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Posts posted by RoboticBanana1

  1. Kinda like Darvo? Heh, as a Grineer, he wouldn't have a dad, but it's possible that he could be a result of Tyl Regor's research. That'd make Tyl a sort-of dad =D 


    His face isn't as deteriorated as the run-of-the-mill Lancer so he *could* be Tyl's de-deterioration experiment but since he could be the only one that survived Tyl doesn't want to execute and recycle him. Kel Regor maybe? Since Nef's son is Derf it only seems fair that Tyl's son would be named similarly as well.

  2. No.88 Spearfrost chewing gum! The only gum that doesn't ruin the flavor of Grineer Beer. Free pack of No.88 Spearfrost chewing gum with your next purchase of a 6-pack of Grineer Beer, Greedy milk, Cap'n Vor, Loki Charms or Infested Flakes! Don't let breakfast ruin your breath before that 30 minute survival mission! Try the new Rubedo or Nano spore flavor! Available at a market near you for a mere 10 credits!

  3. *Takes a look at the star chart in the morning*

    "Oh cool! An invasion! I'll do it when i get back from school!"

    *What seems like an eternity later*

    *flings backpack across bedroom*

    "Back from school, screw homework, Warframe time!"

    *Takes a look at the star chart after school*


    *Only 2% of Phorid left for 10000 CR*

    "*sigh* not again... I dont wanna play warframe any more..."

    That is essentially a short summary of my day. I am bad timing incarnate.

  4. Excalibur (starter 1)

    Loki (starter 2)

    Volt (ex-starter 3)

    Mag (current starter 3)




    and last but not least, Trinity.

    There you have it, the 8 originals. 9 if you count 'Cal Prime.


    Edit: I've been here since U5 and i can say with ROCK SOLID certainty that the three original starters were Loki, 'Cal and Volt. Mag butted in and replaced Volt on U7 And later he got "Grandfathered" when Golem was retired.

  5. Oh do I.


    Excalibur back when there was the Diablo-style leveling system.

    Braton Vandal when it was available for a measly credit.

    AkLatos While they were double the fun of the Lato.

    And my most prized possession: The Jaw sword! Shredding infested like last months half-failed report card.


    aaahhh... memories. I remember when the Burston was a pile of wank and now i'm almost to 30 with it and it WRECKS! Pre U7 warframe was hella memorable. I remember the times before Saryn, Frost, Nyx, Banshee, Teh Booben, Even the old, red Flameblade Cap. Vor and the pink blueprint orbs that dropped from bosses.

  6. This thing is absolutely perfect. I have been waiting for a nice thumpin' M16/AK-47 type rifle to come along. It has EVERYTHING i love about assault rifles in any FPS/TPS, moderate recoil, med-high damage, high accuracy, steady fire-rate, quick reload and that IDEAL 30 round capacity. Oh and DANGLY BITS! Anything that has dangly bits gets extra points on my list (even Oberon, the Deer-Man)

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