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Posts posted by (PSN)Jeromy137

  1. On 2019-01-13 at 5:11 AM, daktfi said:

    Nice idea. I do agree about traps being more of hunter than of beast, and color-based switch for abilities is a lot better than rotating them in combat. 

    About the 1st ability. Let's think primal! 🙂 How do beasts hunt? There are silent ambushers (just look how cats catch the mice), the pack-ambushers (like wolves or lions) and simple chaser. So, maybe the first ability will switch together with 4th to accomodate one method of hunt? Like, giving some stealth, producing a bait that lures enemies to it, or applying a short-timed boost to speed (cheetah says hello here), or improving armour for more face-to-face combat... Not much, of course, since that's the 1st ability...

    On the other hand, I'd like to move shapeshift to the 1st ability, like it is with Equinox, so player can get different shape from the start, and other abilities being different buffs over his changed shape OR to entire party, if he's still in human form... I'd put it like so: 1st - shapeshift (color-based), 2nd - some minor improvement (color-based), 3rd - territory (some minor bonuses on "own turf" and mapped enemies), 4th - some major buff to all combat stats. And passive - when in human shape his abilities do affect entire squad, and when in animal shape.. well, dunno - stronger buffs? a little bit of life-stealing (or energy)...

    On the even more other hand, having shapeshift as the 4th has it's own benefits: the new form can be MUCH stronger in many aspects. So, feel free to take any idea you like and ignore the rest! I repeat - I do LIKE the frame's idea!

    I like your input but I wanted something more like chroma and vauban mix for the first ability I will probably build around the animal hunting idea and play around with it in my thoughts on how to change it  

  2. On 2019-01-13 at 12:07 AM, WernerShadow said:

    I really like this idea does ability 4 make your frame physically change into a shape? and if so is it a werewolf type deal? because that could be epic. Then you could also give each more than just speed maybe the wolf procs status more often, the feline aka cat has cover legality and the ability to stick to walls longer and so on

    Yeah it is a physical change in shape with what I was thinking or maybe something like an exalted form you take control of and the frames humanoid body stays in place kind of like how operators leave the warframe 

    Also I like the thought of the proc idea will work my brain around that 

  3. On 2019-01-09 at 3:07 AM, Pavelord said:

    The first ability doesn´t seem very align with a beast concept, rather much with a hunter concept, the other abilities seem to line your intention with a feral melee frame, I think a tactical ability detracts from the speed and ferocious gameplay one would expect from a beast, I would consider an alternative.

    For the second ability, it seem a bit to base in a sense a minor version of roar, if you could expand on more characteristics, like the range it has, status chance, type of damage or alternate effects and possibly interactions with the other abilities.

    For the final ability I think its better to stick with one shape, the concept gave me the impression of a frontliner, having to rotate abilities seems a bit clunky outside of tactical roles, for example imagine Valkyr or Titania having several transformations and having to rotate shape while the action around you is still happening, you could probably include all functions in one shape via simple attacks, charge attacks, guard attacks and so. cheers.

    Thank you for the feedback I will put more thought into how the abilities work and what kind of stats this frame for itself and it's abilities.

    The multiple animal forms was based on what you wanted to do and change the support roles for different gameplay mechanics you don't really rotate the 4th it is based on energy color like chroma's elements.

     I get that you were thinking of Hunter for the first ability and I see it I will think more of what I can do to make it more beast like. 

    As for the second ability I wanted something that would boost all melee damage but I didn't want it for the entire group unless augment kind of like how embers second works 


  4. A long while back I had an idea for a frame not sure if anyone else has made a concept like this one before and I don't have stats just the abilities and augments thought up so it's a work in progress. I decided it was time to share my idea and see what others think 

    Beast frame 
    1st ability Trap.
    There are 4 different traps based on energy color
    1st trap is a burst and shoots shrapnel causing blast and slash damage
    2nd trap shoots spikes from the ground causing puncture damage
    3rd trap clasps on the leg of an enemy slash and puncture damage
    4th trap is a gas cloud that causes poison.
    Augment allows you to use two different traps but halfs the damage

    2nd ability Sharpened Claws.
    increases melee damage 
    augment you increase your allies melee damage  as well

    3rd ability Teritory.
    Allows you to set an area as your teritory and enemies who enter will show up on the map and increases the range of your traps inside of the teritory
    Augment allows you to place a second teritory but decreases the range by 45%

    4th ability beast mode/form.
    4 beasts to choose from based on ability colors. There is 1 for speed 1 for damage 1 for defense and 1 for range (similar to chroma's elements)
    Damage is wolf like
    speed feline like
    defense bear like
    range large Reptilian like.
    Melee based when you crouch and attack do a roar/howl attack for small stunning attack.
    Augment when you howl/roar depending on the animal type you increase your allies base damage, speed, defense, or range.

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