins and equip another body skin. Edit I have no idea if someone already made a post talking about this already :Edit2 of course you can equip Excalibur prime or any prime on a normal variant because there is no point since primes are better in every way, but we've never had a umbra variant which is pretty much prime V2, umbra is not a normal variant it is very similar to a prime, and primes can equip everything except umbra since it is totally a new concept, if this does go through and happen it means all future umbras will have this feature so every one will benefit from this except for non founders they wont have Excalibur prime, plus umbra is way better then Excalibur prime because of the unique mod he has. I love playing with Excalibur prime but hes obsolete with umbra so that another reason to add this option in

  16. I'm glad you made the lunar white controller compatible, but now I have an xbox elite controller, and it just don't work, it's not compatible. so whenever one of you has the time to do that would be awesome. thanks


    it works :) thanks DE

  17. the xbox one controller is supported on warframe an works great. The xbox one lunar white controller is not supported or there is something wrong with my lunar white. 

    I havnt been playing much because lunar does not work for playing warframe. My old xbox one controller broke so i got a new one but i cant play warframe with it the lunar white -_-

  18. WARNING DIDNT FOCUS ON MY PUNCTUATION and probably some typos

    So im wondering why dont weapons have thier stats increase like warframes when you lvl them up?

    Not sure if serration would still be around but it would help for new people not geting those need weapon mods.

    Serration could still be around but probably get a nerf like half its damage% and same for heavy calibur...ect. Only If the weapons got higher stats when lvling then their base stats would serration get a nerf.

    Elemental mods like for fire and ice should still keep their 90%.

    Also why not add channelin to guns? It would be cool to see your gun glow and do like 50-100+% damage, and it would give more options for builds.

    It could be done 2 ways channeling each bullet but i think it would cost to much for some guns or channel each clip which i think is better.

    Honestly channeling cost alot, and i think it sould be point based system not %.

    I think it would be better if all weapons cost 2 energy per hit while channeling but each mod like life strike would add 1 more energy per lvl of that mod to your cost per hit.

    Most frames dont have the energy to do a channeling build for a high lvl/long mission lvl80/1hour missions.

    I think if somthing like this happend for channeling you would see more people doing channeling build or lower the channeling cost?

    One last thing is why not make a channel skill for all warframes where you press a button and you use like 100 energy, and for 60 sec all you weapons are channeled doing more damage.

  19. Why is it that the warframe website community forum look so damn cool on pc but on ur phone its so plain and boring. I know you can change to the full version but thats not my point. Dont get me wrong i like it, and its works good, and its fast but Is it ever going to get an update on the theme and style on the mobil forum to make it look more warframey?

    I know there is more importent things then this but im just wondering?

  20. why would you patch it DE?


    now Rhino's iron skin is not as good. if you going to do this then you should make iron skin recastable so that he can cast iron skin again before his last one runs out or make an augment mod let team mates to X% damage to iron skins invulnerability period maybe rank 0 is 5% rank 1 10% rank 2 15% rank 3 20% 

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